I want to be happy

Chapter 313 The Tongue Blossoms Spring Thunder

Ling holds more than dozens of small beads carved from sapphire in his palm. These beads are the size of a nail cap, round and lovely, with a green color. At first glance, they are the best jade. It will be found that there are other lusters shining inside the beads, some are faintly flashing red light, some are floating with light blue smoke, and some are faintly flashing silver light.

Fiddled with her fingers, and picked out sixteen beads. These sixteen beads were different from the others. Each of these sixteen beads was carved into the shape of a blooming peony flower. Although the beads are small, the petals of the carved peony flower are complicated. The flipping and extending of a petal is extremely perfect, and there is no trace of inappropriateness. The beads carved by this craft, if shown to people in the jade carving industry, will be amazed and regarded as top treasures .

Sha Ling raised the beads and looked at them one by one, and said, "Well, two fire energy, two water energy, and four electric energy." These beads are embedded with a defensive array to cover the large amount of energy compressed and condensed by Sha Ling. energy.

This is the result of Sha Ling's consideration for his disciples. He can see the various energies dissociated in the air, which is very convenient. However, none of his disciples can do it. , such an easy-to-use method, if it can't be used because it can't gather energy, wouldn't it be a pity?

With a thought, immediately, in the thunderstorm, he took a large amount of electric energy from the air in a big way, gathered it into a sparkling lightning ball, and wrapped it with a defensive cover to compress it. In this way, if the disciples wanted to To use it, just take off the beads and throw them at the enemy, and it will be effective immediately. The current intensity contained in the beads can reach tens of thousands of amperes, and the temperature can reach 2 degrees Celsius. When this intensity of current and temperature falls on the human body, think about that. On the screen, Sha Ling shuddered.

He had to give an order that the use of lightning attacks was not allowed until the time of life and death.

However, the fireball attack is not necessarily so gentle.

Sixteen peony-shaped beads.I happened to string two strings of beads and gave them to Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong. If the things made for the two little flower demons were rough, Sha Ling would not be able to match them.

Seeing Dong Dong's eager eyes, Sha Ling laughed, and picked out the two largest beads. Of these two beads, one contained fire energy.One contains electrical energy and is carved into the shape of Dongdong's head. When carving the ground, the winter that is seen from the side is so beautiful.

Seeing Sha Ling holding the bead in his hand, Dongdong looked at him with a smile, but refused to give it to him immediately.Dong Dong looked at Sha Ling innocently and pitifully with his big watery eyes, and wagged his fluffy tail vigorously.

1 minute. 2 minutes... Sha Ling burst out laughing, and rubbed his head vigorously with his hands: "Okay, okay. I lost, don't look at me with star eyes, I'll tie it up for you right away."

"Wow." Wansheng Dong happily rubbed against Sha Ling's leg coquettishly.

The dog's ears on the beads have small holes, which are just used for stringing.String the two beads together and tie them around Dong Dong's neck, and Dong Dong happily plopped into the water and dived in.After a while, he came out with a big fish in his mouth to claim credit, which made Sha Ling laugh heartily.

Excitedly swimming in the sea in winter, Sha Ling put all the small beads in his hand into the jade wrench finger, thought silently, and the real energy in his body circulated, and he gave a low voice: "Chi Zhenglei..." He said in a low voice from the bottom of the ground. It came from the depths, with a buzzing lingering sound, like a muffled thunder.

Touching his chin and thinking about it again, the tone comes out, and the sound wave feels a little close, but it is still far from Lei Yin. Sha Ling is familiar with adjusting the infrasonic attack. Lei Yin, there is a ready-made template there, after dozens of attempts, he successfully tested the spell with the effect of Lei Yin.

I saw Sha Ling opening his mouth, but no sound came out, or in other words, there was no human speech coming out, only a faint sound like a drum beating that seemed to come from the deepest part of the extremely distant clouds Just as he was wondering, the sound changed from a very small trembling to a thunderous explosion, enough to scare people half their lives away. Moreover, when the thunder exploded, the air vibrated endlessly, hitting people's eardrums directly, and the body was slightly weaker. Those who were stunned were immediately stunned.

Carefully appreciating the majestic aura contained in the thunder, Sha Ling nodded with a smile. This curse, which he named "Tongue Blossoming Spring Thunder", was initially successful.

But if you encounter a really strong enemy, you need thunder and lightning, and the two phases can be combined.

Winter trembled in the water, and through the water, he saw the figure of his master familiar and kind, but the thunder and earth sense that was so close at hand made him almost dare not move.

All monsters and ghosts are afraid of thunder, which is the most righteous thing in the world. However, my master gathers the lightning from the sky in his hands, and can attract thunder-like changes.

What an amazing host!

Frightened and revered, Winter fell in the water with complicated emotions, not daring to come out.

But Sha Ling realized something was wrong, stretched out his hand to disperse the aftermath in the air, picked up Dongdong, and stroked his head pityingly: "I forgot to add a layer of defense to you, the power of thunder and lightning is what you are most afraid of." , but don’t be afraid, when you are strong enough in the future, you can also manipulate the power of thunder and lightning.”

Being rubbed by Sha Ling, he felt comfortable all over, Dong Dong nodded his big head, and moved his head closer to let the master tickle him.

Absently coaxing Dong Dong, Sha Ling thought to himself, does Tianlei itself have energy?Is it just thunder and deterrence?Maybe, he shouldn't separate thunder and electricity to study... Also, does the legendary thunder disaster really exist?If it exists, the power of the thunder in the thunder calamity should be far less than that of the natural thunder.

There are too many types of energies in the world. With one eye, you can see billions of energy and matter particles of different types and colors. Sha Ling, who thinks that he has entered this realm, has only a small amount of energy so far. Tell the reason why there are the largest number of them.And to find the pure thunder energy that may exist in these energy bodies is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack, which is extremely difficult.

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