I want to be happy

Chapter 328 Babel Tower

By the side of a lake, the castle abandoned by the owner, only remains of broken walls, all kinds of things and animals, majesticly occupying the former magnificent territory, only the bronze pattern showing moss, and a little golden light occasionally flashing between the vines, There are still some remnants of the former splendor.

Perhaps it was the erosion of the years, and the stones on the ground were sunken, revealing a downward passage.

Lei Ao led Sha Ling and the others down the passage.

This channel has also been eroded by plants quite badly, covered with moss and vines everywhere, ants and small flying insects are busy crawling around the ground in the corner of the wall.

Walking along the zigzag passage, after a short time, they suddenly felt that the eyes suddenly opened up - in front of them, there was an empty underground space, the space was hundreds of meters high, and a huge stone circle stood on the ground in the center.

This Stonehenge consists of six concentric circles of boulders of different heights, with wide passages built on all sides.

Compared with it, the Salisbury Stone Ring seen on the plain is a shrunken version of the unfinished product.

Looking up at the blue glass layer above the underground space, Sha Ling immediately understood that the structure here is exactly the same as that of the Dark Night Castle Proving Ground. The underground space is built under the lake. I don’t know how many years ago, the vampires were How to lift the entire lake to lay a frame that can withstand the weight of the lake?

That method is fascinating to think about.

However, as long as one thinks about the various methods of cultivating magic, one feels that this is not too great. The vampire clan's castle is gorgeous and exquisite, but compared with the huge underground palace of the Qingfeng Sect in Huangshan Mountain, there is a world of difference in style.

In the thousands of square meters of underground space, dozens of people have already stood near the stone formation. These people are standing in twos and threes, they don't get together, and they don't talk to each other. Most of them wear masks or cover their faces.Even half of the people were simply wearing black night clothes, with hoods attached, only showing a pair of eyes outside.

Lei Ao and Sha Ling walked down the steps, and Leo whispered in his ear: "The eleven standing together and wearing eye-catching white robes are the people of the Holy See, and the one wearing the priest's clothes is Rui Nan, the dean of the Holy See's Holy See. Wood." Mentioning his old enemy for many years, Leo's voice was chilling, and he didn't mind it at all.This Renan Wood collapsed in the space passage, hehe, maybe, he can cooperate with Islan to set up a special game.Destroy this long-standing enemy.

"The ten people who followed him are the paladins of the Holy See." Leo continued.

"The tall pair, a man and a woman standing next to the vampires, are Tyr, the Goddess of Frost, and Holder, the Son of Darkness. It is said that they are descendants of the Nordic gods, and they are both talented and powerful. Many years ago The masters of the ss level. Those three short people, no one dared to approach them, they are famous Gu masters. They are the old man with the white head. They are called Gu gods. Their strength is only at the S level. But because of their unique abilities, It can be rated as a master of ss level. Standing in the east is wearing a golden armor, it is a Greek jihad knight, which is also an ancient inheritance, and its strength varies from s|.s level..."

Lei Ao gave the natural sect and others some points for those who had been famous for a long time and had considerable strength. As for those who were only l's generation, Lei Aoti didn't even bother to mention them.

Escalante led a group of vampires standing proudly beside Stonehenge. Although they were wearing black clothes and masks, who didn't know that they were vampires because of the clothes and masks that showed their identity?

Renan Wood was covered with a white cloak, which half-hid his face, except for a lukewarm greeting with Eslant when he came in, he just stood there quietly.

He paid attention to the crowd who arrived calmly. There were small centaurs, whom he had seen during the last trip to the Tongtian Tower, and most of them came out later, new to the S-level, or just the peak of the A-level.

Unobservably, he sneered.

A group of people rushing towards Escalante nodded.

Renan Wood's eyes moved accordingly, it was the wolf emperor Leo, and three uniquely dressed people, hehe, he even brought a big dog with him?

Didn't the Wolf Emperor tell him that the moment he entered the Tongtian Tower, the power was enough to turn people below the S rank into pieces of meat?

The clothes of these three people seem to be an ancient oriental attire, except that there is a slightly b-terrace look, and i.

Why did the Wolf King bring these three people here?Could it be that it was pulled here as a test object?Renan Wood secretly guessed.

On the top of the underground space, the layer of glass-like material suddenly lit up gradually, and the entire underground space reflected rippling blue water waves.

Suddenly, Escalante raised her head slightly, looked at it intently for a while, and said: "The time has come, activate the Tongtian Tower."

After all, the vampires quickly separated and stood around Stonehenge.

The others all consciously stepped aside.

Escalante sang a ballad softly. This ballad had an initial tune, simple and pure, like a gentle wind blowing through the treetops, with a touch of desolation in its gentleness and simplicity.

The language in which this song is sung is not any one that everyone is familiar with, but the language of the ancient vampires.

Following Eslant's singing, several other vampires also hummed, and the voices of all the people blended together harmoniously, which sounded very beautiful.

Sha Ling slightly closed her eyes and listened intoxicated, feeling a little regretful that she didn't bring the two flower demons with her. The two of them would definitely like this vampire-style ballad.

Even when he listened to it, he felt moved. The simple and repetitive melody was so beautiful, with an indescribable sense of vicissitudes and sadness, just like a woman who has suffered a lot in life, recalling the past and singing The song is sad but strong, sad but full of tenderness and hope.

The voice gradually became higher and higher, but it was still soft and melodious.

Sha Ling's eyes saw that the songs sung by these vampires were either absorbed or amplified several times in the boulder. In less than a moment, several lines of faint light formed in the air.

There are more and more lines, more and more rays of light, trembling, as if the singing was cut off with a knife, and at this time, an ancient magic circle formed purely of shining lines appeared in the sky above Stonehenge!

The corners of Sha Ling's lips curled up slightly, and his conjecture was confirmed. The vampire's singing was an introduction, using sound waves to activate the formation hidden in Stonehenge.

And this formation, is it a small teleportation formation?

Subconsciously, Sha Ling's colorful brilliance flashed in the depths of his pupils, firmly memorizing every line of this formation.

First, the vampires spread their wings and flew up, landing on the formation above Stonehenge.The white light flashed, and the vampires disappeared collectively.

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