Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 894

Chapter 894
Yuan Ziguang knew that the recent publicity theme was related to "Operation Engine".The propaganda department is preparing for public opinion.His gaze was fixed on the posters and slogans posted on the walls of the classroom—all of which were recently replaced.Posters and slogans were printed using woodblock blocks.The theme of the posters is a group of images of "Refugees": "Natural and Man-made Disasters", "Displacement", "Selling Children and Daughters", and "Hungry on the Road".The expressions and movements of the characters are rich-although it is just a line drawing and monochrome printing, it is very vivid.I don't know if it came from a veteran who studied fine arts, or it is more likely to be a comic book from the big library.

At the end is a slogan: "Don't forget the tens of thousands of suffering people in Ming Dynasty!"

Yuan Ziguang felt that Ding Ding must be satisfied with this arrangement.He coughed and began to lecture in an orderly manner.

Before D-Day, Yuan Ziguang was a genuine junior high school mathematics teacher who graduated from a normal normal university.Both parents.The family is well-off: his father is an air force pilot, and his mother is an elementary school teacher. Except for the fact that he has no sister for the time being, he doesn't look like someone who can make up his mind to travel through time.

However, Yuan Ziguang had a reason for having to travel through time: he pushed his student away, and pushed him forcefully.Although the matter was not exposed, Yuan Ziguang also knew that he would not end well if the matter was exposed.So he resolutely chose to leave the old world and go to a brand new world to start from scratch.

Of course, he never confided in the "organization" about this past.He is very clear that although half of the veterans of this gang call themselves loli control, once this kind of thing is known, they will definitely be extremely despised by others, and he will have a small braid on his body, so of course he will not be able to "be reused". .

Because of his teacher qualification certificate, Yuan Ziguang was favored by Hu Qingbai, the person in charge of the education department. There are many people who want to be teachers, especially the veterans who want to be teachers in the simple normal class, but most of them are not teachers. teaching experience.It is rare to have so few teachers with certificates, so he was appointed as the head of the mathematics teaching team of the national school as soon as he arrived in Fangcaodi.Because the Fangcaodi National School is in the initial stage, the teachers do not clearly distinguish between the junior elementary school, the senior elementary school and the middle school.Classes are arranged in the whole school system only according to the taught subjects.So a mathematics teacher may give the upper multiplication formulas to the elementary school in the first and second quarters in the morning, and explain plane geometry in the third and fourth quarters in the elementary school, which is not yet available for middle school students.

In addition to attending classes, Yuan Zhiguang also personally participated in the compilation of various teaching materials.Because he is a teacher from a veteran, and he is also responsible for the daily education of the children of the veteran
Compared with China in the 21st century, students in Fangcaodi have to work harder: they not only have to follow the three principles of "self-government", "self-support" and "self-study" of the People's Committee of Education, they are responsible for cleaning, cooking, washing and other general tasks in the school. In addition to clerical work, he also takes part of his spare time to take turns working in the school's vegetable garden, farm and planting shed.The course schedule is even more intensive with 8 sessions a day.The school's rules and regulations, and even etiquette are very strict.Although national schools are essentially promoting universal education among naturalized people, they are in the model of elite schools in operation.Pay attention to every move has a standard.

"The knowledge and ideas they have learned are destined to become the elites of the future society. We don't need to hide it. It is to let students form a sense of superiority, so that the public can form a new style of school. Ethos.” Hu Qingbai responded to the question raised by some veteran teachers that there are too many etiquette rules in national schools at an academic affairs meeting.

"Students, please turn to page No.80 of the textbook..." Yuan Ziguang looked at the students and said slowly.

For Fangcaodi students, mathematics is probably the most boring course: there are no experiments, no extracurricular practice, and no interesting teaching aids, except for knowing clocks and coins in mathematics class in the first semester.Fortunately, the level of the teacher's lectures is very high, and the students can still listen.Of course, it is inevitable that some students will be distracted, but Yuan Ziguang's technique of playing chalk tips is superior to other teachers, and he will promptly remind students who are distracted.

The 40-minute class ended quickly, and Yuan Ziguang assigned today's homework and review points.There is another applied mathematics class this afternoon, which is practical mathematics: simple geometry for measuring and calculating the size of fields and canals, commercial calculations for buying and selling, and abacus... This course focuses on practicality, compared with the pure theory in the morning My math class is more interesting.

The high-pitched music of "March of the Athletes" began to sound from the tweeter outside.This is the signal for the beginning of inter-class exercises.Like a soldier hearing the sound of the trumpet, all the students stood up immediately, and the squad leader trotted to the podium and shouted to everyone: "First group, come out!"

Yuan Ziguang picked up the handout folder and walked out of the teacher.At this time, the entire teaching building was full of calls for "Group X to come out", and some classes had already lined up in the corridor to "stand still".Yuan Ziguang knew that only after the second round of "March of Athletes" was finished and began to play "March of Fubo Army", all classes would line up from the teaching building to the playground in the order they were scheduled in advance.

Yuan Ziguang walked back to his office in three steps at a time. The Fangcaodi National School office is located in a baroque three-story building overlooking the entire playground.The red clear-water brick wall stands on the high foundation made of stones, and the triangular roof is covered with tiles. A few days ago, there was a light rain, and the tiles were washed clean and glistened in the sun.In the center of the building is a clock tower: it was originally planned to install a large clock—this is one of the many large clocks promised by Dr. Zhong. Of course, the current status is still "under development".For the time being, there is an iron bell collected from the ruins of a certain abandoned temple: in Fangcaodi, teachers and students go to class and rest according to the beating of this big bell.

The offices of Mr. Guihuamin on the first and second floors are very lively. In the large office that occupies almost the entire floor, desks are neatly arranged in rows, which looks similar to a classroom, and there are podiums and blackboards on the top.In order to make up for the lack of knowledge of Guihuamin teachers, Hu Qingbai devoted one day a week to invite veterans to teach Guihuamin teachers and conduct "on-the-job training".It can also be used for faculty meetings.

The so-called naturalized teachers are mostly female students from the first phase of the simple normal school who graduated a few months ago.Most of them are girls over the age of fifteen or sixteen, and some are eighteen or nineteen.The Senate has a deep distrust of traditional "scholars", so there are very few naturalized people such as Tong Sheng and scholar who enter the education system.

Some of them must have received a little traditional education before and know some words.But most are illiterate.After about a year and a half of targeted intensive education, most of the first grade courses in Fangcaodi have been handed over to them.They are also responsible for literacy education in night schools.

Young Guihuamin teachers are gathering together, talking and laughing, some are drinking water, and some are flipping through "Lingao Times" and "Gewu Pictorial"-this is a kind of lithography pictorial mainly published by the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda recently. , monthly.

For Guihuamin teachers who have heavy teaching tasks and still need to continue their studies, the time for exercises between classes is their rare free time in a day.

Seeing the senior teaching and research team leader pass by, the young girls shut their mouths one by one and looked at Yuan Ziguang.Adoration, admiration, admiration, fear, reserve... All kinds of emotions were projected on Yuan Ziguang's body at the same time, which made him feel a little hot when he was proud.

These teachers were all his pupils until recently.Legally speaking, they are still slaves of the Senate, and each senator has absolute power over them.Although Yuan Ziguang was "inappropriately overthrown" at the beginning, but after arriving in the new time and space, with sufficient resources and the power to do whatever he wants, he has always been inferior to a beast—no matter how hot the girl's eyes are, how much she loves her, this group of skin Thick and dark girls with thin breasts and buttocks really didn't interest him much.

He went to the third floor - here is the office of the elders.The third floor is always empty at this time.There are not many full-time teachers in national schools.Part-time veterans usually don't come until class time,
Since most of the veteran teachers are part-timers, they do not have a separate office in Fangcaodi. They only set up an office in the main room, with rows of glass windows on the north and south sides, allowing plenty of light.Standing in front of the south window, you can overlook the main playground below.

Now, in the best viewing position, three elders are looking out of the window.There are several female secretaries standing behind him.

Although the elders were dressed almost exactly the same, Yuan Ziguang immediately recognized from their backs and heights that one was Hu Qingbai, and the other was Wu De who seldom came to Fangcaodi.As the president of the Planning Institute, Wu De spends most of his time in paperwork and meetings. Even when he goes to "on-site office work", he seldom goes to the education system - the executive committee member who comes to the education system the most is Xiao Zishan.The last one was wearing the uniform of the Fubo Army, which he didn't recognize.

He walked up a few steps to say hello, but Hu Qingbai signaled him not to speak.Several people are watching the playground below intently.

Although the playground facilities are simple, the size is built according to the old time and space standard stadium, with a wide area.In front of the building, there is a flagpole platform with a ten-meter-high wooden flagpole.

When "March of Athletes" switched to "March of Fubo Army", students marching in double file appeared from the door of each teaching building.A class is a column, like a long dragon, rolling towards the center of the playground.

(End of this chapter)

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