Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 995 Recruit

Chapter 995 Recruit
The Miao people live in poverty, and they are more willing to go out to serve as soldiers and eat food than the Li people.In the Ming Dynasty, the native soldiers of the Miao, Yao, Dong and other ethnic groups in Southwest China were issued many times to go to war.The most famous ones are Qin Liangyu's white-armed soldiers—as long as they are trained and commanded properly, their combat effectiveness as infantry in this time and space is quite good.The recruitment activities of Wei Aiwen and others in the Miao Village went smoothly, but the time and labor cost of the recruitment was ridiculously high. The location of the Miao Village is more remote than that of the Li Village, and the mountains are higher and deeper. The merchants led the way, and they couldn't even find a place.

Wei Aiwen finally recruited four companies in Changhua.Two of them are Miao people.If he is willing to let go of the recruitment, he can recruit more people. Considering that the Li and Miao population generally suffers from malaria, and their physical fitness is poor, and it requires a high cost of treatment and recuperation, he will not give up--after the resources are sufficient in the future, they will be fully recruited. It is not too late to take advantage of these populations.

All these soldiers were concentrated in Changhua for quarantine treatment and preliminary intensive training.The training camp is set up outside Changhua Fort.Their instructor is Lao Di from the Director of Training Department—he was pushed out by the "American School" officers headed by Shi Zhiqi because he tried his best to promote the so-called "German-style" training in the navy and attempted to equip the navy with mountain hats.Applying to the training director department, although Fu Sansi was not interested in his so-called "German-style" training and German-style style, it seemed that Lao Di was quite motivated--the military training instructor was mainly enthusiastic, energetic and energetic, and surrounded him every day. It is impossible for the recruits to roar, punch and kick without any physical strength.Immediately, he was appointed as the military training instructor of the Director of Education Department.Leading a group of sergeants and sergeants to fuck recruits and militia hard every day.

After the plan of the general staff to recruit Japanese and Li Miao recruits to serve as the security force came out, Fu Sansi put the training base for these people in Changhua.The security force that the soldiers are about to form does not belong to the official Fubo Army sequence, not even the paramilitary National Army. If there is any similar analogy, the security force is actually similar to "black water" - mercenaries, but The cost is even lower.

Since they are mercenaries, it is inappropriate to put them in Fort Maniao for training.Changhua has a large area and few people, and its terrain is more complex than Lingao. More importantly, there is a certain amount of infrastructure in the area, which can be used for small-scale troop training without too much expansion.

The recruited Li and Miao soldiers went through the "purification" procedures and went into basic training almost immediately-Changhua was sparsely populated and did not need a long quarantine.A medical team headed by Renne was dispatched from Lingao to conduct physical examination and treatment on them.Ren worked in the disease control department in the old time and space. Although he hadn't had much contact with malaria, he had at least learned about it.

In order to reduce the consumption of medicines and avoid the spread of infection, smear tests for malaria parasites were carried out when recruiting soldiers, and patients with more severe malaria were not recruited.

What puzzled Rain, who was in charge of the testing, was that some of the recruits were not infected with malaria even though they came from villages with malaria patients, as if they had some kind of antibody.He recalled some information that this is because thalassemia is prevalent in the southwestern coastal areas, and malaria parasites cannot infect thalassemia patients.

"Is this statement really reasonable?" Unfortunately, the local conditions in Changhua are limited, and Ren can't test those soldiers for thalassemia for a while.

What was sent from Lingao was not the special medicine traditionally used to treat malaria in the old time and space: quinine and primaquine.Chloroquine and artemisinin, but the traditional Chinese medicine preparations "malaria powder" and "changshanshuijian" experimentally manufactured by the health department based on the proven prescription provided by Zhang Daochang.

These two medicines were formulated in the 60s and [-]s when China's quinine and other antimalarial drugs could not be produced by itself. After a large number of clinical applications, Chinese medicine practitioners collected various folk recipes and proven prescriptions and believed that they did have certain effects.Artemisia annua was screened out at that time.However, the refinement and extraction of artemisinin requires the support of a large-scale chemical industry, so the Ministry of Health can only formulate two kinds of prescriptions, malaria powder and Changshanshuijian, which have relatively general effects.Small-scale trial production was carried out by Runshitang Pharmaceutical, and small batches were put into use in hospitals and clinics affiliated to the Ministry of Health, as well as Limiao Affairs Office and Religious Office.

Malaria powder is made from the compatibility of herbs such as Atractylodes atractylodes Rhizome, Angelica dahurica, Guizhi, etc., and processed into medicinal powder.When using it, adults use more than 1g each time, and children reduce the amount accordingly. Wrap the "malaria powder" in gauze half an hour before the onset of malaria, and stuff it in the nostrils for about 3-4 hours. Take it out during the sweating period.Can continue to use until the next attack.One dose of medicine can be used more than 3 times in a row.

If the symptoms disappear after use, the blood can be checked the next day, and if it is positive, it can be used again.According to the clinical trials conducted by the General Hospital of the Ministry of Health, this drug and Changshan decoction were indeed effective for some malaria patients. After a few times, the malaria parasites disappeared when the blood was checked.

However, the total effective rate is not as high as what is stated in the book, but this can barely provide a means of treating malaria-you must know that according to the standards of old time and space, the effect of quinine, a historical special medicine, is also very average. , not to mention there are great side effects.

The two sects run by the religion are the largest users of these two kinds of Chinese patent medicines. They preach to Li districts that medical and health methods are the most effective, and malaria is a common disease among Li and Miao people.Zhang Daochang relied on these two drugs to gain a large number of religious believers in Qiongnan.

The Limiao Affairs Office has also distributed many such medicines, mainly by dispatching health teams.The main purpose of the so-called health team is to trade with Li District.It's just that a health worker is sent in the team to carry medicines to the stockade for diagnosis and treatment.This kind of diagnosis and treatment is free, the main purpose of course is to win people's hearts, and secondly, it is also to provide internship opportunities for independent diagnosis and treatment to the hygienists and nurses participating in the health training class.

Mu Min herself has led teams to several villages, and knows what this kind of health service means in a village.So it was not surprising to her that many soldiers could be successfully recruited this time-you must know that many veterans were skeptical about whether they could recruit Li Miao Dingzhuang to serve as soldiers at the beginning.

The young men are doing the most basic queue training under Lao Di's roar.The infantry company formed by Li Miaomin is not going to be equipped with firearms for the time being - it is equipped with 1631-style standard knives.As a result, the content of the training was greatly reduced-they did not conduct complex formation changes and anti-cavalry charge exercises, nor did they conduct Minie rifle shooting training.Only the most basic formation, basic tactical movements and physical training are carried out.After the basic training is over, there will be two weeks of tactical training in mountain warfare and village and town security operations.

Mu Min looked for a while at the recruits who looked severely malnourished in their oversized training uniforms.After a few days of training, their movements have taken shape.Then she looked at Lao Di with great interest. He was not wearing the uniform of the Fubo Army, but a "German-style" mix-and-match military uniform that looked too hot.The upper body is a tropical shirt of the African Army style, but underneath it is wearing combat boots, German leggings, knee pads, a double-breasted belt, and a combat soft-top hat-of course, it is all made in China.

Standing beside Lao Di was a young girl, wearing the girl uniform of Lingao National School, holding a tin horn. Every time Lao Di said something, she picked up the horn and spoke for a while.Sometimes the translator obviously didn't know how to translate certain passwords, so he had to go to Lao Di to discuss it.Most of the Limin don't understand Chinese—let alone Mandarin.Chinese teaching cannot be accomplished overnight, so we have to learn while training.

Mu Min knew that this girl was Yuda. When they left Changhua and returned to Lingao, they took her with them. They studied Chinese for a stage in the national school, received basic literacy education, and obtained a C-level diploma.As one of the very few "completely reliable" Li people in the hands of the Li Miao Affairs Office, she was sent back to Changhua as soon as her studies were over, where she worked as a staff member of the Li Miao Affairs Office.On the one hand, it is to act as a translator and deal with the local people, and on the other hand, it is to collect information on the local Meifuli.Mu Min has read some reports written by her in crooked simplified characters full of typos.

Qi Da played a very important role in Changhua. Although they also have local people like Wang Darang who are closely connected with Li Zhai, they are not from Li Zhai after all.Compared with Qi Da, a native of Li, he was inferior in negotiating and collecting information.In particular, Fang Jinghan collected a lot of first-hand materials about the local Meifuli through talking with her.

Both Mu Min and Fang Jinghan, who is currently in charge of the routine work of the Li Miao Affairs Office, attach great importance to her.Every time I come to Changhua, I have to talk to her, bring her many pamphlets, and train her personally.Mu Min once wanted her to go to a national school to study for a second-class diploma.

Li Miao's office is not the only one who has taken a fancy to Qi Da, and Dao Quanzi is also full of interest in her.After a successful missionary activity, Daoist Zhang lobbied Yuda to believe in New Taoism, and then he wanted to train this girl to be a "jijiu" of New Taoism, to become his right-hand man in preaching in Li District—if possible, to become a A benchmark.

It's a pity that Qi Da's enthusiasm for learning is mediocre-the Li people don't have a national awareness that everything is inferior, but high reading, so whether it is the advanced education plan of the national school or the religious study of Dao Quanzi, everything has come to naught.However, in the past two years, Yuda has at least been able to communicate with the elders without any obstacles, and his loyalty to the Senate is high enough-as a bridge between the Senate and Meifuli, he is obviously quite qualified.

(End of this chapter)

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