Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 945 Central and Local

Chapter 945 Central and Local ([-])
Liu Xiang attached great importance to this "remnant of feudal bureaucracy" in Du Wen's mouth. In his opinion, the prestige of the Hai family in Qiongshan area would help strengthen their rule in this area.In particular, the exemplary role of the Hai family is not only useful to the rich gentry, but also has a great influence on ordinary people.

As one of the most famous political figures in the Ming Dynasty, Hai Rui's political philosophy was quite in line with the policy of the Senate in many respects, and he could be used as a weapon to attack big households during the administration.Therefore, Liu Xiang put a lot of effort into winning over Hai Shuzu.

In order to do the ideological work of Tong Hai Shuzu, Liu Xiang first conducted a full range of side transfers to the Hai family through the intelligence network of the General Administration of Political Security in Qiongshan. Jiang Shan moved the practice base of the Intelligence Bureau to Guangzhou.

This network was created by Lin Baiguang, and it belongs to a mature system.From their mouths, Liu Xiang has a comprehensive and full understanding of Hai Shuzu's situation.

Generally speaking, Hai Shuzu is not a stubborn Taoist or a rigid person who only regards the ancestors' family law as the golden rule-his willingness to raise funds to buy ships and go to sea to do business fully shows that he is very self-motivated. And quick-witted.Of course, there are also many unavoidable places: the severe economic situation of the Hai family also forced him to do so.

After mastering sufficient information, Liu Xiang began to carry out targeted work on the Hai family.I interviewed him many times, presented the facts and reasoned, and even called Lin Baiguang in Guangzhou to get a letter of comfort.Because Hai Shuzu had received great benefits from the Senate, he knew more or less the policies of the Senate, and he had seen the efficiency and cruelty of the Australians in the security war and Qingzhang Tianmu, which made him inconvenient and did not dare to pose. The face of rejecting people thousands of miles away was finally moved by Liu Xiang's constant brainwashing every day.

In the end, he nodded and agreed to visit Lingao in person. After visiting Lingao, especially after visiting the Nanhai Demonstration Farm, Hai Shuzu immediately added all the fields in his family to the Qiongshan branch of the Tiandihui, and mobilized Relatives engage in agricultural cooperation - interests trump all theories.

Liu Xiang found that this kind of "visit and visit" was very effective. A month ago, he asked Hai Shuzu for help and organized a visit to Lingao for the sons of the big families who would inherit the family business in the future.

Of course, the big players are very hesitant about this. Many people think that this is because the Australians want them to hand over their "protons".One after another came to the Hai family to ask him to come forward to intercede, and some simply took the route of their wives, sending their wives to visit the old ladies and wives of the Hai family with large gifts, crying and begging them to come forward to intercede.

Hai Shuzu didn't think so:
"If the chiefs really want you to lose your sincerity, in a word, your children can still dance around at home? Does anyone dare to say no?"

Everyone was silent, and the big family who had seen the Australians' thunderbolt methods knew very well that no one would dare to do so, unless he was willing to abandon his family business and leave Qiongzhou Capital—the Australians would never stop him from doing so.

"This time it's just a visit. The students will take it with them in person, so that your children can see the world! Don't you still believe in my Hai family?" He said very frankly. "All of you, the students have a few words of advice. Don't pretend to be a girl's boy or a nephew from a distant family. The chiefs know everything, so don't make fun of it out of thin air!"

Under Hai Shuzu's assurance, the big families finally carefully asked the named sons who were about to inherit the family business to participate in this "visiting group".The objects of the visit were the factory in Lingao, Dongmen City, Nanhai Demonstration Farm and several demonstration households in Lingao: Liu Youren's family, Lin Quan'an's family and Fu Buer's family.The reception expenses of reception units and individuals will be reimbursed by Qiongshan County.

Liu Xiang took care: "When they come back, we will arrange for them to go to the county-run guest house for the time being, and each of them will write an article about their experience of visiting Lingao, no less than [-] words."

"Yes, Chief. I will arrange it." Lu Cheng nodded. This kind of trick of writing experience is a traditional routine for Lu Cheng who was trained by the training class.He said with a sweet smile: "Any other orders?"

"It's gone, you go to work first." Liu Xiang couldn't help but feel a little itchy when he saw her smile and her twisted waist when she turned to leave.Lu Cheng looks much cuter than Guo Linger.Lu Cheng has been

Liu Xiang doesn't mind accepting another one after Guo Ling'er, after all, polygamy is one of the motivations for his time travel.But he knows that if he wants to go further on the road of being a local administrator, he should not have too close a relationship with the people in the political security department. For this reason, he can only express regret in his heart.

"Boss, it's already bound." Guo Ling'er said to Liu Xiang holding several bundles of manuscripts.

"Well, go...let's leave it for now." Looking at the printed manuscript, Liu Xiang wondered if the firepower was too fierce.It wouldn't be worth it if someone labeled it "local versus central".The article itself is fine, but how to deliver it, who should accept it and who shouldn’t, whoever receives it first and whoever receives it later, who sends it to who copies it, and who reads it with whomever is all technical work.

Liu Xiang stared at the titles of the three articles, then sat at the computer desk and fell into deep thought.

Although "increasing state-owned assets" was the purpose and result of the dugong's operation, the reason for launching it was to ensure the food security of "operation engine".This is the main action of this year, which belongs to the "righteousness" and "programme", and this line cannot be stepped on.On this point, relying on Liu Xiang himself is unbreakable.

Secondly, my real purpose is to ask the central government for policies and resources, not to fight against the central government. This is very important.This is a qualitative question.Can the Ninth Elder realize that he is not the government of Lingao County, but the core of the entire Transcending Empire?This requires people to point out in the core area.

After subdividing it one by one, Liu Xiang already had a rough idea.

Liu Xiang first opened the "Gui" notebook, wrote a telegram, and then used encryption software to convert it into ciphertext.This telegram was sent to the planning institute Wu De.

"...The food that can be mobilized can only meet the supply of about ten days, and it is difficult to guarantee the resistance to subsequent derivative disasters and the recovery of production needs... It is expected that the food shipped by the Dutch according to the contract, or the Southeast Asian company's Siam operation will return. Is there any procedure to order him to unload some grain in Qiongshan as a relief?"

The Ministry of Colonial and Foreign Trade and the East India Company signed a contract for the transportation of grain: the Dutch are about to transport five shipments of rice from the Nanyang Islands, two-thirds of this batch of rice will be shipped to Hong Kong for storage, ready to be used for the engine operation to Jeju island supplies.

The Dutch only had spices and ships, so entrepot trade was their main business activity in East and Southeast Asia.As a three-in-one enterprise of merchants, colonists and ship merchants, the Dutch East India Company not only transported expensive spices, silk goods, and medicinal materials.At the same time, it also carries all kinds of bulk cargo, including timber, rice, daily groceries...even elephants for Siam.

The Dutch's main territory, the Nanyang Islands, is rich in rice, and the Dutch are fully capable of exporting a large amount of rice from the local area-they also have trade routes in Siam, and Siamese rice has always been the main export commodity of the local area.Several ships were sent there on a trading expedition for the great Miskade of Siam.

Regardless of whether it is the trading ship of Skade or the grain transport ship of the Dutch, they are still just a picture of the Planning Institute. Liu Xiang used this to remind Wu De: Qiongshan also needs food.

Then, he wrote another piece of paper and attached it to the cover of the article "Yan'an Can't Become Xi'an, Lingao Don't Become Bianliang".It read, "Qian Shuiting please post it on the BBS, and transfer it to Tintin, hope it can be published on the internal edition of Lingao Times".Liu Xiang is not a member of the Zhai Party, but he recognizes the goals of the Zhai Party and has participated in several gatherings. He can be regarded as a "friendly person outside the Party".Qian Shuiting, as the chairman of the Senate, is one of the nine elders, and he will attend both meetings and meetings.If he can realize that this is an opportunity for the executive committee to put his position in order, then it will be difficult to get rid of the label of "confronting the central government".

Then came the "Analysis of Land Transfer Situation After Disasters Over the Years and Forecast of This Year's Situation". He originally wanted to send it to Wu De, but now he changed his mind and wrote "Received by Wu Nanhai" on the envelope.Now, taking advantage of your illness will cost you three thousand lives. Apart from Liu Xiang's distaste for ugly food and worries about the central government's policy line, as far as the work itself is concerned, he doesn't have much objection.It's nothing more than getting a small piece of land here and there and then working with big households—whether violent or non-violent—it's troublesome.

The last one who asked for policies was originally intended to be sent directly to Mo Xiaoan, but now he decided to "accept it from the Planning Institute and send a copy to Mo Xiaoan from the Ministry of Light Industry and Wu Kuangming from the Forestry Department".After all, issues related to industrial layout should be left to Wu De.

"Come back to rest after sending out the telegram and letter. Recharge your batteries and wait until the evening to start work!" Liu Xiang said to Guo Ling'er with a lewd smile: "These days are just right, let's try to win the bid!" Then he sized her up again, " Put on the lace underwear and stockings that Ziminglou sent you last week!"

Although Guo Ling'er was used to Liu Xiang's high shame and no bottom line when there were only two of them, she still blushed.

Liu Xiang was very satisfied with Guo Linger's blushing face, and walked out of the office with a trembling smile.He was going to inspect the work at a Taoist temple in Jinniuling on the west side of the county seat.Yesterday, all the victims who were willing to work in Lingao were arranged there. While recovering, they waited for the "labor bus" to pick up Lingao.

"There's not much food, let's transport more! Then, hey, give me back the mature industrial workers!" Liu Xiang made up his mind and set off towards Jinniuling with his guards.

 The first big seal of entering Sanjiang today was pushed, and I am extremely honored.Share with fellow readers.

(End of this chapter)

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