Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 942 The Application of Success Science

Chapter 942 The Application of Success Science
Ji Denggao is from Cantonese, and he can speak Cantonese very well—he can also understand it here in Qiongshan.Ji Denggao was born as an incompetent fortune teller. He walks around the streets and alleys and can speak well. He will play an important role in this disaster relief activity.

"Folks, we can meet here today because of a word of fate, a simple word of fate, which connects our hearts tightly. As the saying goes: it takes 500 years to be together in the same boat!"

He chatted endlessly with the refugees, and from time to time revealed a few pidgin-style Qiongshan dialects, which reassured the refugees who were a little panicked and didn't understand.

"Since we are destined to meet here today, I will give each of you a rice ball!"

After Ji Denggao delivered this set of speeches aimed at "bringing closer", he ordered the staff to distribute the prepared small rice balls to the refugees below.

"Don't squeeze, take your time, everyone has a share!" Ji Denggao shouted with a loudspeaker, saying that several soldiers carried large baskets full of rice balls and handed them out one by one, one for each , Childlike no deceit.

Onigiri are cooked brown rice with a dash of salt, vinegar, and umeboshi, and are wrapped with perilla leaves—actually, Japanese-style onigiri.This kind of rice ball can be stored for a short time in summer.The taste is not bad, it is a delicacy for refugees who have been short of food for a long time.

But the portion is too small, a small rice ball is not much bigger than a walnut, and the effect of vinegar, on the contrary, stimulated the already sluggish appetite of the hungry people.Many people swallowed it in one gulp, and then reluctantly looked at the big rice balls cooked on the table and the tumbling, fragrant soup, all with fixed eyes.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Ji Denggao stood up again, holding a loudspeaker:
"My folks! How does this rice ball taste?"

"Delicious!", "I've never eaten such a delicious thing!" The spies of the propaganda office mixed among the refugees shouted loudly—these people were all carefully selected, short, thin, and thin, so as not to be too nutritious So eye-catching.

All the refugees were already dizzy due to the lack of food, but after eating such a rice ball, each of them temporarily suspended their spirits.

"Fellow folks! I am the same person as you..." Ji Denggao began to talk about his "tragic family history" with emotion—although the whole article is written by pens, there are some There is no shortage of Ji Denggao's own experience. Although he was born as an urban poor, he was also a person who lived a hard life.

As expected of being a fortune teller, Ji Denggao spoke with a lot of emotion when he opened his mouth, and when he said it painfully, he didn't know if he was acting or if he really touched the pain in his heart, so he couldn't help crying.For a while, the emotions of the refugees in the audience were mobilized.

Ji Denggao's remarks are not a copy of Wei Aiwen's "recalling bitterness and thinking about sweetness" education: refugees now have no "sweetness" to speak of, and his speech is actually a combination of so-called "success learning" and "pyramid marketing" Routine.

The first step is to get close to the refugees, and the second step is to push yourself and others, use success to lure losers, and compare before and after.This is a common tactic in pyramid schemes.

Ji Denggao's success speech starts with "his own life experience", how poor he was when he was young, how he herded sheep and ducks; when he grew up, he worked as a servant and farmer, and encountered all kinds of bullying and hard work. These materials are not all made up In addition to his own experience, there are many excerpted by the Cultural and Propaganda Department from the self-reported materials of the refugees.

"...Why are we so miserable? Why are we so poor? Generation after generation have been working as cows and horses, and still can't get enough to eat?!" Ji Denggao yelled at the following with his eyes rounded.

Liu Xiang thought, if it is a revolutionary film now, then he knows what the lines are like, but now he is a little uncertain.Because no one among the senators, except for a very small number, intends to attack the exploiting classes.

Then I will analyze the reasons for everyone, why is it so painful?The reason is that strength is not used in the right place. I only know how to live hard, but I don’t know how to live hard.

"...It's the same as working for others and relying on strength to live. The tenant's field is planted, and a single seed has not been planted in the field, so you have signed several buckets of grain from others! If the landlord does not give you seeds Second, there are no oxen, and even the rake for raking the land is your own. You need to fertilize in spring, and you need water for vehicles in summer. By keeping the seeds and paying off the fertilizer money owed, how much can I save? The imperial court wants to increase the distribution and levy, saying that the grain households pay, and it will still fall on your heads? You all think that doing this is wrong Ain't he being taken advantage of?"

Seeing the emotions of the refugees below has been aroused-the tenants are exploited heavily, and it is the same everywhere.Many things were originally felt in the minds of the farmers in a daze, but now someone said it clearly, and it immediately resonated.Especially in recent years, the burden of the common people has become heavier and heavier due to the increase of the imperial court's Liao and Suppressing salaries.Life is getting harder.

"...When I went to the chiefs in sacks, someone asked me why? Why did I go to such a group of people from overseas? I said that I wanted to find the dream in my heart; when I was under the scorching sun under the chief Running around, digging ditches and working in the farmland, people asked me why I sweat like rain on land that is not my own? I said I want to realize the dream in my heart. Life has dreams, life is like a dream, but after all, life is not Dreams. We have no money, no literacy, and our ancestors have faced the loess and turned their backs to the sky for generations, but we have no place to stand on. We are despised and oppressed, and we are not even qualified to dream. So today I will bring everyone into a dream come true The world, where everything comes from our hands, our hard work is not for the poor rations after paying the rent, but for the future of ourselves and our children..."

Ji Denggao boasted about the various advantages of the Tiandihui Farm while the iron was hot: after being employed or as a shareholder, he could be allocated a standard house, and he could also obtain property rights in the form of a 20-year mortgage; all children in each household could go to school; Everyone who wants to work has a job, and the farm pays wages, so they can eat enough every day, and don’t need to tighten their belts for the spring famine; those who are willing to bring land into shares can get a certain dividend at the end of the year...

Ji Denggao is eloquent. His speech not only contains general promises, but also constantly cites actual personal cases.Of course, these cases are not fake. The cooperative farms established by Tiandihui in Lingao have already been piloted in several communes, and the results have been remarkable.

"It's such a good thing, can't it be a lie?" Someone in the crowd said loudly.

This person is the propagandist who mixed in with the refugees in advance—this kind of person is a non-staff member in the Lingao system. He has a normal livelihood on weekdays, but he often secretly accepts instructions from government departments to handle some things.Receive a small stipend.The informers under the control of the Political Security Service were one of them.The Ministry of Culture and Propaganda controls a group of propaganda and agitation backbones.

Ji Denggao was waiting for him, and immediately replied:
"Brother, you are right. There is no such thing as white rice falling in vain from the sky. The cooperative also depends on everyone to drive us out. It's just that the head of Australia will lead us to do it. As for the credit of the head of Australia, everyone still needs it." Is there anyone who can't believe it? What Lingao looked like back then, and what it looks like now, even if you haven't seen it, you should have heard of it!"

The various deeds of the Australians in Lingao—especially the good treatment and benefits they gave to their subordinates, as well as their mythical farming skills—had long been spread in Qiongshan. The poor tenants and long-term workers who had no place to stand under the tiles were moved.

Where to go to work instead of work?Even if this person didn't say it so well, at least it's not a fake that Australians feed their people well.

However, no one dared to stand up for a while. Fortunately, the propaganda team knew that there must be a leader in this kind of thing, and rural people are most afraid of being the leader.They have already prepared this leader.Two or three inside players from Qiongshan immediately stepped forward.

"I'll go!" A burly man in his 40s roared, striding over, and then he said to everyone, "Where are you going to work hard for people to farm, and at least you can eat enough for Australian masters—I heard The commune of the Australian master is full of rice with brown rice and shredded potatoes! There is a reward every week!"

When he said this, it immediately caused a commotion, and then several insiders came out, shouting and inciting the refugees, and Ji Denggao immediately asked the staff to give them two big rice balls and a night of thick soup.

"Eat first to build up your strength. Don't worry. You will eat this every now and then."

The refugees below saw the big rice balls they ate like fists, and the aroma of the thick soup wafted out from time to time. They couldn't hold it anymore, and suddenly a large number of people below shouted:

"Go, go, we are willing to go!"

Just as Liu Xiang thought, the main purpose of the Qiongzhou Laide task force is to follow the natural disaster and use propaganda methods to absorb large-scale labor to work in Lingao, and take a large number of labor away from the local area through recruitment to destroy the local area. The traditional labor relations of production -- attracting tenant farmers to leave the landlord's land and go to Lingao to enter factories and state-owned farms, artificially causing a shortage of labor in Qiongzhou.Because the tenancy system is still the mainstream among the big landlords in Qiongzhou.The Executive Committee believes that by pulling away the tenant farmers, the local landlords can be forced into difficulties in production, making it difficult for them to maintain the original production system.This in turn caused labor prices to rise and land prices to fall. In conjunction with the tax policy and the operation of the Tiandihui, the agricultural policy of centralized land management was implemented in Qiongshan.

(End of this chapter)

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