When eating fish in winter got too boring, Sha Ling finally separated from Dong Dong.

In March of Yangchun, Poyang Lake is clear and moving. Beside Laoye Temple, many tour groups bring tourists to play. On the water surface where there used to be whirlpools, the tour guides vividly talked about what happened in this area in history. All kinds of strange events——"Later, a few years ago, there was another strange phenomenon. The waterspout reached the sky and connected the lake with a terrifying momentum. The huge vortex on the water surface turned for more than a month before it calmed down. Since then, Laoye Temple has been calm and calm. See the difference..."

Sha Ling, who was standing far away by the lake, felt a little funny when he heard the tour guide's words in the wind. At that time, he used the Zuntian character in the water, which almost killed Lu Rui and others, and made him blame himself.

It was also that time that he learned that there was a senior demon hidden in the depths of the lake.

With the sun shining brightly on his face, Sha Ling squatted down, stroking Dong Dong's head with his fingers, and seemed to be grooming a pet, "Well, there is a senior demon cultivator under the lake. If you meet him, you have to stay here obediently in winter, you know?"

Dongdong shook his head, and asked bluntly, "Can't you go in winter?"

"No." Sha Ling smiled slightly, the smile was as warm as the sun shining on her body, but her attitude was very firm.

Dong Dong is a good boy, once he asked the master not to allow it, he would not make any more trouble, and nodded in agreement.

I walked around the neighborhood casually, bought some local specialties, and shared them with Dongdong. There are many local tourists, and Sha Ling's attitude is calm and leisurely, and he is carrying a travel bag, which is not weird.

The night was getting darker, the ferry docked, and the lake food stalls lined up along the water bank were brightly lit, and there were loud voices, and Sha Ling also went to have fun. He brought two winters and ate freshly grilled fish skewers. Although the taste was rough and spicy some.But it is fresh and lively, and it is also a bit of fun to travel.

After eating fish kebabs, one person and one dog sneaked into the dimly lit place, silently, Sha Ling entered the water, looked around in winter, wisely found a dark place, and waited silently for the owner to come back .

Groping along the direction of the impression, the divine mind explored at the bottom of the lake.It was quite successful to find the crack at the bottom of the lake. On top of the crack at the bottom of the lake, someone piled up a few thick stones to cover the crack.All the holes that have been there have been covered up.

Without this crack and that tidal rock, the bottom of Poyang Lake is naturally quiet.No more visions.

Sha Ling knew exactly what those stones were.Most likely, the senior in the cave at the bottom of the lake got it up because he didn't want anyone to disturb him.

After thinking about it, Sha Ling opened the hole again without any effort, and Sha Ling's spiritual thoughts went through the cracks in the stone to explore the hole mightily.

The reason why he used his divine sense to test so openly was to tell the other party that he was coming.

soon.Divine Sense saw that looming figure again, and in the darkness, the opened eyes of that monster were shining brightly.

Sha Ling directly transmitted his spiritual thoughts and said, "Your Excellency, Sha Ling, a practitioner of the Natural Sect, is disturbing you."

this time.The thing was not silent, it was silent for a while, and finally said: "Little Taoist priest in the fusion period, what's the matter with you?"

Sha Ling breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Since the other party was willing to answer, and there was no malice in his tone, then, as he expected, this monster is quite easy to talk to. "Your Excellency has practiced deeply, so you must know about the accident thousands of years ago?" He asked directly.

"Well, although this matter has not been circulated, there is nothing to hide. Thousands of years ago, the heavens and the earth changed, the aura decreased sharply, and the cultivation world moved away from the earth."

Unexpectedly, the other party's answer was so straightforward, and Sha Ling was stunned for a moment, but the answer was very in line with his speculation.

"Thank you for your guidance, but why did the place change that day? Also, forgive me for taking the liberty to ask why you stayed here?" Sha Ling asked cautiously.

"I'm just a casual cultivator in the demon world, but I don't know what happened to the changes in the world. As for me staying here, it has nothing to do with you, little Taoist priest. However, you are young, and you have reached the fusion stage in this place where spiritual energy is scarce. , is also very good."

It is rare to meet a person who knows about the past in the cultivation world. How can Sha Ling let it go, asking one question after another: "Your Excellency, do you know the senior in the cellar near Huangshan?" Sha Ling asked not Xiaojiao, but The senior of the mysterious Xiaojiao.

"Oh, are you talking about the one-horned flood dragon of the Qingfeng sect?" The monster raised its huge head, and suddenly, the underground river bed was choppy. "The one-horned dragon has already left the earth with the Qingfeng sect. She couldn't bear her child being enslaved by the Qingfeng sect, so she took advantage of the chaos and dropped the egg, leaving behind a trace of divine sense to take care of and guide the newborn one-horned dragon until she met you. .”

"What kind of sect is the Qingfeng sect? What about the divine sense?"

"The Qingfeng Sect... was also a sect that dominated the cultivation world many years ago. It was the best at raising monsters to enslave, and even natural creatures like the one-horned dragon fell into their hands, and their strength was terrifying. The Dao God The idea of ​​persisting for thousands of years has dissipated."

Sha Ling nodded secretly. The situation that the monster said was consistent with their exploration of the underground palace. The mysterious underground cells, mud monsters, etc., were full of weirdness.

"Your Excellency, do you know if there are senior demon cultivators like you in the world, like the golden snake I met last time..."

The monster shook his head, and said angrily: "Those little monsters are only cultivated after a thousand years, just like the little flower demon in your door, they are not good, the old things are gone, and I am the only one left. "

"Does your Excellency know how to find the cultivation world?"

The monster's eyes were like searchlights, and it swept towards Sha Ling's direction, as if looking at Sha Ling, the monster smiled and said, "You can't find it."


"Do you have the secret method of the teleportation array? Do you have the fairy stones needed for the teleportation array? Do you have the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage?" The monster sighed: "I guess you picked it up from somewhere to borrow the introduction of practice, and then you can use it as an introduction to cultivation." It is impossible for someone to reach the Nascent Soul stage for the aura here, and only the Nascent Soul stage can barely travel through the starry sky and withstand the energy vibration of the teleportation array."

Sha Ling's eyes are really bright, the teleportation array, the legendary teleportation array really exists! !

"What about Tongtian Tower? The one from the Western race?"

"—Babel Tower? What, you found one?"

Sha Ling nodded: "Yes, it is said that it will be activated in two years. Would you like to go and have a try?"

The monster chuckled twice: "If I want to leave, I won't delay it until now. If I didn't see that you take good care of the demon cultivator, I wouldn't chat with you a few more times. I remind you that you are not in the Nascent Soul stage, so don't try!" Just go through the space, that’s all, if there’s nothing else, don’t bother me to meditate anymore.”

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