Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 900 Potential Collaborators

Chapter 900 Potential Collaborators

Wu Zhixiang got off the diving board and stretched her body.These days, I traveled all the way by sedan chair and boat, and my body was very tired.After crossing Jiangxi, I changed ships and headed all the way to Nanjing.

Although taking a boat is more comfortable than taking a sedan chair, but for the convenience of the journey, all the way is in a small boat. Although the structure and layout of the prestige boats are as comfortable as possible, no matter how large or small the boat is, it is really difficult to stay in the cabin every day. Stuffed.After finally arriving at the Hangzhou Wharf today, he had to take a rest and regain his senses no matter what he said.Spend a few days in this "paradise on earth".

Wu Zhixiang came to Jiangnan from Guangzhou, and was instructed by his father and brother to "strengthen relations" in Jiangnan.He originally didn't want to leave his comfort zone in Guangzhou and go all the way to the south of the Yangtze River, but it was related to his own future—although he gained a reputation as a scholar through his father and brother's relationship, he has been eating, drinking and having fun in Guangzhou for several years, living a life like a swinger. Days, but as time goes by, I feel a little tired, so I want to make some progress in my official career.Now the Donglin party members have great influence inside and outside the court and the opposition.If you want to advance to a higher level in the court, you must try to make friends with the Donglin Party members.Officials of the Donglin Party have always cared about supporting "young talents".

Jiangnan is the sphere of influence of the Donglin party members. Many important backbones of the Donglin party in the past, including several of the seven gentlemen who were persecuted to death by Wei Zhongxian, were from Nanzhili and Zhejiang.Many scholars who have never served as officials and retired Donglin Party officials also gathered here.

As long as you can try to make friends with these people and get their support, it will be of great help to your career.

For this reason, he brought a large number of gifts with him: half were various local products from Guangdong, and half were various foreign goods, most of which were novel "Australian goods".He obtained these goods through Pei Lixiu's way by relying on his face, and many of them are rare items that are in short supply in the Guangzhou market. If it weren't for Wu Zhixiang's tip-off to Zi Zizi, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to buy them. Get this many.

Because the Australian goods in Guangzhou have gone through a gap period of more than half a year, the Australian goods in the market are like a drizzle and a long drought, and they are swept away as soon as they come out.Small glass mirrors, glassware, Australian trinkets, cosmetics and the like, which were not rare in the past and could only be bought for a small fee, now have to be pre-ordered to pick up the goods.

Although Wu Zhixiang is a dude, he is familiar with the children of officials and eunuchs. If it is not for the uneducated, frivolous and arrogant "Second Generation Ancestor", he is far smarter than ordinary people in terms of human relationships.Although his father and brother have been officials for many years and have rich official pockets, they are not powerful "big brothers", and they are not as good as ordinary "giant gentry" in the countryside.To complete the imperial examination, it is definitely not something that can be done by simply visiting a few "senior" and sending some money.

Fraud in the examination room is a very risky thing no matter which dynasty.Once it is exposed, it will be a big prison.But fraud in the examination room is equally rampant in every dynasty and every generation.The high risk has made the fraud in the examination room more concealed, and it is more shady.

If there is no suitable person to cite, even if you want to send money, there is nowhere to send it, or it is simply a dog hole.

The Wu family is not from Jiangnan, and they don't have many connections in Jiangnan to use.How to find the right person to help her matchmaking has become a major problem facing Wu Zhixiang.

There have long been palanquins waiting by the Gongchen Bridge.Wu Zhixiang's journey from Guangzhou to Hangzhou this time was arranged by Qi Wei.Although there are no relatives or old friends here in Hangzhou, Qiwei also booked a small guest house in a monastery by the West Lake through his connections early on.The arrangement is very thoughtful.

Wu Zhixiang got into the sedan chair and walked all the way to the city.

Wu Zhixiang's arrival immediately reported to Zhao Yingong's desk through Qiwei's channel.Because of Wu Zhixiang's actions in the anti-encirclement and suppression campaign last year, he was included in the "watch list" of the Foreign Intelligence Service.

Those included in the "Watch List" are mostly Ming gentry, wealthy people who are friendly to the time-traveling group and have certain use value.They are not "collaborators" with a close chain of interests such as Li Luoyou and Gao Ju, but they have shown a friendly attitude towards "Australians" in many ways and are willing to cooperate with the Senate.

Wu Zhixiang and his group of playboys who often come and go in and out of Ziming Building are the most "professional".In addition, he behaved "resolutely" during the anti-encirclement and suppression campaign.Taking into account his background of the gentry family, the Foreign Intelligence Service considered further using his identity and social connections.

The Foreign Intelligence Service secretly investigated his background in Guangzhou.Wu Zhixiang's family is from Wuzhou, Guangxi. The family was originally a landlord, and they were also engaged in industry and commerce.The official positions of the father and brother are not prominent, and they are typical middle-level bureaucrats.He made a lot of money in several foreign positions.

Because this family is engaged in industry and commerce, and has been operating activities in Guangzhou for a long time, their horizons are much broader than that of ordinary local rich people. It is natural to be "pro-kun" in their political attitude.

Jiang Shan felt that the Wu family could take advantage of their activity.So this time Wu Zhixiang went to Nanjing to find news about Donglin Party activities, and he immediately sent it to Hangzhou.

Jiang Shan didn't ask Zhao Yingong to help Wu Zhixiang explicitly, but just told him that there was such an opportunity. As for whether he would take advantage of this opportunity and how to use it, this was the intelligence agent's own business.

The Foreign Intelligence Agency does not clearly specify the activities of the intelligence officers. Except for a few cases where specific tasks are arranged, it only lists a general work outline for the intelligence officers stationed abroad.The specific detailed arrangements are generally not subject to any restrictions on the premise of not affecting the security of the intelligence station itself and not compromising the interests of the overall situation.

Do you want to help this son-in-law?Zhao Yingong was in the study looking at the daily bulletin sent by Wei Zhan. This person came here for fame and fame. With the current strength of Hangzhou Station, those who want to help people thread needles and participate in fraud in the examination room are powerless. If you want to get burned, it is better not to get involved.

Thinking of this, he decided to send someone to watch him for the time being, and decide the next move based on his local activities.After making up his mind, Zhao Yingong marked the word "observation" on the document with a pencil and put it in the document basket.At noon, Feng Huahui came to take these documents away and categorize them, and then through Sun Wang, he arranged for field personnel to go out to handle them.

Zhao Yingong casually picked up a thick file bag, which was taken from the Taoist priest.Zhang Yingchen has rarely seen him recently.The "dirty water" operation planned by the head of the Taoist priest has officially started.Now both Taoist priest and Zhao Yingong have a little reputation in the local area.

The Chinese version of the Old Testament from Lingao Lane was sent to Hangzhou a few days ago. The book was hand-copied by Guihuamin scribes—because the library, the Religious Affairs Office, and the Lingao Church were not prepared for this book. diffusion.Zhang Yingchen hid in the Taoist temple and secretly read and copied the "cannonball" at night, doing the same job as Bo Yang back then.

Zhang Yingchen's reputation has become even more prominent since he "combined great medicine" for a certain gentry.Zhao Yingong never figured out what the Daoist priest was using to fool the gentry——the traveler's medicine and chemical reserves must not have such things as "Viagra", Indian oil, or Spanish flies.He also kept it a secret, anyway, since then, Daoquanzi has become famous.Rich gentry and big families came to invite him one after another.Zhang Yingchen responded to every request and often went to and from the gentry's house.However, he still insisted on practicing medicine and administering medicine every week in the Taoist temple-which further enhanced his popularity.

Unpacking the file bag, Zhao Yingong flipped through it casually, and it turned out that the "black material" was made by Robber Quanzi in the file bag.In the accompanying letter from Zhang Yingchen, he asked the Hangzhou station to print a batch of pamphlets, which would be used as a post to attack the church in Hangzhou.

The time-traveling group has done more than one time to use black materials such as exposing posts for publicity.At the beginning, the psychological warfare was carried out in the city of Guangzhou, and various pamphlets were distributed, which achieved remarkable results, so this time Roboquanzi followed the same pattern.

Zhao Yingong got the latest news: Huang Zhen has returned from Ningbo, she looks like she is fighting to the death, and she must be supported by the great monk Yuanwu of Tiantong Temple.Zhang Tian, ​​the main force in the Hangzhou teaching case, is also active in all directions. It seems that the Hangzhou teaching case will explode soon.

Looking at Zhang Yingchen's enthusiastic expression, Zhao Yingong couldn't help worrying that although this move of splashing dirty water to trigger lesson plans in advance would have the effect of killing two birds with one stone, if it goes too far, the Hangzhou church will be hit hard, and I'm afraid it will be powerless and unintentional to help own up.

With such worries in mind, he quickly finished processing all kinds of official documents and letters sent to the safe house yesterday.He also locked the materials that needed to be kept secret in the safe, put the materials that needed to be destroyed directly into the brazier and lit them on fire, and watched them be reduced to ashes-he never left Fenghua with these things.Although Fenghua has been trained and identified by the State Administration of Political Security.

Coming out of the safe house, Zhao Yingong went back to the inner study where he was working.Merlin is waiting for him here.

His face was covered with dust, and the net towel covering his wig was dusty.It looks like a working class.

After several months in the south of the Yangtze River, Mei Lin realized that he had never lived a warm, fragrant and nephrite life.The long-awaited Nanjing party passed by in a hurry, not to mention the beauty of Qinhuai, even a decent woman had no time to look at it.In addition to this trip to Nanjing, I directed the building and decoration on the construction site.He is not only responsible for building the house, but also for interior decoration and interior decoration.It is impossible for a large amount of furniture to be transported all the way from Lingao, most of them have to be purchased or ordered locally in Hangzhou, and such things as drawing samples and guiding craftsmen in their work all fall on his head.Because there are too many tasks and the requirements are very complicated, external orders are always not satisfactory.Mei Lin simply asked Zhao Yingong to recruit some handicraft craftsmen of various colors, and set up a wood processing factory on the land of Phoenix Mountain Villa, specializing in the manufacture of furniture, interior decoration and building components.

(End of this chapter)

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