I want to be happy

Chapter 327 Babel Tower

After dinner, Escalante handed over a map to Sha Ling. The Tongtian Tower is only a dozen kilometers away. It is deep in the mountains, and it is inconvenient for vehicles to enter, so it must be entered on foot. Considering that there are groups of people going out , is too eye-catching, so they will be divided into several groups and go to the Tongtian Tower by themselves. Both the vampires and the werewolves have been to the Tongtian Tower, and the route is familiar, only the three of the Natural Sect do not know the way.

The vampires and werewolves seem to be participating in a masquerade, and they all changed their costumes.The vampires, led by Escalante, wore expensive black dresses, black cloaks, and bat masks on their faces to block their faces.

Werewolves, put on black night clothes and wear wolf masks on their faces.

Lei Ao said with a smile: "I suggest that you also change your clothes. Basically, people who go to the Tongtian Tower Gathering will block their true colors. First, there are some former enemies among the people attending the Gathering. Second, some are strong. Those who often represent the interests of the country behind him do things unscrupulously. For us werewolves, we use wolf masks to represent our race and cover our faces to prevent people from remembering our faces and being recognized in the future. hunt."

Sha Ling nodded: "That's right, let's go get a change too." It's really not a pleasant thing to be missed by spies from other countries.

But this time when going out, Sha Ling and the others didn't bring their night clothes. Li Zhijin thought about it and suggested: "Why don't you just put on the traditional clothes of our sect and cover your face with white silk?"

After a while, Sha Ling, Li Zhijin and Wu Gu changed their clothes and came down.

The vampires and werewolves all felt their eyes brighten. The three of them were wearing robes with the ancient style of China. This clothing, on Li Zhijin's body, looked gorgeous, noble and heroic, but on Wu Gu's body, it was gentle and elegant. , personable, this unique dress.The auras of the two people are set off brilliantly, but they are not as good as Sha Ling who is standing in the middle. There is only a faint smile on the brows of this strong man of the holy rank, and his whole body is like a gust of wind, floating in the air. Light and easy, almost people dare not look directly and take a bigger breath.I am afraid that the rough breathing will disturb his existence.

Eslant and Leo couldn't help but took a deep breath, and bent down towards Sha Ling.

Following the two of them, the vampires and werewolves also paid tribute to this top powerhouse who was always invisible.

Sha Ling smiled and nodded, "Get ready." He wiped his face with his hand.In time, his face and facial features became blurred. At first glance, he felt that this person's face was extremely ordinary.I forget it after looking at it, and when I want to take a closer look, I feel like I am separated by clouds and fog, and I can't see clearly.

Islant and Leo's hearts trembled: I'm afraid it's a profound spiritual illusion, right?

Li Zhijin and Wu Gu did the same.With a swipe of his hand, his face became blurred and invisible.

Originally, I wanted to block it with a silk handkerchief and be a masked thief.But the little flower demon is not by her side.They are three big men.But none of them have the habit of carrying a silk handkerchief with them, so they can't tear off their clothes and cover their faces.The three of them thought about it together, and they all came up with the way to use illusion to change their appearance.

Such a small-scale illusion can last for a long time based on the abilities of the three of them.

Escalante snapped his fingers, and suddenly, a pair of huge wings flew out from behind him, flapping the black bat wings, and the vampires turned into a blurred black spot in the night sky under the leadership of the patriarch. lost track.

Leo asked: "Your Excellency, why don't you come with us?" Along the way, you will definitely meet many strong people who are going for the same purpose. Whether it is friends or enemies, it is difficult to tell clearly. The three of Sha Ling, this time The oriental powerhouse appearing in the west will definitely attract everyone's attention, and some people with unruly intentions may strike first, but as a top powerhouse, with the mask and aura of the wolf emperor, most troubles will arise in s|+ .


Leo nodded, and told Huangyuan: "Huangyuan, you take four people with you, and the others, come with me."


They were simply divided into two groups, and under the leadership of Lei Aodi, a group of people sneaked out of the town quietly.

Deep in the forest behind the town, there is not much open, the night is dark, although the moonlight in the sky is bright, it is dark in the dense forest, the forest vines seem to be entangled with strange snakes and beasts, terrifying and unusual, werewolves The people of the tribe are determined and powerful, so naturally they will not be afraid, but it is inevitable, their hands and feet are bound, and the speed of travel cannot be increased.

Sha Ling was not in a hurry, and leisurely followed Lei Ao. He, Wu Gu, and Li Zhijin seemed to have eyes all over their bodies, and they didn't even look at them. They just jumped and dodged lightly among the trees. A touch or rub is enviably easy.

Iron Fist couldn't help muttering: "Wu Gu, you guy, you don't have a headlight on your head, how can you see it? What a monster."

Iron Fist's words spoke the hearts of the people, and all the werewolves couldn't help but cast monster-looking eyes at the three of them in the dark night.

They wear headlamps on their caps and are so absorbed in their surroundings that they can't help but stumble over protruding roots and the like.

Wu Gu chuckled and punched him lightly, but he didn't explain it. There is no way to explain this kind of thing. The cultivation methods and routes are completely different, and the other party won't understand it.

Dong Dong has been quietly following Sha Ling's side. His appearance has completely changed, turning into a handsome Dalmatian. No one will combine the current Dalmatian image with his original one.

He sniffed his nose, raised his head and said to Sha Ling, "Master, I can smell the moist air. With the footsteps of the werewolves, I can walk to the lake in about an hour."

"Well, what else did you hear, what did you smell?" Sha Ling asked casually as he ran his fingers along his fur.

Winter flicked his tail: "I heard people walking not far away. In the ground under my feet, there is an underground underground river. The narrow and thin water flow, the sound of flowing water, gurgling, is very pleasant. Wolf Emperor Lei Ao adjusted his breathing, his breathing became slower, but the blood flow was faster, as if he was on guard for something..." His head tilted, Dong grinned, and smiled: "Someone There's been a fight, it's quite far from here."

As soon as he finished speaking, even the werewolves heard the sound, as if someone had slammed into a tree, the trunk broke, and the leaves whirled violently.Leo didn't even stop, as if he didn't hear it.

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