Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 996

Chapter 996
But to play the role of a "translator" like this, to Mu Min, she really felt humiliated for Qi Da.Although she didn't have much contact with Qi Da, she was smart and unmotivated, with a straightforward personality and decisive handling of affairs. She had demonstrated her ability to negotiate in several contacts with Li Min.If trained well, he will be a good cadre in the future.Although the Senate and the Executive Committee made it clear in their instructions to the Office of Li and Miao Affairs that the Senate's ethnic policy is "no ethnic policy" - there is only a distinction between naturalized people and indigenous people, and it does not specifically cultivate "ethnic groups". cadres" and special policies such as "ethnic classes".

"Whether an aborigine can become a qualified naturalized citizen under the Senate system depends first on whether his loyalty to our system goes beyond his own ethnic and religious feelings!" said Ding Ding, a propaganda theorist of the Senate An internal speech said, "Anyone who cannot meet this standard cannot become a naturalized citizen!"

Although this is the case, as far as the local area is concerned, it is almost impossible to go deep into the interior of Hainan Island to handle Li Miao affairs without a naturalized citizen who is familiar with the local conditions as a guide.So Mu Min still managed to train several naturalized cadres from Li and Miao in Lingao, Changhua and Sanya.Of course, the specific work is still done by Fang Jinghan - now he is in charge of the routine work in the office.

Mu Min is thinking about how to talk to her again in the evening, to encourage her to study and work, and to let her agree to follow her back to Lingao to participate in the training of the national school.She planned to train a group of cadres from Li and Miao naturalized people, but Qi Da was unwilling to study in Lingao—she felt that living this kind of life in Changhua was free and free, and she did not want to go to Lingao to "go to school" and be restricted.Suddenly someone was making noise outside the gate of the training camp, and she couldn't help but feel strange: Although this is not Changhua Fort, it is less than one kilometer away from Changhua Fort, and it is also a military control area of ​​the Senate, not a market that anyone can enter or leave.On weekdays, regardless of Han Limiao, this place is heavily guarded, and places where there are people standing guard day and night are kept at a respectful distance, let alone running to the door to make noise with people.

While he was wondering, a soldier had already run back and said a few words to Qi Da - probably the person who came was Li Min, who needed her to translate. Unexpectedly, after saying a few words, Qi Da's complexion changed, and he turned around and ran away .

Mu Min was puzzled, so she had no choice but to go and see for herself.

When we arrived at the gate of the camp, we saw five or six young Li people making noise at the gate. The leader was a young man who looked healthy and strong, with pheasant feathers on his head and well-dressed. He could tell he was from the village Big shot.Mu Min felt that he looked familiar, and saw that he was talking to a person at the door.Mu Min knew this person, it was Li Benqing, Wang Daliang's uncle.

Li Benqing has been working as a guide and translator for the cooperative's caravans for the past two years, and has gained a lot of benefits from no longer relying on hunting.With some money in hand, he formally married the woman he was in love with in the "Long Gui" to his wife.Although he continued to live in the village of Gudui, he had to come to Changhuabao several times a month to report on his work, so he was considered half a naturalized citizen.

Seeing the "chief" coming, Li Benqing hurried over to report: It turns out that these five or six civilians came to join the army—but now that the recruitment work has ended, the other party refuses to leave. The person in charge called out.

Mu Min didn't take it seriously: "If they want to join the army, let them come in and register. Does it matter how many more people?"

Li Benqing whispered: "It's fine if it's someone else, this one is Zhen Huan!"

Before Mu Min could figure out who Zhen Huan was, Li Benqing had already added it: "It's the son of Zhen Aoya from the village!"

Mu Min suddenly realized: "Is it Yuda's best friend?" All of a sudden, all the memories from that time flooded back: this Zhen Huan was considered affectionate and righteous, and when they took away Qida, they still intercepted him halfway.The relationship between the two involves the power struggle between the Zhai Neiwang and the Jin family, and the details are intricate.When Mu Min took away Qi Da, it was out of sympathy for this innocent victim in the power struggle, and at the same time, he did not want the friendly rival village to fall into chaos in the internal struggle.

"Exactly!" Li Benqing nodded again and again, "Since Qi Da came back from Lingao, he has come to Changhua Castle several times to look for him, but he refused to see him. Every time he has to make a fuss like this."

This time he heard that the "Australian" who had taken Yuda away was recruiting soldiers, so he simply brought a few brothers to join the army.In his conception, since Ruo Da is with the Australians, as long as he becomes an Australian soldier, he can see her all the time.

"It's still a kind of love." Mu Min sighed enviously, "It's really romantic."

Just as he was talking, Zhen Huan had already run over. He moved very nimbly, and within a few strokes he dodged the soldiers who were trying to intercept him, and rushed straight to a place not far from Mu Min.Several guards accompanying Mu Min immediately raised their bayonet-mounted rifles and forced him to stop.

Zhen Huan was quite excited, but he was quite afraid of these soldiers with muskets with shining daggers on them, so he just yelled something and didn't make any violent movements.

Li Benqing hurried out to translate, and Mu Min listened to Zhen Huan's request: he still needs to be recruited into the army.

Mu Min nodded: "You want to be our soldier, that's good. But why are you a soldier?"

Zhen Huan was stunned for a moment, he was a privileged class in the village, he didn't have to worry about food and clothing, and his own hunting skills were also very strong, so there was no need to come out to serve as a soldier to eat food, and he thought of joining the army only because he could meet with Qi Da.

After hesitating for a moment, he said loudly: "You have taken Juda away! I want to be with her, and I have to serve as a soldier for you!"

Mu Min said: "I know you want to meet with Qi Da. But even if you become a soldier, you may not be able to see Qi Da. She is her, and you are you. She is now a cadre of the Senate, and you will become a cadre in the future." The soldiers of the Senate must obey the command of the Senate in everything. You can’t make decisions wherever you go, so how can you still see her?”

Zhen Huan said without hesitation: "Anyway, she is with you, and we will meet one day."

Mu Min nodded: "Then let me tell you, once you enlist in the army, you will be sent to other places to fight in a few days, maybe a few months, or a few years, maybe you will die in battle before you see her The battlefield. Besides, even if you can see her, it may not change anything, do you still plan to join the army?"

Zhen Huan was unmoved and insisted on enlisting in the army.Mu Min nodded: "Okay, let's accept him. Since he voluntarily."

Li Benqing smiled helplessly, and took him away, and several partners and friends around Zhenhuan also joined the army.

Fang Jinghan was a little uneasy—he said in a low voice: "He went for Yuda, who is an interpreter for military training. When we meet at the training ground, there might be something new!"

Mu Min smiled: "It's not a problem. She is not the only Limin cadre who can speak Chinese. Besides, in this way, Qi Da will beg to come back to Lingao to study with us."

"Director, you really have a good idea." Fang Jinghan took the opportunity to pat her ass, and sighed again, "Xiaozhen is so pitiful - such an infatuated man. This woman is really hateful!"

Mu Min shook her head, smiled, and didn't say any more.

Under the guard of soldiers, they strolled along the simple road - there are many sand dunes on the beach of Changhuabao - covered with shrubs and pastures, which is the result of human intervention.

Due to the development of human beings in the early years, the vegetation of Changhua's seashore was severely damaged. Coupled with the special geographical and natural environment, the coastal sand dunes continued to intrude, resulting in the formation of a large desert grassland topography.In the 20th century, such coastal deserts intruded inland as much as more than ten kilometers.

Because the rainfall here is quite abundant, coupled with the moisture of the Changhua River, the low shrubs and wild vegetables that are resistant to barrenness can still survive.After Kong Lingyang took office, he used his agricultural knowledge to artificially plant leguminous pastures that are resistant to poor soil on a large scale in local pastures for animal husbandry.At the same time, it also plays the role of solidifying and improving the soil.

On the pasture in summer, the vegetation is dense and exudes the fragrance of green grass.Along the banks of the Changhua River, scattered flocks of sheep and cattle graze.In addition to Changhua sheep and buffalo buffaloes in Li District, there are also fine-bred cattle and sheep collected from Hainan Island and Guangdong, and some fine-bred cattle and sheep from the old time and space that were bred with frozen milk and local female parents. Now they are grazing here to expand the population. .Although there is a lot of arable land in Lingao, industrial and agricultural production takes up a lot of land, and the land resources are far more tense than in Changhua. Therefore, the Nanhai farm now mainly raises breeding stock and a small amount of dairy cows.Animal husbandry for meat, leather and wool has all been transferred to Changhua.

By the river, many cows are drinking water.The Changhua River in summer is the high water season, the flow is very large, the river is full of water, and there are large and small pools everywhere along the river, with dense reeds and other aquatic plants growing - very different from when they first came here. no the same.

Mu Min noticed that there are some canals and water trucks here. Kong Lingyang used local labor and materials here, and cooperated with a small number of professional workers sent by Lingao to build a simple irrigation system for the pasture, making the artificial pasture here The growth is better - natural pasture and natural irrigation are far from enough to allow natural pastures to carry a large number of livestock.

On the tidal flats of the Changhua River, personnel from the Lingao Exploration Team are surveying and mapping.One of them that Mu Min knew was Yan Quezhi—he used to work at the Wenlan River Hydrological Station in Lingao, but this time he came to Changhua with the exploration team, presumably to investigate the water resources here.

(End of this chapter)

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