Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 972

Chapter 972

"You guys are just sitting on the ground and raising the price—" the girl in red questioned again.

Min Zhanlian sneered: "Why, your religion doesn't have any rules of superiority and inferiority?"

The words were harsh and provocative, and the eyes of the middle-aged man showed hatred.But the girl in red is not a simple subordinate, but a guardian envoy sent from the Shandong General Altar. Although she is young and her status is not as high as his, she is not someone he can casually scold.

"I agree to this condition." He nodded.

"There is also daily food," Min Zhanlian said, "There is almost no food here, and you have to be responsible for preparing it. There are vegetables, meat, wine, and tea."

"It's easy to say." The middle-aged man signaled, and someone next to him sent a booklet.

"This is the brochure from the Wang family's old shop on Chenglixian Street. I have prepared a courtyard for you. Everything you need to eat and drink is recorded on the brochure."

"The work is beautiful." Min Zhanlian expressed satisfaction, "How can I contact you if I have something to do?"

"Go to the back of Wang's old shop and draw a talisman, and someone will naturally connect with you." The middle-aged man said, "You won't see me again in the future. If there is something to do, this envoy will connect with you."

In the afternoon, all of Min Zhanlian's people arrived at the old Wang's shop.After showing the brochure, the clerk welcomed them in without saying a word, brought them tea and water, and was extremely busy.The tea was ready, and they all retreated out of the yard as if they were giving an order.

Min Zhanlian's subordinates were not busy washing and changing clothes.Just check for suspicious things in the room and courtyard.Not long after, the middle-aged man with a local accent came back.

"It's not a black shop." He whispered, "It's indeed an old shop."


"I just went to the back and walked around. The shopkeeper's family is also a believer."

Min Zhanlian nodded: "It's expected."

The middle-aged man he brought was from southern Shandong, and he was very familiar with the local conditions, so he specially hired him after taking this job.This person has been in the underworld for many years and has a lot of experience in the world.

After he stepped back, the oldest knight—Min Zhanlian politely called him "He Bo"—came in and reported that everything had been settled.There are messages on the doors, windows and eaves.He is Min Zhanlian's general manager, responsible for all the basic necessities of the team.Because of the great responsibility, he is Min Zhanlian's confidant.

"Those who are fine will start to rest in shifts now. Let the eyes and ears go out to inquire about the news!" Min Zhanlian took care, "We have to take a good look at what kind of god this robber Taoist leader is."

The eyes and ears are three ugly people.Two men and one woman.They all look like ordinary people who can't leave the slightest impression at first glance.Good at makeup and camouflage, he can learn all kinds of teachings.

"Yes," He Bo replied, and said in a low voice, "I wonder if the food and wine here are clean?"

"There shouldn't be a problem." Min Zhanlian said in a deep voice, "Since we have no grievances and enmity, and they paid us to kill people, why bother to kill us first?"

"It's better to be careful." He Bo said, "The remnants of the White Lotus Sect are said to have sorcery, so be careful not to prescribe us magic tricks."

Min Zhanlian chuckled: "Uncle He, you are overthinking. It is true that they can use some spells, but the world's major events have never been achieved by magic spells. Not to mention Xu Hongru who was defeated ten years ago, it is Zhang Jiao's morality— ——Even the imperial court at that time threw themselves into the ground, rose up and rebelled against millions of yellow scarves, and they were defeated. The more you are afraid, the more they can make troubles—it’s not surprising that they are self-defeating.”

While talking, someone suddenly came to report: a guest came to pay respects.

"Please." Min Zhanlian nodded, needless to say, this must be the messenger from the sect, bringing new news.

The person who came was indeed the emissary of the sect, and it was the girl in red just now.

But at this time, in order to hide her eyes and ears, she had already put on a black cloak.

"Has the girl brought any news?"

"The person you are going to deal with spends medicine on the soup kitchen to see a doctor every day," the girl said without politeness or address, with a cold face, "The altar wants you to kill him in the most bizarre way." .”

"When it comes to weird methods, we ordinary people probably don't have such morals." Min Zhanlian said with a smile, "I'm afraid it would be more appropriate for you to teach all kinds of strange spells."

"That's not what you said." The girl grinned, "It won't be a big deal."

Min Zhanlian was suddenly alert. These few words were said before a cup of tea. When he lived here, his subordinates had placed secret cards in front of and behind the house, and there were no secret rooms and tunnels here. It was absolutely impossible for anyone to lurk and eavesdrop. can hear!
"This matter is difficult..."

"Hmph, don't you just want money?" The girl sneered, "Isn't it you who killed the master of the Qingcheng Mountain Mabao by committing suicide? I will add 50 taels of silver to you, and he must die with great vigor—— Death by God's wrath."

Zhang Yingchen didn't know that someone wanted to "kill" him. Although there were suspicious people watching and following him, Zhang Yingchen felt that he didn't do anything to provoke other people. No matter who the other party was, they wouldn't kill him.

It's not that he hasn't considered that there may be some local sects who want to kill him out of competition, and this possibility always exists.

There are many kinds of huidao sects on the ground in Shandong, the largest ones are Wenxiang sect and Luo sect, and there are even more various sects and huidao sects.Wen Xiangjiao is very famous and powerful.Xu Hongru of the White Lotus Sect is an apprentice of Wang Sen, the leader of Wenxiang Sect in Jizhou, Hebei.The White Lotus Sect has been operating latently in Shandong for more than 20 years, with more than 200 million disciples.Intertwined, powerful.After the failure of the uprising in the second year of Tianqi, the White Lotus Sect suffered a heavy blow in Shandong.However, the strength of the remaining party still exists, and it continues to lurk in activities and rise up on standby.Chongzhen besieged Laiyang in the second year. In the same year, Zhu Bingnan, the remaining party, also attacked the government in Suizhou, Henan.As for the Luo religion, it was born and bred: the ancestor is Luo Qing from Shandong, who has strong strength in the water transport soldiers and has many branches.

Zhang Yingchen knew from reading historical materials that among several larger sects active in Shandong in the late Ming Dynasty, such as Luojiao, Wenxiangjiao, Hongyangjiao, Huangtianjiao, and Yiqizaoxiangjiao, Hongyangjiao had a prophecy of the doom of the red sheep and claimed to be The Luo religion is inherited and likes to take the upper-level route; the Yiqizaoxiang religion is more like a witch-like Taoism, and has always advertised that it will not participate in the rebellion; but the Huangtian religion founded by Huyan Zen Master Li Bin during the Jiajing period was very close to Li Chuang in the late Ming Dynasty In the missionary activities in the late Ming Dynasty, he spread prophecies such as eighteen sons for Li Chuang.

"I don't know who will kill me?" This is what Zhang Yingchen has been thinking about recently.He currently has more information about the Roman Catholic Church and is more timely. There are some former Roman Catholic believers in the Catholic Church in Shandong. Of course, that seems to be the result of their confusion of the Catholic Church's worship of the Virgin Mary and the belief in the Inanimate Mother.Therefore, Lu Wenyuan was able to get a lot of news from them and send it to him.

But this did not improve his situation in the slightest.The three beggars guard the front and back doors of the Taoist temple every day, and as soon as he goes out, he will feel that someone is following him from behind. No matter where he goes, he will encounter people of different ages, men and women, secretly following and peeping.Several nights he was awakened by the slightest sound of footsteps on the roof.

Zhang Yingchen was very surprised - obviously his status with the opponent had been greatly improved.It is very likely that an operation against him is being planned.

He didn't know what the opponent was going to do, if it wanted his life, he could do it at any time.The other party did not draw the bow, obviously there was an intention to force him to walk.

After all, Zhang Yingchen was not prepared to be martyred at any time, and had to seriously consider leaving this place while eagerly looking forward to the arrival of the bodyguards who applied.

However, his missionaries haven't come yet, if he just walks away, all the painstaking efforts he has spent in curing diseases and saving lives these days will be like losing everything - he is reluctant.

On this day, he had just returned from the porridge market, but saw a sedan chair parked at the entrance of the Taoist temple, and people dressed as Ming and Qing servants were waiting for him.

It turns out that there is a Dadian village in the north of the local city, and there is a gentleman named Zhuang Qian in the village.He was originally an official in Beijing, but recently returned to his hometown after he became an official.The county magistrate and gentry of the county just went to see him, and originally wanted to invite him to come out to help the victims, but they didn't expect that Mr. Zhuang was infected with the epidemic soon after returning to his hometown, and he couldn't afford to fall ill.The family heard that Zhang Yingchen's medical skills were superb, so they sent someone to invite him.

Zhang Yingchen couldn't help but feel refreshed when he heard that a gentleman was inviting him.When you go to Jishen's house to see a doctor, you must eat and drink.The days of living in a dilapidated house, eating black pancakes and drinking bitter water can finally calm down for a few days.What's more, staying in Jishen's dirt enclosure is safer than here.Immediately, he packed up the medicinal materials and took the disciples to go.

When I arrived at the dealer's house in Dadian, I saw a doctor. It turned out that the master Zhuang was just suffering from heat, coupled with careless diet, and had continuous diarrhea.With symptoms of dehydration.Gradually, the water and rice will not enter.

This is nothing to Zhang Yingchen—a lot of people have suffered from this disease recently, and he has already figured out a whole set of effective treatment plans, plus the "specific medicine" in his hand, it is a cure-all.

So Zhang Yingchen once again enjoyed the "VIP" treatment.Although he is used to the respect and preferential treatment of the sick, but in this place right now, the respect of the rich is much more affordable than the respect of the starving people who are dying of hunger.Zhang Yingchen found that this place is much better than that broken Taoist temple: it is only three or four miles away from the city, and it is very convenient to go to the porridge market and nearby for medical treatment and preaching. There is much less chance of getting your head chopped off while you sleep.Immediately, there were many "symptoms" mentioned, which made Master Zhuang and his family members stunned. All in all, Master Zhuang's illness needs to be treated for a long time, otherwise it will easily relapse.So the Taoist priest settled down in the house logically under the invitation of Mr. Zhuang and the pleadings of his family members.However, he still rented the place of Po Dao Temple in case of emergency.

(End of this chapter)

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