I want to be happy

Chapter 333 Babel Tower

Brocade's sword eyebrows are erected, his eyes are like lightning, and his handsome face is full of awe. Killing the little flying insects that the teachers say is invincible, because of the existence of the defensive cover, the danger is reduced, but this does not mean that he and Wu Gu is the one who is sure to win. He and Wu Gu are late starters and have less aura in their bodies, so they cannot fight for a long time.

If the Gu Masters are not destroyed before the aura is exhausted, then they will be the ones in trouble.

As for the embarrassment of asking Sha Ling for help, he didn't even think about it.

The flying insects "fluttered" on the defensive cover, like hailstones, blocking the two people's sight densely. Fortunately, the two of them saw things with divine sense, so they could see clearly. With just this effort of stopping and stopping, the Gu masters have retreated a hundred meters away, and all kinds of flying insects flew out of their bodies like magic.

Immediately, Li Zhijin stopped swinging the flying sword, as if he didn't see the countless insect corpses and scratching insects clinging to the defensive cover..., with a wave of his hand, he brought the backpack on his back, quickly opened it, and took out a A pocket guqin, although the guqin is small and has few strings, it is enough for Li Zhijin to perform his battle songs.

There was a "crack", extremely clear and sharp, cutting through the space, and with a single sound, the noisy humming of the bugs was completely suppressed.

Li Zhijin waved his fingers, and the zither sounds like cracking stones and jade, like a horse's hoof crushing a war drum, directly stepped on people's hearts.

Originally, the sound waves should be invisible, but at this moment, they seem to have substance, and they surge out in transparent waves in all directions, like an angry tide, wherever they pass.Those small flying insects were smashed by the sound wave in an instant, disintegrated into the air.

Even the two top golden-horned holy insects didn't resist for a second, fell to the ground, and disappeared quickly in the high vibration frequency of the sound waves.

The sound wave was like a tide, the tide of destruction, the three Gu Masters had never seen such a scene before, including the Gu God, there was no time to escape.The moment he heard the sound of the piano, his mind was shaken, and then the nerves and organs were invaded by the sound waves, and his internal organs were shattered.Mouth and nose bleed to death!

The moment Wu Gu saw Li Zhijin take out his backpack, he fled and took the green snake away with all his strength.After escaping hundreds of meters, and with the cover of the sonic shield, he was naturally safe.

In just five seconds, Wu Gu raised his wrist to check the time.Look at the battlefield that has been completely cleared, let out a long sigh of relief, the master's battle song is certainly extremely lethal.It's a pity that he is limited by the scarcity of his aura.Played half a tune.Then the aura is exhausted and the mind is exhausted.The future battles can only be handed over to him alone. Fortunately, the sound wave attack is more difficult to guard against than the flying insect attack, and the lethality is extremely strong, finally wiped out the enemy completely.

Wu Gu dodged back, flicked his hands and split his palms, sweeping back and forth with the wind of his palms, brushing off the remaining insect corpses.

He took the elixir and fed it to Li Zhijin, ate one himself, and sat down to rest in the defensive cover.

This elixir is specially used to supplement spiritual energy, Li Zhijin took five or six pills in a row, and Fang felt a little confident.

"Xiao Wu, before we went up, we encountered this battle. We could have easily defeated the enemy, but we have too little spiritual energy, and we have lost a lot of energy. If we encounter a strong enemy again, we will be in trouble. Let's pack it up early. Let's find a quiet place, recover first, and then make plans." After finishing speaking, Li Zhijin took out several strings of wrist beads and put them on his right wrist. Sha Ling specially prepared the compressed spiritual energy beads for them to attack the enemy, which couldn't be more wonderful.

Wu Gu also pulled out the wrist beads and put them on, in case he encounters a strong enemy again, he can easily take them off for a surprise attack.

Li Zhijin skillfully flipped over the three Gu masters, first took the stone box back, and when he saw it, his spiritual sense smiled: "The bugs inside are really weird, but they are not damaged at all after listening to a part of my war song." , still crawling around on the wall, very lively, but it looks like an ordinary bug, which is really interesting."

"Tsk tsk, the clothes are full of worms..." Li Zhijin turned over slightly with disgust on his face, then kicked the bodies of the three people off the stone platform, allowing them to fall to the extreme depths.

Wu Gu said: "If it wasn't for our lack of aura, it wouldn't be like this. Hehe, however, the insect manipulating skills of the Gu masters are really terrifying, but they didn't expect that we have the all-round defense method of the defensive cover. Insects are as thin as silk, and they can't get close. They have a defensive cover, attack with sound waves, and attack with sound waves. To deal with insects, they are simply natural nemesis. These Gu masters wanted to feed us to insects today, but they found the wrong opponent .”

"This is mainly because the Gu masters are not familiar with our techniques, otherwise they would hide away and attack with endless bugs, which would consume us to death." Li Zhijin shrugged and said.

Wu Gu was surprised: "Fortunately, they didn't think of this method."

"Yes." Li Zhijin raised his head suddenly, glanced at the sky, Wu Gu made a gesture, carried the green snake on his back and jumped to a platform not far away, Li Zhijin followed, and opened a "magic" letter, Immediately, the figures of the three disappeared, and the platform was empty without any trace of strangeness.

Li Zhijin sat down casually, and Wu Gu stared outside.

The sound of wings flapping like a large bird approached quickly, and two figures appeared in front of Li Zhijin and Wu Gu.

"Birdman?!" Li Zhijin blurted out.

Wu Gu sneered: "Uncle, are you sure that isn't the legendary holy angel and fallen angel?"

These two people are a man and a woman. The woman is petite, with moonlight-like silver curly hair draped to her waist, and a pair of white wings flapping slowly behind her. It opened, but it was a pair of black wings. However, this pair of wings was not pure black, and the feathers at the end flashed brown and dark red streamers.

The wings of both of them are huge, at least three meters long, and they are flapping now and again, maintaining their hovering state.

Turning around the places where the insect corpses were left, the woman turned her face, Li Zhijin couldn't help whistling, he had seen many beauties, and he had to admit that this woman was definitely the stunning one—slap On the big and small face, there are a pair of watery blue eyes, small nose and petal-like lips. At this moment, the brows are furrowed, and there is an anxious expression in the eyes, which makes people feel affectionate.

The appearance of a woman, with white clothes, silver and wings, is full of the image of a holy female angel in mythology.

Li Zhijin winked and made a bad joke: "Elope~~~~An angel has fallen~~~~ But, I have seen the group of Holy See knights, and there is no such girl among them. Isn't she a member of the Holy See? "

Wu Gu laughed weakly, and said: "Uncle, having wings doesn't necessarily mean you're an angel, just like Junior Brother Danny, having a monster aura doesn't mean you're a monster."

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