Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 895 Broadcast Gymnastics

Chapter 895 Broadcast Gymnastics
The columns of each class are escorted by the squad leader, marching forward to the playground one by one, and all the students march in accordance with the rhythm of the marching music.The pace is consistent and the formation is neat.Looked motivated.

The first student in one of the classes held up a red triangular flag--this is the pennant for winning the parade every week.The obtained class can get an improved meal this week.

Each class follows a certain route.The marching columns of each class entered the playground from three directions. The teams merged into a wide column with a width of 16 rows before entering the playground.On the playground, not only are there multiple columns moving at the same time, but they are also traveling in multiple directions. Each column crosses the playground and the road.It seems complicated, but each queue does not interfere with each other, and the timing of queue crossing is extremely accurate. When the last person in a queue walks on a route, another queue will cross the route.Columns of dozens of classes are marching at the same time, as long as a certain team is slightly inaccurate in speed and rhythm, the teams will meet together.

This is no longer an ordinary queue performance, but a higher level of precision footwork-for the modern army, the training of precision footwork can only cultivate military temperament and serve as a military performance, but for the army in the era of queuing and shooting Therefore, precise footwork is of great significance to formation changes during combat.

"It's a good walk," said the officer of the Fubo Army who had been watching with his hands behind his back. "The level of this queue is comparable to the new barracks I led." He then commented, "It's better than Uncle Hei who came to study and observe." It’s several orders of magnitude higher. I just don’t know how about the old guards and lobster soldiers that Lin Shenhewen talks about all day long?”

Hu Qingbai was embarrassed to boast, just smiled and said nothing.

Wu De shook his head and said with a smile: "Old Fu, don't brag about yourself. I have also been in the new barracks. Can the recruit team at the end of the three-month training be of this level? I think it is half the level of Dalian's surface ships. gone."

The veteran named Lao Fu shook his head again and again: "You're going to brag about your naval superiority theory again..." He just finished speaking, suddenly his face changed, and he muttered to himself, "Damn, how come the students are walking like a navy? Fuck? That's not scientific."

The army and navy marching exercises of the Fubo Army are completely different. The army's marching is the traditional version of PLA.Now the national school students on the playground are waving their arms in small steps, which is obviously the navy's British marching.

"Why is it unscientific? I think it's very scientific." Wu De waved his hands, "Look, the students are very energetic."

"Military spirit has such a point," the veteran officer didn't know what to say to refute, but he could see that he was full of dissatisfaction, and he felt a little bit beaten, "'s unscientific..."

National schools implement paramilitary management, and there is a certain amount of military training every month.The main content is foot training.As usual, the army sent senior corporals or sergeants to take turns as training instructors.However, since the summer awakening campaign that started last year, the long Qiongbei and Qiongnan security battles have exhausted the army's manpower resources, and almost all army troops have been drawn away, leaving only a garrison battalion and the entire army's reserve infantry in Lingao 5th Battalion.As a result, the army was no longer able to send sergeants in charge of training, so all the military training instructors in Fangcaodi were taken over by the navy.

While they were talking, all the queues on the playground were already in place.Following the password in the loudspeaker, the students in the queue quickly trotted to distance themselves, making room for radio gymnastics.

"The flag-raising ceremony begins now! Let the flag out!"

Following the command from the tweeter, the flag bearer and flag guard selected from among the students walked out from the main entrance of the office building and walked towards the flag raising platform.What the standard-bearer is holding is the national flag newly enacted by the Senate.

The national flag and national anthem used to be quite sensitive issues.So the elders were vague about this at first.With the victory of the anti-encirclement and suppression campaign and the control of the whole island, it is no longer appropriate to deliberately obscure one's own political attributes in the past.Continuing to maintain this kind of political ambiguity internally will only make the indigenous people and naturalized people under the rule confused about their own positioning.If things go on like this, people's hearts will not be stable.

Although the Senate still retains Daming's local officials and yamen in the entire Qiongzhou Island, this is purely for the sake of not wanting to completely ruin face with Daming for the time being.In actual operation, not only these bureaucratic institutions are completely overhead, but also the new regime institutions appear more and more frequently in social life, and the sense of existence of the Ming government is getting worse and worse.

In the past, the Senate did not officially establish the national flag. The Xingquan red flag was not only used as the military flag of the Fubo Army, but also as the generation flag.However, the pattern of this flag is a little too complicated, and it is not very suitable from the perspective of flag design.

After discussion by the Senate, it was finally decided that the national flag was determined to be the "Venus Flag", which was creatively copied from the flag of NATO.The pattern is the North Star shining brightly in the dark blue night sky.The pattern is concise and clear, easy to identify.In terms of meaning, the ancients respected Polaris very much, thinking that it is fixed and all the stars revolve around it. It is a star with relatively stable brightness and position that can be seen in the night sky.Since the Polaris is the closest to true north, people on the earth have relied on its starlight for navigation for thousands of years, so it also has the meaning of guidance, leadership, and eternal protection.It symbolizes the status and role of the elders.As a national flag, it is in line with the idea of ​​​​the new empire established by the Senate.

As for the national anthem, "Ode to the Motherland" was originally used as the national anthem, but some elders thought that the "imperialist" style of this song was not enough, and strongly demanded to use songs from old time and space superpowers such as "Unbreakable Alliance" and "Star-Spangled Banner". National anthem.After some discussion, it was finally decided to choose the old imperialist country's "Rule, Britain" and rewrite the lyrics as "Rule, Senate".

"Ode to the Motherland" is used as the second national anthem for general occasions.In addition, the lyrics of "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "The Unbreakable Alliance" were changed to "The Morning Star Flag Will Fly Forever" and "The Rock-Solid Empire" respectively. Under the shadow, more and more songs were plagiarized. "Marseillaise" has already become "Boppu", followed by "Holy War", "Soviet March", "German Supremacy", "March of the Galactic Empire" and so on. The others were poisoned one by one, and the words were changed and refilled.Except that "Holy War" kept its original name, it became "March of the Senate", "Supremacy of the Empire" and "March of the Empire" respectively.

"Our collection of patriotic songs will probably become the longest in history." Ding Ding commented after the meeting, "Of course, the collection of military songs will definitely become very thick and heavy."

Fang Fei was even more worried, because these songs had to be taught and learned to sing, which was not an easy job.Moreover, most of these songs are in foreign languages. It is easy to change the lyrics, but it is not so easy to sing.Moreover, some lyrics may be suitable in ten or twenty years, and it would be ridiculous to use them now, such as "From the Pacific Ocean to the Ural Mountains"-after all, there is only one Hainan Island in the ruling area of ​​the Senate.

"Raise the national flag and sing the national anthem. Salute!"

Majestic music sounded from the radio speakers, and the students of the national school began to sing the national anthem "Rule, Senate," which had just been finalized.

When the Senate was appointed by God

from the blue sea
At the beginning of the rise
rise, rise, rise
from the blue sea
singing so proclaimed

so the earth's song declares
guardian angels

And so proclaimed in song:

rule the empire

Empire rules all waves land and sky
The people of the empire are set to be the masters of the world
The sanctuary of the Senate is far more sacred than the emperors and princes of all countries
Necessary to surrender
surrender, surrender, surrender
Emperors and princes of the world
when the empire prospered

When empires shall prosper
foreign subjects

Watching with jealousy and fear:

rule the senate
The empire ruled all the waves and lands

The people of the empire are set to be the masters of the world
Thousands of students stood up and sang loudly at the same time, singing soaring into the sky, and the Venus flag rose gradually on the flagpole along with the singing.The veterans on the third floor stood still one by one, saluting and saluting the flag.

The flag is hoisted.The MP3 of "The Third Radio Gymnastics" began to play on the tweeter.Only then did Hu Qingbai introduce the officers of the Fubo Army to Yuan Ziguang:

"This is Major Fu Sansi, he is now the director of the training department of the general staff, and he will be the training director soon, hahaha..."

"Don't say it until you have a formal appointment."

As Fu Sansi said, he paid a military salute and shook hands with Yuan Ziguang.He is a robust middle-aged man, and he was born as a PLA infantry company commander like He Ming, but his qualifications are later than He Ming, and he has never fought in war.He also joined the time-traveling business much later than others.Therefore, he has always been an ordinary veteran officer, and was not promoted to the battalion commander of the infantry battalion until a few months before the Battle of Chengmai.

After the Qiongbei public security battle was basically over, Fu Sansi proposed to the Ministry of the Army that he would no longer serve as the infantry battalion commander-he was injured in combat readiness training when he was serving in the PLA.It was too much for me to be an infantry officer again, so I applied to be an instructor specialized in military training.

The executive committee originally considered the establishment of the post of military training director in the design of the military system, but there was no suitable candidate at that time, and this post has been vacant.Now that Fu Sansi offered to be a full-time military instructor, he was a suitable candidate in terms of qualifications and practical skills.He Ming first transferred him to be the director of the training department of the general staff.

(End of this chapter)

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