Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 973

Chapter 973
There are many thunderstorms in summer, and the sky is still clear in the morning. After noon, the sky gradually darkens, covered with black clouds, mixed with hot rustic winds, mixed with fishy smell.Seeing that there is a big thunderstorm coming.

Min Zhanlian stood in the yard with his hands behind his back, watching the rolling black clouds and faintly flickering lightning in the sky.Seems to be thinking about something.Three black shadows came quietly behind him.

"Go ahead."

"My subordinates have already found out that the Taoist priest lives in Dadianzhuang's house."

"The Zhuang family is a local gentry, and the owner is Zhuang Qian, who most recently returned home after returning from an official position in Beijing."

"Daoist Zhang went to treat Zhuang Qian's illness. Now Zhuang Qian's illness is mostly cured, but he has been living in the Zhuang's house with his apprentice in the name of needing recuperation."

"The Zhuang family treated him well, and Daoshi Zhang was very popular in the Zhuang family. Everyone called him a living god. He seems to have plans to live in the Zhuang family for a long time."

Min Zhanlian listened silently, and finally asked: "We want to go in and kill people, can we do it?"

All three answered in unison: "I can't do it."

"Dadianzhuang is an earthen enclosure."

"There are more than 300 Xiangyong people in the stockade, and four teachers are employed, all of whom are good at guns and bows."

"To enter the dealership, you have to go through a double fence, and each road is guarded by Xiangyong and Jia Ding. They are guarded day and night, and they are extremely strict."

It would not be difficult for Min Zhanlian if he just sneaked into the opponent's mansion and killed him.But the other party lives in the enclosure of a local tyrant in the countryside, which is much more difficult to enter than an ordinary mansion—even the mansion of a big official and tyrant.

The so-called mansions are nothing more than taller walls and larger rooms, and relatively weak defenses, except for a few guards patrolling the courtyard, who are nothing more than watchmen working along the courtyard walls. With Min Zhanlian's ability, they can subdue Or it is not difficult to avoid a few nursing homes and watchmen.

However, Tuweizi is actually a city in disguise - no matter how high a martial arts master is, once the city gate is closed, he will be overwhelmed.Although Min Zhanlian is young, he has been in the world for many years.No matter how big or small you are in the Jianghu, you never openly fight with swords in the city in broad daylight.As for how many snitches and thieves known as "masters", they were a step slower when they ran, and the city gates were closed and blocked in the city, and thus fell into the hands of officers and soldiers.

At night, when the gates of Tuweizi are closed, lanterns and torches are lit on the enclosures, and there are groups of village braves patrolling. It is difficult to find opportunities to subdue them secretly, and even the most skilled burglars may not be able to sneak in smoothly.

The [-] members of Xiangyong who often practiced all used long spears and hard bows. Once something unusual was discovered, both sides would attack, not to mention him, Min Zhanlian and his men, who were the most famous "heroes" and "devils" in the martial arts. Called to go into battle, it may not be the opponent of the village braves.

Of course, if you insist on doing it, it is not impossible, but it is very likely that several people will die.

Min Zhanlian knew his subordinates very well, and they, like him, were cautious in everything they did—killing people was for money, and no matter how much money they had, it would be useless if they died.

Min Zhanlian pondered, this matter is really difficult.

Of course there are ways, the easiest way is to ask someone to deliver a letter, saying that a certain big family in the city has a sudden illness and asks him to come to treat it.He can be intercepted and killed halfway.

The problem is that this lacks the meaning of "scourge".Min Zhanlian thought of several ways of "God's punishment" to send Robber Quanzi on the road, but none of them could be carried out on the road.

Killing it like this does not meet the customer's requirements, and the loss of money is a trivial matter, and it will deal a big blow to your reputation.

"I want more detailed information. Where does he live, what is his environment like, when does he get up and go to bed on weekdays, what items do he have with him..."

"This subordinate can't do it."

"Oh," Min Zhanlian was taken aback. His three eyes and ears have cooperated for many years, and he rarely heard them say "it can't be done". "Why?"

"Dadianzhuang does not allow strangers to enter the village. When entering the village, there must be a person from the village as a guarantee. If you stay in the village overnight, you must have a three-household joint guarantee."

Because of the continuous natural and man-made disasters in the southern Shandong area in the past ten years, all the villages are very alert, and the customs are far stricter than the prefectures and counties.

The information they have inquired so far has all been obtained from the streets outside the village, and it is difficult to get the details of the dealers inside the Dadianzhuang.

To enter Dadianzhuang, whether it is to go in openly or sneak in secretly, it is very difficult for the eyes and ears because there is no insider - they don't even know where the door of the dealer opens.

"You guys go first and continue to inquire about the news."

"Yes!" The three shadows disappeared from under the eaves.

Min Zhanlian was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "I didn't draw a talisman, and I shouted urgently like a law, why did you come here?"

"This girl is not a little ghost—seeing how helpless you are, how can I not come?" A delicate voice echoed in the yard, mixed with the rolling thunder and wind in the sky, it seemed indescribably weird.

Min Zhanlian said: "You have created a problem for us." He smiled wryly, "Bullying our firstborn."

"This matter is not easy for Ben to teach." The girl's voice seemed to be spinning in the yard, making him unable to find his footing.Min Zhanlian's heart suddenly became vigilant. Although he knew that the other party was just a trick to show off and not necessarily have any intentions against him, he still exerted a little force in his hand, ready to draw the sword at any time.

"Don't be nervous." The giggling sounded again, "This religion has a lot to borrow from you..."

Zhang Yingchen glanced at the yard outside the window, Ming Qing and the two young disciples were packing medicinal herbs to dry in the yard, and there was a smell of an impending rainstorm in the air.Far and near, I heard someone calling from time to time: "It's going to rain, close the curtains quickly" and "Pack up your things".

He touched his satchel and walked to the courtyard.He called Ming Qing to stop:

"Master, I'm going to go to the room to get the pulse of Master Zhuang. You take your juniors and pack up your things and go into the house. Don't run around!" After giving instructions, he walked up the room along the narrow path.

Since he came to Dadianzhuang's house, he felt more at ease, at least he slept more securely at night.But he wasn't completely at ease, and he still made some emergency preparations with the things at hand.

When Zhang Yingchen came to Lunan, he also brought a set of emergency supplies, which were the standard configuration after many examinations.A small waterproof nylon pouch containing spare ammunition for the pistol: 1 clip, 24 rounds, 1 offensive grenade, 2 high-yield handheld launch flares, 1 coca leaf-derived "energy potion" and 1 waterproof pill box the size of a cigarette case.Inside were penicillin V potassium tablets, norfloxacin, diphenhydramine, acetaminophen, nitroglycerin, domperidone, potassium permanganate, gauze, band-aids, scalpels, needles and threads.In the interlayer of the nylon bag, there is also a piece of gold leaf as an emergency expense.

The Taoist priest carried the small bag and the pistol he carried with him on weekdays, so he couldn't see it through the Taoist robe.Put it under your pillow while sleeping.Once something happens, you can escape at any time.

Zhang Yingchen walked all the way but did not go directly to Shangfang. Since he comes from the 21st century, he certainly knows the importance of the mass line.What's more, if he wants to preach, besides the upper-level line, the mass line is also important.So every time he goes to the upper room to give Master Zhuang his pulse or when he has nothing to do, he always has to go to the backyard, the big kitchen, and the lower room where the servants live together, talk to the servants of the dealer, and treat the sick—— No drug fee.The dealer's servants all liked his approachable and unsnobbish style, and they all said that he was a real "monk".

When I walked to the backyard, I saw many objects piled up in the yard, such as pots, pans, and various shovels, knives and other things. Zhang Yingchen was born in Chinese medicine, and he knew at a glance that they were all businessmen in a Chinese medicine store.Among them was a rectangular iron cage, which looked quite old, with spots of rust on it.Several servants were scrubbing.Seeing him coming, these people put down their work and greeted him.

"What is this?" Zhang Yingchen was a little surprised.

"Master Dao, this is used to raise deer in the former medicine shop." An old servant said, "Look, there are some small ones over there, which are used to raise pangolins, silky chickens and so on."

It turned out that the Zhuang family had opened a large pharmacy in Yizhou City in the early years, and it was useless for the pharmacy to collect these items later, and they had been left in the warehouse in the backyard.

"Then why take it out?"

"Isn't it your old merit?" Another middle-aged servant said, "Since you cured the master's illness and persuaded the master to give up the medicine, the master said that the local floods, droughts and famines continued, and the people were all suffering from diseases. It is better to give up the medicine. We want to open a pharmacy to benefit all sentient beings. So the caretakers took out these guys again."

"Master Zhuang is a very kind person." Zhang Yingchen immediately put a high hat on Zhuang Qian.

"Who says it's not?" said the old servant, "Master opened a shop to help the living, and we are now rich: the master has already allowed my fourth grandson to work as a shop assistant. Otherwise, Lao Huang would not be able to find a job at home, and he would eat him for nothing." Father, mother and father's money and food!"

Zhang Yingchen knew that he had indeed talked with this Master Zhuang about giving up medicine a few days ago.In fact, these days, he has been secretly propagandizing the ideas of New Taoism to him, instilling the teachings bit by bit-according to the situation he knows, without the support and protection of the gentry in the local area, it is difficult to preach the Taoism.

Originally, his persuasion to Mr. Zhuang to sell the medicine actually meant to build a brand for Runshitang, but now it would be even better if he wanted to open a pharmacy. Using the various special Chinese patent medicines in Runshitang's hands, he would not worry about not being able to control this pharmacy.

If this master Zhuang can be completely won over and become the backbone of New Taoism in the local area, the whole Dadianzhuang will become the "battle fortress" of New Taoism in Yizhou area.I no longer have to worry about being attacked by other forces.You can even use local human resources to teach.At least the local believers are more suitable in terms of accent than the people I got from Qiongshan.

(End of this chapter)

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