Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 943 Central and Local

Chapter 943 Central and local ([-])

Encouraged by this publicity, Liu Xiang knew that there would be a large number of tenants and farm laborers fleeing to Lingao—he was very depressed when he thought of a TV series in which foreigners lured Chinese laborers in Guangdong and other places. Snippets of "Selling the Piglets".At the beginning, it was different, and Francisco was blown into a good place full of gold.

"It's just the same." He muttered, watching the lively scene silently for a while, feeling that there was nothing to see.Then he left the porridge market and returned to the county office compound.

The large conference room in the courtyard—the original location of the chief administrative division’s lobby is now temporarily used as a temporary office for the disaster relief task force.Stacks of reports and rosters were sent out and brought back again and again, and the courtyard was filled with the clunky crackling of Chinese typewriters and strangely accented Mandarin.

Judging from what it looks like today, at least two to three thousand refugees will be taken away.He roughly calculated the composition of the refugees, and he roughly counted the composition of the refugees. The landless tenants and their families accounted for more than half. Now that the executive committee has resorted to such demagogic methods, how much does it affect the refugees who have little knowledge and empty stomachs? The allure is self-evident.

Just now Yang Yun conveyed the opinion of the executive committee to him.Liu Xiang has no objection to the fact that the executive committee wants to absorb food and population from Qiongshan——the senate needs these two most, there is no reason to occupy the territory but not enjoy the spoils of war, but the current approach is too hasty Liu Xiang has a lot of opinions on this - in his opinion, this is a typical Communist way of thinking.He had been the "county magistrate" in Qiongshan for several months, and he knew a lot about the local situation, and he knew that the executive committee's thinking sometimes took things for granted.

All in all, Qiongshan is not an overpopulated area. Although it is the most densely populated county in Hainan, on the mainland, with a population of around [-], it is only a middle-level county at best.The population is far from being saturated.From a long-term perspective, Qiongshan is also a place that needs to replenish its population in order to achieve great development.

On his desk, the fresh Fujian tea made by Guo Linger in the morning had lost its heat, but it was just to his liking, so he took a big gulp and looked through the various confidential documents just sent by the Confidentiality Department.One of them was a red "urgent" official document issued by the Central Government Affairs Council.

The official document was just delivered in the morning, and urgent official documents were delivered day and night according to the rules. After nearly a year of construction, between Qiongshan and Lingao, postal routes and cable telegraph systems have only been initially connected.The connection between the two places is generally sent by cable telegraph, while the transmission of large sections of official documents is carried out by the postal system.Since the entire island of Hainan fell into the hands of the Senate, the dilapidated post station system of the Ming Dynasty was also taken over by the post office.Using this method of putting new wine in old bottles, the General Post Office of the Central Government Affairs Council opened a postal route system around the island.However, so far only Qiongbei’s postal route is delivered by road, and Qiongnan area currently only has sea postal route due to the large amount of post road repair work.

Liu Xiang knew that this document was not trivial, so he quickly opened it and read it.

The document is an instruction on the relief work in Qiongshan.There is not much difference in the content of what Yang Yun talked about yesterday. The difference is that today's talk also includes a "Compilation of Lingao County's Experience in Fighting Typhoon Disasters and Post-disaster Remediation". hints like that.In connection with the actions of the veterans in the literature and publicity department who came yesterday, as a former project manager who is good at analyzing customer needs, Liu Xiang quickly grasped the actual meaning of this hint.

"It's really like this, it's too ugly to eat." Liu Xiang looked at the official document in his hand and couldn't help shaking his head.

"When I first came here, I didn't want to be a revolutionary party, but a construction party; now that I've built a big business, I've turned around and become a revolutionary party." Liu Xiang's political orientation tends to be more leftist, but he He is a pragmatist -- of course, if Du Wen was in front of him, he would definitely be criticized as an "opportunist", or more vicious comments such as right-leaning capitulationism.Regarding Director Du's remarks, he knows a lot from Liu Yuefei
Liu Yuefei, with a very feminine name, was a peculiar figure.Although he disapproved of Du Wen's political views, but when it came to her, he was full of affection - it could even be said to be full of admiration.A few times Liu Xiang even got goosebumps when chatting with him.

Liu Yuefei is a member of the Social Work Department with the title of researcher.After the victory in Chengmai last summer, researcher Liu was sent from Lingao as a researcher by the Social Work Department, first in Chengmai, then in Qiongshan, becoming a "wanderer".In the two counties of Chengmai and Qiongshan, social research work was done, and a lot of data preparation work was done for the government to go to the countryside.Since he wandered around the countryside almost every day, doing research work, he was extremely dangerous. He was attacked by bandits and local gentry only once in Chengmai and four times in Qiongshan. A lot of trouble.

Liu Xiang is sometimes very strange, why does his family insist on working in the front line so much?He doesn't even have a life secretary, so he is simply a model among the elders.Once, out of good intentions, he suggested that Liu Muzhou formally appoint Liu Yuefei as the deputy director of the Qiongshan County Office.However, before Liu Muzhou made a statement, Liu Yuefei firmly refused:

"I still want to return to Lingao to work."

But no one knew when she would return to Lingao. Liu Xiang vaguely heard that Liu Yuefei was "exiled".He felt a little unbelievable about this point-the political power of the elders was very great, and even the executive committee did not dare to make small moves in this regard.He felt that there must be some other factor.

It's a pity that Liu Yuefei is not here today - he has gone to the countryside to inspect the disaster relief work, otherwise we can have a good discussion with him.

He began to carefully study several documents and telegrams sent before and after.Correctly understanding the spirit of the central government is the main job of being a local official.

The line of the central government is very clear: to provide relief to the proletariat with more favorable treatment, to attract them to work in the core areas, and to train them as industrial workers; The proletariat acts as a reserve army of industrial workers.

As far as the current actions are concerned, the attitude towards big landlords, local gentry, and clan forces who have a certain ability to resist disasters cannot be seen. In other cases, it is very likely that some ugly methods will be adopted.

"Although the Ninth Elder verbally said that he wants to unify China, take all of East Asia, and dominate the world, but in fact his vision is still not broad." Liu Xiang leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, and kept tapping the fingers of the huanghuali wood to make computer desk.

"Everything is going to Lingaola, and such actions are taken in the outer administrative areas. If this continues, how can the local development be developed!"

The capital always absorbs all the essence of a country, and Liu Xiang feels that Lingao is beginning to show such signs, especially when the rule of the Senate is only limited to a mere island, this tendency is especially obvious.The trophies and captives from all over the world are continuously transported to Lingao, and all the construction is carried out around Lingao...

After Liu Xiang took office as a foreigner, when considering issues, he was more inclined to develop places instead of supplying unlimited blood to Lingao.He thought in his heart that the various opinions and contradictions of the elders towards the executive committee were just because the ruling area was too small and there were too many radishes and too few pits.When the ruling area expands, veterans are sent abroad one after another, and the specific work is undertaken by naturalized cadres, this contradiction will disappear.What he has to do is to train a large number of capable and easy-to-use naturalized cadres first, manage a place well, lay a solid foundation, build a good network of people, and pave the way for becoming local officials in the future.

He called the orderly in and asked this great guy to step on the dynamo - this task was done by Guo Linger before, but after the news of Tang Menglong's happy son spread, he assigned most of this task to the orderly, and Guo Linger only stepped on for half an hour after taking a nap for exercise.This time Liu Xiang was going to write several articles, but the habit of writing papers made him time-consuming every time he wrote an article, because he had to check a lot of information and data to make his articles more convincing.

He first checked the land transfer situation after the typhoon in the past years. This information is a data that is as authentic as possible after combining Qiongshan County's own records, information from the intelligence team, and interrogation of the original county government officials.Through the analysis of software written by himself and the situation over the years, he found that under the multiple pressures of landlords and old officials, farmers’ attachment to the land is still unabated. Many farmers would rather dig wild vegetables and eat chaff than keep the land. The poor peasants and middle peasants are especially obvious. It seems that the less land they have, the more persistent they become.Rich peasants with more land, on the other hand, were likely to sell a small portion of their land in exchange for capital to survive the famine-although they would have to pay more under various oppressions.

After a comprehensive simulation, he got a guessed ratio, and he entered the list of people who were willing to sell land to Australians in exchange for labor qualifications under the influence of the propaganda department last night into his own simulation analysis tool, and then used various Calculations were carried out on various weighted indices, estimated probabilities, and other values, and finally the "land that may be sold to Australians" was simulated and circled on the map of Qiongshan County.

(End of this chapter)

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