Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 944 Central and Local

Chapter 944 Central and Local ([-])
"It's better than a sieve." Liu Xiang shook his head as he looked at more than a dozen maps of the simulation results.These maps are the results of deduction after simulating the land most likely to be sold. Their common feature is that they are "ridden with holes". On the schematic diagram of available arable land in Qiongshan County, there is a small block here and an irregular figure there. It looks like a post-modern "work of art".Land statistics are also listed below each map.Including land ownership status, operating status, field type, main crops, average yield per mu and other data.

Since it is currently impossible to conduct a detailed investigation of the soil composition of the land, each plot is given a simple comprehensive rating based on the annual yield and the personal sense of the surveyor: it is divided into four grades: barren, low-yield, middle-yield, and high-yield.The results of the deduction show that low-yielding fields account for a large part of the land that may be sold to Australians.

Obviously, landlords and rich peasants tended to keep the best land in their hands, and cultivate it directly by themselves or long-term laborers, while renting out the poorer or labor-intensive land.Even when selling land, it is obvious that low-yield fields with poor land are their priority for sale.

As for the owners of those small pieces of land, most of them obtained the land by reclaiming wasteland. Because of their limited financial capacity, most of the land is "Wang Tiantian" with incomplete water conservancy facilities, less fertilization, and the land condition is generally not good.Even if they sell their land, the Council of Agriculture will have to spend a lot of money on renovations.

Obviously, even if the executive committee's opinions were implemented and the refugees surrendered their land in cooperation, the agricultural committee could only get many small pieces of land scattered throughout the county.These scattered lands are of no help to large farms at all-it is very difficult to integrate these lands.

"Taking away so many proletarian laborers, and then leaving such a mess in the local area! It's just taken for granted!" Liu Xiang looked at the results of the deduction, and his mood became more and more bad. "How can we do construction like this! Just for that? The farm plan, I want to put these fragmented land together, how much thought will I have to spend!"

The first conflict between the central and local governments in the Lingao regime was thus born.

Of course big farms are good. Liu Xiang really doesn't like the patchwork of small farmers' land. In his opinion, this is a huge waste of land and labor, and is synonymous with inefficiency.He was also passionate about intensification of agricultural production.

Nevertheless, Liu Xiang is relatively revisionist.What policy should be adopted at what historical stage is his consistent position.

"Intensification does not mean collectivization, nor does it mean that land must be concentrated," he muttered, "dogmatism kills people."

Liu Xiang believes that places like Qiongshan where there are many small farmers and landlords can completely adopt a model similar to Leizhou, that is, the Japanese-style "agricultural cooperative" system, organize production cooperatives, and use economic and technical means to guide landowners to carry out Transformation, rather than impatient to revolutionize the small peasant economy.

He thought for a long time, and decided to write a few articles on this issue to fully explain his point of view—since he arrived in Qiongshan, because Qiongshan could not connect to Lingao's BBS, he hadn't logged on to participate in policy discussions for a long time.But that doesn't mean he's ignorant of the above discussion.In order to ensure that all expatriate elders can grasp the dynamics of the Senate in a timely manner, under Qian Shuiting's motion: the general office compiles the "Weekly Dynamics" every week based on the information on the BBS and the content discussed by the Senate, and sends it to In the hands of the expatriate veterans, what was sent at the same time was the monthly theoretical magazine "Venus" compiled by the Cultural and Propaganda Department.

Liu Xiang asked Guo Linger to bring the latest issues of "Weekly News", "Venus" and the internal editions of Lingao Times - he hadn't read these "internal materials" for a long time.Writing an article, like writing a thesis, must have a detailed theoretical basis and sufficient information.In addition, he also needs to rely on these materials to grasp the current ideological trends in the Senate.

"Go through these materials first, circle the titles and page numbers of all articles about agriculture and land policy with a red pen, and then mark the page numbers." He issued instructions to Guo Linger.

When Guo Linger collected data for him, he first searched and calculated the social survey data in the computer as his theoretical basis.

After retrieving the data and checking the relevant information, Guo Linger has circled all the materials he specified with a red pen, and he started to read them carefully.

Land issues, agriculture and industrial development have always been hot topics of discussion among the elders. He read Tian Jiujiu's article on Lingao water resource utilization, pollution and treatment and found it very inspiring.Then I saw Hailin's signed article "Wood is not a cheap substitute!" ".

"Well, well, there is indeed a connection." He immediately discovered something.

"Papapapapa" Liu Xiang's hands flashed quickly on the notebook keyboard. With a full grasp of the theoretical dynamics and materials, he quickly finished writing "Yan'an can't become Xi'an, Lingao don't become Bianliang" ", "Analysis of Land Transfer Situation After Disasters in Past Years and Forecast of This Year's Situation", the former one is going to be submitted to Ding Ding, and posted on the internal page of the newspaper and on the BBS; the latter one is a distress letter sent to the executive committee.And what he is writing is an official letter sent to the Ministry of Light Industry, a memorandum suggesting that the Ministry of Light Industry transfer some industries to the new ruling area.

"Only when there is comparison can there be ideas, and only when there are role models can there be motivation." Liu Xiang wrote, "Qiongshan is also an excellent port. It has a relatively mature market and a large number of labor forces. It can fully afford the production of various light industries and processing industries. Reduce the freight pressure at Bopu Port, reduce the food supply pressure at Lingao, and use local resources to process locally to save costs." He specifically named in the article, requesting that coconut processing enterprises, some wood processing and manufacturing capabilities and other major industrial raw materials come from Qiongshan's industries were relocated to "cultivate the local working class."

After finishing writing, he switched on a dot matrix printer. This 48-pin printer is also one of his personal belongings. It is characterized by easy replacement of ink and simple and durable structure.In the roar of "squeaks", his three masterpieces are slowly coming out of the paper.

Contradictions belong to contradictions, complaints belong to complaints, and the tasks that have been assigned should still be completed with all efforts.He didn't want to leave any "passive sabotage" evaluation.

"Okay, you go to change shifts to rest, and call Deputy Director Lu here." Liu Xiang waved to the sweaty orderly.Guo Ling'er put the articles he wrote into a folder and prepared to send them to the confidential room for copying, and then they would be sent to different departments for distribution according to Liu Xiang's request.

After a while, Lu Cheng, the nominal deputy director of women's affairs, came. As a veteran, Liu Xiang certainly knew her actual identity.

"Where is the visiting group now?" Liu Xiang asked immediately.This is the issue he is most concerned about in addition to typhoon disaster relief in the near future.

The "visit group" is a Lingao tour group led by Hai Shuzu.Except for Hai Shuzu, the members of the regiment are all the legitimate sons of other big families in Qiongshan County who "survived" in the Qiongbei security war and Qingzhang Tianmu campaign.

Asking them to visit Lingao is nothing more than a traditional psychological battle, to let the big families recognize the strength of the Australians, and honestly buy a ticket to board the boat-although the Senate is always on the land and property of the big families. Peeking, but in general, "curing the disease and saving the patient" is the main thing. As long as you can honestly cooperate with the civil affairs measures and agricultural policies of the Senate, and be a person who understands current affairs, not only will the big households not lose their lives and property, say Maybe you can get new wealth.

After a series of blood and fire baptisms in the Qiongbei public security war and Qingzhang Tianmu, it was Liu Xiang's original plan to properly give the honest big households a little hope.

They have been going to Lingao for two weeks, and they were supposed to return the day before yesterday, but the way back was blocked by the typhoon and they have been delayed all this time - yesterday's report was that they were still in the guest house in Chengmai.Considering that the rain was light now, Liu Xiang felt that they should already be on their way back.

This event was led by Qiongshan County, co-organized by the State Administration of Political Security and the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda, and the information transmission of the political security system was faster, so he asked Lu Cheng to ask.

"Report to the chief! The latest news is that he has arrived in Qiongshan County this morning. He just passed Bailianpu." Lu Cheng blinked at the chief in front of him, excited to be summoned alone again.

"Immediately send a telegram to inform the station, and walk slowly." Liu Xiang instructed.

"Understood, I'll notify you right away."

Liu Xiang felt that at this critical time, it would be better to keep the visiting group "halfway". This would put some psychological pressure on the big households who might have a rebound, and reduce their enthusiasm for obstructing this recruitment work.After all, the task of the superior still has to be guaranteed to be completed.

In order to form this group, Liu Xiang spent a lot of thought.The initial psychological assault started from Hai Shuzu.Although Hai Shuzu completely got rid of the prying eyes of the big households around him because of Lingao's victory in Chengmai and the Guangdong officialdom's compensation, he was shining brightly in Qiongshan County as "old friends with Australians and doing big business together".But in his heart, Hai Shuzu still doesn't approve of the rule of the crossing people - after all, his ancestor is Hai Rui, an official of Ming Dynasty, received salary from Ming Dynasty, and received grace from Ming Dynasty, while the Australians are just " Therefore, the "remnants of the Song Dynasty" and "overseas adherents" are not in line with the "orthodoxy" in his thinking.Therefore, Hai Shuzu has always maintained a "not close cooperation" attitude towards various tasks in Qiongshan County.This attitude also affects the large households in Qiongshan County, which makes the Qiongshan County Government always feel awkward when dealing with local affairs.Especially when promoting agricultural technology, engaging in agricultural cooperation, and sending political power to the countryside, there will always be various invisible resistance.

(End of this chapter)

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