Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 899 Political Work

Chapter 899 Political Work
The path of cross-country running has been planned long ago and is often run, so everyone is familiar with it.No specific directions are needed.Zhu Mingxia was wearing sneakers, and only brought a pistol, not even a command knife, which was far more relaxed than a fully armed soldier wearing straw sandals.Therefore, after he ran to the finish line, he was more physically fit than the soldiers, and he recovered almost after a short rest.With a stopwatch, he kept track of the time when each company was the last to arrive at the soldiers.

The whole battalion completed the five-kilometer cross-country within 26 minutes stipulated in the outline.Because this route is a regular five-kilometer cross-country route, there is a rest stop at the end of the base in Ma Niao, equipped with drinking water stations and toilets.A large piece of land was also leveled and used as a place for troops to gather during commentary.

The last one to reach was the 3rd company of the battle line. After completing five kilometers within the specified time, he was fined one kilometer.After all the companies returned to the establishment, all the soldiers were exhausted, but they still stood upright in the queue waiting for instructions.Zhu Mingxia was very satisfied with each of them holding their heads high and their chests upright without showing the slightest procrastination due to fatigue: before, these balls didn't have this kind of fighting spirit.Soldiers are more motivated to fight, and they have to train repeatedly without fighting, and always maintain the most tense state.

He adjusted his breathing, cleared his throat, and began to lecture.

"Comrades, your growth amazes me and makes me proud! In the past, you were just ordinary people who were enslaved and oppressed, and some of you were even slaves without personal freedom. The thieves and thieves are plundering, and they can neither protect themselves nor their families. Even in the best years, you can only live half-starved and half-fed. You live in fear every day. Today, you have become the honor of the Senate Soldiers, you——fight to save your compatriots! You——fight to save the world! Under the authorization of the Senate and the leadership of the Executive Committee, you will save all the oppressed people from the corrupt court , rescued from the hands of bloodthirsty bandits! You will let brothers and sisters all over the world eat white rice and stand upright. For this great goal, I train you strictly, and I will be more strict Train you, only in this way can you defeat your opponents in the tough wars in the future. If you fail, you will lose everything, the elderly will be slaughtered, children will be slaves, and women will become playthings, so you must not You can be defeated. Some people say that being a soldier is just to make a living, and you don’t have to work so hard. No! I want to tell you that being a soldier is not only a job, but also an honor, a responsibility, your responsibility It is to defend the Senate and save the suffering people. It is you who are engaged in such a glorious profession, your family is extremely proud, and your ancestors are full of glory! Life is important, but human dignity is more important, you can bear those Will the officials who eat people and don’t spit out their bones come back again? Can you accept pirates and bandits raping your family in front of your eyes? Can you?”

"You, the third in the first row of the second company, tell me, 'Can you?'" Zhu Mingxia pointed to a soldier and asked:
"No!" The soldier shouted with all his strength.

"Then tell me, can you accept it?"

"No! No!" I don't know who yelled it first, and soon the whole battalion shouted no, hundreds of people made loud noises, and Zhu Mingxia raised his hand to signal silence.

"I know that everyone will never accept it. But some people think: Those officials, those bandits, those who used to ride on everyone's heads and used your blood and sweat to fatten their own rats. There is not a day when they don't think about coming back to plunder. We obviously failed in the robbery, so they came secretly. The case of Lai Da was notified to the whole army some time ago, and the tragedy of the team going to the countryside was caused by these people colluding with bandits. They always want to ride on our head again They never gave up. Now, they are spreading all kinds of rumors in an attempt to divide us. Comrades, think back to Bopu. Who defended the holy ship in the most critical time? Under the city of Chengmai is Who will transport the wounded back to Lingao. The army and navy are the right-hand arm of the Senate, and they are a body that shares weal and woe. Any rumors about internal conflicts in the army are maliciously spread by the enemy. They fear us, so they want to divide us. We cannot be rumored Bewitched by them, we should unite closely and respond to them with cannons and bullets in the near future..."

This is the purpose of Zhu Mingxia dragging the whole battalion out to cross-country. When a person is extremely tired, he is particularly easy to be influenced by other people's thoughts. When soldiers are not tired, he will create fatigue. Conflicts between the army and the navy can wrangle among the veterans, but absolutely not spread to the army.

Battalion Commander Zhu Quanxing, who just led the 6th Battalion back to Jian a few weeks ago, once reminded him that the contradictions among the veterans may have spread to the army.Especially the new style factions among the navy and army are contributing to this intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhu Quanxing was not a former soldier, and he came to the army as an officer entirely out of a fanatical drive.He is a member of the New Style School, but he is very worried about the conflict between the army and the navy, so he specially reminded Zhu Mingxia-the so-called one can't write two Zhu.

These disturbances must be nipped in the bud, and the army of the Senate must not become the laughing stock of the Japanese army and navy.Zhu Mingxia felt that although he could not control other troops, his own troops must lead in the right direction.

The size of the army is getting bigger and bigger, but Zhu Mingxia thinks that the ideological education of the army is still not enough, especially in the past year, the army has been exhausted from war preparations, counter-encirclement and suppression, and security warfare.Not much time is spent on the ideological work of the troops.Wei Aiwen used to go to the company often, but in the past six months he has basically no company to go to - of course, it is true that there are almost no troops on Ma Niao's side - he writes various documents and holds meetings in the General Staff every day.A little alienated from grassroots work.It is easy to slack off when the stall is too big.

Zhu Mingxia was full of thoughts, but he didn't show anything on his face. After the soldiers shouted three times: "For the Senate and the people", he took the lead in singing "The soldiers of the Fubo Army listen to the words of the Senate most", and the whole battalion returned to Ma Niao Fort station.

Back at the station, as usual, the team was formed and commented, and then the "whole battalion was disbanded".Each company is led by the company commander to take a bath.The living conditions in Maniaobao are superior. Each battalion has a large shower room and a boiler room, and you can take a hot bath no matter in winter or summer. Sanitation is the minimum condition to ensure the combat effectiveness of the army. The Senate has never spared money on this aspect. Money.

Zhu Mingxia took off his military uniform, and was thinking of going to the bathroom attached to his dormitory to take a shower and change clothes, and then go to each company to check on the soldiers' conditions, when the orderly from the Maniaobao headquarters came: Fu Sansi asked him to go to the headquarters immediately go for a trip.

"Let's go now." Zhu Mingxia quickly wiped his face, put on the clean uniform shirt brought to him by the orderly, and went to the headquarters.

Fu Sansi served concurrently as the commander of Maniaobao.The weather was getting hotter, and he practiced on the playground for another day, wearing only a rough military undershirt.Seeing Zhu Mingxia coming in, he handed an order to him first.

He took it over and saw that the content of the order was to instruct Ma Niaobao to form a "Northern Detachment" on the spot with Zhu Mingxia's [-]th Infantry Battalion as the backbone.

"It's finally going to be done!" Zhu Mingxia became excited—although this was expected.

"Yes, you are the team leader this time." Fu Sansi said.

In addition to the 4th Infantry Battalion, the Army's Northward Detachment will strengthen a detachment of the special reconnaissance team, an artillery company, an engineering company and several logistical support detachments. The whole detachment has 1500 people.Zhu Mingxia will serve as the detachment leader, and the detachment will be equipped with a chief of staff and logistics director.Form a complete independent combat organization.

"Everything else is easy to talk about," Fu Sansi said, "The [-]th Battalion has always maintained a state of combat readiness. You have fucked this group of boys hard enough. The military and political quality is nothing to say. The other artillery, engineering and logistics units are also easy to say. They are all Ready-made. The problem of horses is not easy to solve.”

An artillery company is theoretically prepared with 110 horses, and if the logistics and engineering units are to be equipped with certain horses for pulling carts, an additional [-] horses must be added.The number of horses available in the army is far from meeting the needs.

If you play the old way of replacing animals and losing pawns, relying on people to pull carts and push them, then the number of the entire detachment will be far more than 1500 people, and at least 1000 migrant workers must be incorporated.Moreover, in terms of the local chaos in Dengzhou, the local requisition of manpower may not be reliable.

The Dutch promised to sell horses from Japan, but in this time and space where the basic unit of sailing speed is the month, it is unreliable to expect the Dutch to send the horses in time.

Fu Sansi scratched his head: "How about I propose to the general staff to take down Jeju Island first, and capture Li Chao's official horse and equipment troops on the island."

"Isn't that okay? Even the horses that pull the carts have to be trained for a few days, let alone pull the cannons." Zhu Mingxia learned a lot about the organization and combat of the army at that time while chatting with the party members who lined up to shoot.

Fu Sansi said: "It seems that we have to buy a Yunnan horse that looks like a donkey."

This is the most likely to replenish a sufficient number of horses in the short term at the moment.The former Director Hong and the current Minister Hong have always had a special liking for the Yunnan horse, so everyone in the veteran officers of the Fubo Army knows this.

Zhu Mingxia didn't comment on this - he had no idea whether the Dianma was suitable or not.It is his principle not to talk about things he does not understand.

"Leave that alone," Fu Sansi shook his head and said, "Take a look at the newly installed sample that Thorpe sent."

On the conference table of the headquarters, Thorpe sent people to send samples of the new equipment and logistics items needed by the northbound detachment, and asked Fu Sansi to organize soldiers to try it out first to see if there was any room for improvement.

(End of this chapter)

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