I want to be happy

Chapter 329 Babel Tower

let's go. "Renan Wood said in a deep voice, and together with ten paladins of the Holy See, he jumped onto the teleportation array in the air.

Leo laughed: "Okay, we're here now, let's go."

Sha Ling stretched out his arms to hug Dongdong, and jumped onto the teleportation array with the werewolves.

The werewolves, like the people in the Holy See, borrowed their strength from the boulder, and then jumped onto the teleportation array. With Sha Ling's strength, borrowing strength was unnecessary, but he had no intention of showing off, but mixed in Among the crowd, borrowed strength twice to jump into the air.

Leo glanced at him, smiled, and didn't speak.

Their feet landed on the teleportation array in mid-air, as if they were stepping on the elastic floor. There was a surge of power in the line array formed by the light. Immediately, Sha Ling felt a huge tearing force coming from all directions, as if to tear him apart.

This kind of power is absolutely fatal to ordinary people, but it has little effect on Sha Ling.

Sha Ling secretly said: The seniors at the bottom of Poyang Lake once said that the interstellar teleportation, the chaotic space power in the passage will tear people below the Nascent Soul stage, so it seems that this teleportation array is only teleporting people to the Tongtian Tower, so , the power of space chaos is not too strong, it is no wonder that people above the S level can pass.

It seems that in just a short moment, the huge tearing force disappeared, and the white light surrounding them faded away. Looking at it carefully, they were still standing on the teleportation array, but the scene in front of them changed drastically—they were in a strange space. , in the space, the sky is a strange paleness, the ground, or rather, there is no ground, there are only countless suspended huge stones, some of these stones are only a few square meters, and some are thousands of square meters, It seems to be supported by a strange force.They hover motionless in the air.

"Okay, we've arrived." Leo raised his chin, motioning Sha Ling to look to the west, and saw the vampires standing silently on the floating rock to the west, waiting for them.

Looking at the empty space under the teleportation line, Li Zhijin's eyes lit up with excitement: "It's really interesting, this trip is the right time."

Wu Gu also nodded involuntarily, and followed behind Li Zhijin.With a light leap, he jumped onto a stone more than ten meters away, and jumped between several stones in a short while.They came to the side of the vampire.

Sha Ling was also filled with joy, he never thought that the so-called Tongtian Pagoda would be such a place to go.Depending on the situation, it should be another space.

This space communicates with the earth through the teleportation array, but they don't know it.Is it just above the earth, or is it not far away in outer space?

"Hey, where are the people from the Holy See?" Look left and right.I also didn't see the Holy See and others who jumped into the teleportation array first.Li Zhijin asked in bewilderment.

Leo laughed.Not without sarcasm, he said: "Those old boys have already slipped up by themselves. Tsk, just out of the teleportation array, it will be more or less affected, they are afraid that we will join forces to make a black hand and run faster than rabbits. "

With the tearing force in the teleportation formation, the s-level novice of the werewolves felt a little uncomfortable. One and two were pale, and their muscles and bones ached, and they kept holding back.

Li Zhijin and Wu Gu carefully opened their close defenses, so they were not damaged at all.

Seeing how Li Zhijin, Wu Gu and Dongdong were alive and kicking, Leo had no choice but to stick his thumbs up: "It seems that you are not affected by the teleportation force, it's amazing."

Sha Ling smiled lightly, and changed the topic: "Where is Tongtian Tower?"

Escalante pointed to the countless stone platforms around her: "On these countless stone platforms, there are some extremely simple stone gates. On one side of the stone gates, there is the word Tongtian Tower engraved. Open the stone gates, or Appeared on another platform, or wandered in place, or was sent into a weird maze, in short, so far, we have not found the correct way out. However, on the top, there is the largest one we found There are many buildings in the building complex, and we have cracked three out of ten. People from the Holy See went there."

Looking at the highest stone platform that Eslant pointed out from a distance, it is at least a few thousand meters away from the teleportation array they are standing on. Just jumping up from here, layer by layer, will consume a lot of physical strength and energy .

In the teleportation array, white light flickered from time to time, and batch after batch of masters rushed in.

Sha Ling nodded: "The few of us are planning to go around and play around, you go and do your work." Once this portal is opened, it can last for half an hour, and it will open every day when the time comes, for a full month as long as.If Sha Ling and the others wanted to leave, they could leave at any time.

Both Escalante and Leo nodded: "Your Excellency, please be careful, don't forget the one-month period."

"Hao Ling smiled, turned around and drifted away, beside him, Li Zhijin, Dong Dong and Wu Gu followed closely.

Escalante and Leo were silent for a moment, exchanged glances with each other, and showed evil smiles at the same time. Slowly, the two got together. Since they completely gave up the plan to enter the space channel, then, take this opportunity It is their common wish to get rid of some people who should be removed.

With the flow of physical strength and energy, Ruinan Wood jumped up, stepped up with a distance of tens of meters, and landed on the top boulder. Looking back, I saw extremely light clouds, pale space, and countless A cold stone, the height below seems unfathomable, as long as it accidentally falls, there will be no bones left.

With a low shout, the hooded cloak fell down, revealing his white eyebrows and white beard, wrinkled like sculptures, eyes as sharp as lightning, and his aura was no less than that of the wolf emperor Leo.

The knights responded in unison, jumping upwards non-stop, and only the first to rush into the Tongtian Tower will get the greatest opportunity.

Although he wondered why the vampires and werewolves didn't catch up quickly, but after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure out what was important. Renan Wood put aside his doubts for a while and concentrated on running up.

"Master, where are we going?" Wu Gu asked.

Sha Ling laughed aloud: "Let's find the end of this space first, and see what unique scenery there is. Take a break and play. It's a rare opportunity to travel in a different space."

Li Zhijin laughed: "I knew you would say that, but, haha, that's exactly what I meant."

The two clashed fists and laughed loudly.

Wu Gu also couldn't help smiling, walking, looking, playing, experiencing and enlightening while walking, isn't this just the consistent style of the Natural Sect?

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