Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 920 Workers

Chapter 920 Workers

After the workers' queue was disbanded, some of them ran back to the workshop to take out wooden or pottery utensils, and then lined up in front of the small table.Others stood at the door and waited.After a while, there was only a rumbling sound, and the workshop supervisor came back with a few people pushing a small cart.The people waiting at the door quickly gathered around and watched the supervisor take out the key, open a big bamboo cage on the cart, and take out lunch boxes from inside and pass them to the people around.As soon as these people got the lunch box, they quickly lined up in front of the small table.

The people who came to deliver the food were actually guys from a certain restaurant in Dongmen City.The naturalized migrant workers in the optics workshop use a subsidized contracting system, and select one every month—either the canteen run by the industrial zone or a restaurant in Dongmen City certified by the People's Committee of Civil Affairs.This supplier is responsible for providing nightly meals for all workers during the month.Generally speaking, people without a family choose to save trouble and choose all-inclusive meals.Those with families only buy vegetables, and bring their own rice for rice, which is steamed in the factory's rice steamer.It is not troublesome to do this. When I go to work, I send the lunch box filled with rice and water into a special cage for the optical workshop in the rice steamer, and the supervisor is responsible for locking it.When the time comes, someone will be responsible for opening the valve, putting industrial steam into the rice steamer, and the rice will be steamed in no time.

Lin Hanlong looked at today's dishes, as usual, there should be meat dishes every day.Seeing him coming, the food delivery guy stood up quickly and said respectfully, "Boss Lin! Today, I delivered tofu pudding fish and shredded carrots fried in oil. The soup is seafood offal soup. There are also a few refreshing side dishes that are delivered on the counter. "

Lin Hanlong saw that there was something red-boiled in a vegetable bucket, which really looked like tofu and fish fillet.He took a spoon and stirred the pot to confirm the ratio of fish and tofu in it, then nodded.Fish fillet is more common nowadays.Since there was a gas cold storage and a fish processing factory was built, every fishing season will be open to individual fishermen for purchase.There is a lot of stock.The cold storage will often clear out the old goods to make room for new goods.Needless to say, these cleared second-hand goods were warmly welcomed by the vast number of indigenous people and caterers.Lin Hanlong looked at the shredded carrots in another vegetable bucket, it looked oily under the light, which was very pleasant.

This dish is "Australian food" - carrots were not customarily eaten locally in the past, and were not even grown.After Wu Nanhai set up a farm, in order to increase the supply of vitamin A, he began to plant on a large scale, and promoted carrot dishes among the naturalized people.

Lin Hanlong sneered this time and did not speak.The buddy smiled dryly, with an embarrassed expression on his face.This trick can't be fooled by Lin Hanlong: the so-called oil-fried shredded carrots must be "fried" with salt water, and after cooling for a while after being out of the pan, some oil is added and then stir-fried for a while.In this way, the oil can only hang on the surface of the shredded carrots, and cannot penetrate into the vegetables. Of course, it looks oily.It is a common money-saving trick used by canteens and fast food companies.He rummaged through the soup bucket again, and glanced at pickled radish skins, vegetable stalks and other "delicious side dishes".

He knocked on the tin bucket containing shredded carrots, shook his head at the clerk, turned and left without saying anything.

He heard someone whispering behind him: Your chief really treats you very well.Without looking back, he walked straight back into the workshop.A wry smile appeared on his face.Carrots are rich in vitamin A, a vital nutrient for precision mechanics who require good vision to perform their jobs.But the vitamin A in carrots is oil-soluble, so the nutritional value of such "bright oil" shredded carrots is greatly reduced.

Speaking of it, he is the only one who really cares about the food of the workers.The workers themselves don't care about the quality of the food. As long as they can eat enough brown rice, it is a good enjoyment.Vegetables and the like belong to the meal.Workers will be satisfied even if they serve pickles every day.

The reason why Lin Hanlong cares about food is very simple. People in this era are generally malnourished, and they are often unable to do fine work when they need to concentrate for a long time.Especially when the optical workshop starts at night, the light is not as good as during the day, and many people can't even see the workpiece clearly.Lin Hanlong could enhance the lighting in the workshop, but that would consume precious gas and increase fire hazards.So he would rather pay for his workers to eat better.The problem was that Lin Hanlong's funds were limited, so he couldn't cover all their meals.So he came up with a subsidy method, let the workers work together to form a team, and make a one-to-one subsidy based on the food expenses paid by the individual.In this way, the situation has improved, but there is no manpower in the cafeteria to ensure that meals are delivered on time: the Ministry of Science and Technology is too far away from all the cafeterias in the industrial zone, and it takes too much time to go back and forth to eat.The interest of outside merchants lies in maximizing their profits as much as possible.Although Lin Hanlong personally made the menu—for example, the stir-fried carrots in oil, the merchants always have ways to save money.He knows that there are some things that cannot be managed too carefully, but next time he has to consider changing suppliers.

Lin Hanlong turned around after walking a few steps, and ordered the apprentice who was following him to warm up the meal for him.Seeing his apprentice nodding in agreement, he walked into the office, went around to the back and unlocked a door, walked into his own cubicle, and closed the door.In the small compartment are some professional books brought along, a lot of draft paper, and a laptop.This reinforced Panasonic tough book was specially purchased for traveling, and it has been used for several years without any problems.However, as a precaution, Lin Hanlong removed the battery and kept it separately, and switched to a simple rectified UPS under the computer desk consisting of mains power and a set of lead-acid batteries.He turned on the computer and waited for a while, watching ubuntu linux start up quickly.No need for him to do anything, the computer automatically opened the internal forum and video-on-demand server of the group after it was started.Lin Hanlong doesn't have time to review the film and television works he brought, so he simply browsed the forum.As usual on the forum tonight, some active (or big-mouthed) IDs put forward a bunch of unreliable and unreliable proposals, and a bunch of people replied to the posts, started a war on the forum, and added more chatting and spanking Complaining, complaining, etc.Lin Hanlong browsed through it in a hurry, replied to a few posts briefly, and then closed the forum page.He then opened a terminal and connected to the calculation server of the crossing crowd.

The apprentice knocked on the door outside the cubicle and told Lin Hanlong that the meal was ready.He opened the door to take the meal, then returned to the computer.After logging into the "National Computing Service Center", he entered his identity number and the authorization number of the Computing Service Center. He ran a few more programs, and a large number of charts began to appear on the screen.Lin Hanlong was studying these charts while eating the "lunch" cooked by his maid and warmed up by his apprentice.These diagrams are part of Lin Hanlong's work.He used the relatively idle time of the main computing server in the middle of the night to run the large-scale design program he brought before crossing, analyzing and optimizing various optical designs.

The computing servers of the Senate are combined with the X86 system. After all, it is not easy to purchase minicomputers or medium-sized computers in the old time and space-money is only one aspect.In contrast, the array computing server built using the X86 system has a simple structure and not bad functions.

Lin Hanlong didn't know where the computer room of the main computing server was, but it should be in Bairen City - the communication lines of the travelers are not luxurious enough to set up a computer room in the high mountain area.

This "National Computing Service Center" provides large-scale computing services for various departments. Because there are too many departments that need computing, they have to adopt the way of pre-queuing and registering to obtain computing time.However, as usual, few people would use this system in the middle of the night, so Lin Hanlong always used computing services late at night.

What is being done now is to use the Monte Carlo method to study the tolerance of various design schemes to manufacturing tolerances and thermal changes.Due to the originality of Lingao optical production and the difficulty of quality control, Lin Hanlong felt that it was necessary to start from the design aspect, and to tolerate various production errors as much as possible while maintaining a certain level of precision.While the computer he brought is still working normally, he intends to analyze the common optical system configuration as much as possible, and then make the analysis results into complex tables and print them in a book, and he plans to use these tables as a booklet when the computer fails in the future. Based on the basis, an "Optical Design Manual" that can also be used by naturalized people is produced.

Looking at the results from the computer, Lin Hanlong couldn't help but nodded.He brought a lot of professional books on optics with him during time travel, and there are some related materials in the big library.These days, he has done a lot of simulations of various classic designs introduced in several design manuals, and he feels that his understanding of these designs has been greatly deepened.There are essentially only a few types of optical instruments needed by the time-traversing people at this stage, and fewer need to be mass-produced. He feels that it is not a problem to meet the needs with his current level.After he has collected all the required data, it will not be too difficult to do some more demanding designs.

Of course, being able to design is not the same as being able to manufacture it reliably.Thinking of this, Lin Hanlong sighed again.It is difficult to set up a whole set of technological process, and it is even more difficult to teach the naturalized migrant workers who were illiterate.It will take at least one or two years before they can become teachers and can basically operate independently.Lin Hanlong didn't think he was a very patient person, but if he didn't want to be exhausted, he had to be patient and teach others.

It gradually became noisy outside.After the workers finished their meal, they returned to the workshop one after another.Before it was time to start work, many people were sitting or standing, chatting and laughing casually.Some people squatted in the smoking area outside the door to smoke and drink tea.Lin Hanlong looked at the computer, it was almost time.He got up and opened the door to go out, calling his apprentices and several supervisors to come over and check the results of the work just now.After checking that the processing quality of the workpiece was acceptable, he ordered the apprentice to write down a few adjustments that needed to be made, and he returned to the computer room.

He minimized the simulation window and opened solidworks again.An image of a nautical sextant appears on a computer screen.This is a project he cooperated with several other mechanical veterans, led by him and assisted by others.This is an important scientific research project proposed by the navy. Like the nautical clock, it is an important device for measuring longitude and latitude in high seas, and it is of great significance to the navy and shipping departments.

The sextant on the screen is complete, there is no problem with the simulation of the optical path, and the mechanical problems have also been improved. The real thing can be made only after the final confirmation of the scale.

There were two bangs from outside, it was the workshop supervisor ringing the bell to remind everyone to go to work.Lin Hanlong sat without moving, just pricked up his ears to listen to the movement outside.Over the past few months, he has become very familiar with the noises made by the operation of various machines. He only needs to listen carefully to know the state of the machines.He can see the actual level of the natives without showing up.Looks like luck tonight, the machinery sounds like it's working.He turned his attention back to the computer.

Time always flies by in front of a computer.It has been more than an hour since he reviewed the design of the sextant and uploaded the design file to all the collaborators.After turning off the computer, he came out of the small room with a lunch box and locked the door casually.His apprentice was reading at his desk in the outer office.

Lin Hanlong looked at the content of the book, it was an elementary mathematics textbook compiled by the time-traversing members themselves.

"Ah Junjie," the apprentice raised his head and looked at him. "Write it down in the instructions to the day shift. The belt of the No. [-] grinder needs to be checked."

The apprentice nodded hurriedly: "Yes! Master, I also think that the voice is not right. It seems that some nail heads are loose."

Lin Hanlong hummed, and stretched out his hand again: "Have you done your physics homework?" He spent more than a year teaching his apprentice basic arithmetic, and made him recognize more than a thousand Chinese characters in school.After the optical factory changed to night shift, the apprentice worked with him on night shift every day.So Lin Hanlong arranged for him to listen to two morning classes every morning, mainly mathematics, physics and chemistry courses from high school to junior high school.When he has time, Lin Hanlong will also give him additional lessons.Some time ago, he was in charge of rewriting the "Beginners of Light Theory" released to the outside world. He just used the principles of convex and concave lenses at the junior high school level to analyze several optical instruments that had already taken shape in this time and space.His apprentice became the first reader of this book without hesitation.Because of hearing and seeing it every day, and having a little background in mathematics and science, the apprentice roughly understood this book.However, Lin Hanlong privately thinks that even if this book is published, it will at most make people look at it in a cloud. It is difficult for people without junior high school mathematics to understand the calculation process.The level of his apprentice has far surpassed that of any natives of the time.

Lin Hanlong took a quick look at his apprentice's homework, and while using a pen or a hook or a fork, he drew circles at more critical places.

"Here, and here, I think you still don't understand it very well. I'll explain it to you after get off work." He raised his head and turned around again, "Also, take two of those glass jars on my desk and take them home Go. Remember the jars are coming back."

"Master!" The apprentice exclaimed, "This, this is unbearable." Those jars were "trial products" sent by Wu Nanhai, and they contained fried dace glass jars trial-produced by Tianchu Food Factory. It is somewhat similar to the enduring classic canned products of later generations.

Apprentices know that this is a "super high-end food" that can only be enjoyed by veterans, not to mention the apprentices of naturalized people, just like the few rich people in Dongmen City who don't know how to spend so much that the elders can't buy it.

Lin Hanlong stared at him: "You can take it if you want, you and your brother each have a can. Only when you eat well can you have the energy to study, understand? And your brother's math and physics homework, I will also bring it to me tomorrow Look." Cai Junjie's younger brother Cai Si is a full-time student in Fangcaodi, and his grades are very good.After several internships in the optical factory, Lin Hanlong felt that his understanding was good, and he wanted to train him to be a technician in the optical industry.

"Yes, I'll bring it tomorrow night."

Lin Hanlong waved his hand, "Put on your coat, let's go check it out."

By three o'clock in the morning, the workpieces processed on each grinding machine have completed the current process one after another.Lin Hanlong watched the workers check the radius of curvature of the workpieces one by one with Lingao's self-made knife-edge measuring ring.Workers in the grinding machine class work in pairs, one is responsible for counting and the other is responsible for recording.After one person has measured, switch roles and repeat the measurement process.When they were all done, Lin Hanlong went up to spot check a few of them himself, and asked them to sign off after seeing that there was no problem.After a while, someone came over with several boxes and placed them in front of Lin Hanlong. These were newly assembled binoculars in the assembly workshop.Lin Hanlong picked one at random, looked at the standard calibration pattern pasted on the wall, and then handed the telescope to his apprentice for careful acceptance.

There is already a faint light in the sky.The grinder class is cleaning the part he is responsible for with a broom and rag, and the mechanical class is busy oiling and maintaining the machine.Holding a cup of strong tea in his hand, Lin Hanlong yawned as he watched the remaining workers do the finishing work.At six o'clock, the day's work in the optics workshop came to an end.According to the 4S standard formulated by Lin Hanlong, the workers received all the workpieces into the designated cabinets, set the machine to the off state, and put all kinds of supplies in the designated positions.Lin Hanlong didn't bother to give any further lectures, so he let them disband and go home after the assembly.

"Junjie, what else do I have to do this morning?" After leading the supervisors to make a final round of inspection in the empty workshop, Lin Hanlong asked while having the workshop door locked.

"Master! After the regular meeting at 08 o'clock in the morning, there will be a meeting with the head of Zhan, between 30:[-] and [-] o'clock. Would you like to go back to have a meal and rest?" The apprentice reminded Lin Hanlong.

Lin Hanlong nodded.After a while, a group of three people left the gate of the optical factory and walked on the street of the factory area.It was already bright daylight, and there were already a lot of workers commuting and going to work on the street.Fortunately, the weather was still cool and it was quite comfortable to walk on the road.He planned to eat something when he got back, and then squinted.The night in the optics workshop is over, and his day is not over yet.

(End of this chapter)

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