I want to be happy

Chapter 334 Babel Tower

The envoy-like woman and the man hovered around the insect corpse, they fell in love with Shen, kept their bodies suspended, and did not approach the insect corpse, except for the platform where the insect corpse fell, the two of them lowered a few pieces around the corpse. After inspecting the platform, their observation methods are meticulous and sophisticated, Li Zhijin nodded slightly: "It can be seen that they are veterans, and they have a way of tracking traces."

The woman said in a low voice: "These Gu worms died in a strange way, as if they were destroyed from the inside, you can be sure, it's not the method of the green snake." Her voice was unexpectedly low and hoarse, like a broken gong. Listening to it makes people want to plug their ears.

Li Zhijin sighed greatly: "It's a pity, what a pity! With this voice, the top-quality beauty who could have scored more than nine points suddenly fell below the passing line!"

Wu Gu laughed, but felt sorry for the woman in his heart, he said: "They are here to find the green snake, I wonder if they are friends or foes?"

"The bloodstains on this and that platform are from green snakes, but the ones here don't smell like green snakes." The black-winged man carefully picked up the fresh blood stains on the ground with his long fingernails, and brought them to his nose. He sniffed.

Wu Gu's eyes flashed: "He can distinguish the blood of different people without any tools. It seems that besides flying, he also has special abilities, such as the sense of smell."

The man and woman were not knowing that they were nearby, and two people were commenting on them.

The man said again: "These few drops of blood were shed by three people. The blood of the green snake ends here, and the same is true for those three people. It is still not certain that the three people who bleed are those three Gu masters. The ability of the green snake. It can't hurt the three Gu masters who acted together. What's more, he was already injured when he fell from a high place. There is a great possibility that someone intercepted the falling green snake and Gu masters here. Gu masters, and wounded Gu masters, and took everyone away."

The man deduced: "To be able to defeat three Gu masters in one fell swoop, these three Gu masters, two s-level masters, one-level masters, or a combination of another team of strong people."

The woman stretched out her hand and brushed the silky silver hanging down to her cheek: "sss|. Marquis, Dean Shengshe, the three of them are all in the Tongtian Pagoda above. It is unlikely that the avatar came here to deal with the Gu master. From this point of view, the other party It must be another team of strong people, but, who can prevent the flying insects that the Gu Masters penetrate everywhere?"

The inferences of the two were actually inseparable, Li Zhijin and Wu Gu secretly nodded upon hearing this.

The black-winged man smiled wryly, and turned his gaze around: "The opponent didn't leave any footprints or other traces. The attack method can't be seen on the insect corpse for the time being. It can kill a large number of Gu insects. Capture ss level: += Said: "I don't know why, I always feel that someone is peeping in the dark, but the eyes and nose tell me that there is no..."

The woman smiled sweetly when she heard the words, as if the lily had just opened her eyes, and she was extremely fresh: "Is there anything more reliable than your eyes and nose? Are you overthinking? When you think that the green snake may still be alive, you will feel so fresh." I think it's really great." There was a bright and moving light in her eyes, she was obviously happy that the green snake survived from the bottom of her heart.

The black-winged man had dark skin, narrow and long eyes that were sharp and cold, with slightly protruding pupils, and thin lips that were pursed. The smile and warmth in the eyes made the whole face vivid and handsome.

However, his smile only appeared for a short moment, and then disappeared without a trace.

"It can be seen that they are companions who trust each other. The green snake is probably also their companion. I just don't know which team they are?" Li Zhijin said softly, because of the concern and trust they showed for their companions, He couldn't help but think of the experience of living and dying with one or two close friends when he was in the mercenary world. In his heart, he had a slight affection for these two people.

The two people who didn't know where they came from flapped their wings and flew further down.

When they are far away, winter emerges from nearby.

When the Gu Masters appeared, Dong Dong followed Li Zhijin and Wu Gu, his appearance was disguised as an ordinary Dalmatian, which did not attract the attention of the Gu Masters.As soon as the two sides fought each other, Li Zhijin made Dong Dong stay far away, and Dong Dong also knew his own shortcomings-little actual combat experience, lack of means of long-distance and group attack, it is better to be close and cause trouble for the uncle and senior brother. Hide far away, or you can take advantage of the enemy's paralysis to attack.

With this idea in mind, he has been cleverly hiding around to watch, and even opened up a layer of personal defense for himself.

The fight between the Gu masters and Li Zhijin can be called a decisive battle. Before Dongdong saw the flavor, he heard Li Shishu's terrifying war song, and immediately, he and Wu Gu made a move and retreated.

In the eyes of mortals, it is difficult to distinguish between the illusions and illusions opened by Li Zhijin in winter, but for those of the Natural Sect, it is already a compulsory course to distinguish the faint spiritual energy fluctuations.

Wu Gu scratched his ears and asked, "Why did it take you so long to come back? Where did you hide?"

Dong raised his head, bared his teeth, put a gray stone in his mouth on the ground, and pushed the stone with his claws, "I found an interesting stone, and it took me a lot of effort to get it, it hurt my teeth. .”

"Oh, what's an interesting stone?" Li Zhijin said with a smile. This stone is about the size of a fist, wet with a lot of saliva in winter, and its weathered surface is uneven. Stone, there is no difference.

Winter grinned and didn't answer.

Gazing at him strangely, Li Zhijin carefully reached out to grab the stone, "Hey," he said in surprise, "Interesting!" Li Zhijin cried out, lifting the stone vigorously with both hands.

"I can't tell, it's the size of a fist and weighs about two hundred catties!" Li Zhijin was amazed, and looked at the stone over and over again.

After a long while, he handed it to Wu Gu: "Xiaodongdong has done some meritorious service, now it's a treasure."

Wu Gu took the stone, stretched out his hand to knock it, the stone made a "bang bang" sound like metal being knocked, Wu Gu said: "It really looks like metal, but listening to the sound, why does it feel that it is hollow inside?"

Li Zhijin said: "What's more, stones can absorb spiritual energy and resist divine thoughts. It is certain that it belongs to the ranks of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. No way, we need to find more similar stones to walk. Maybe, there are such stones everywhere in the space. You can't miss this kind of treasure. Compared with going to the Tongtian Tower to watch the excitement, it is much more important to find more treasures from heaven and earth." "Yes, Master Uncle is right!" Wu Gu also became excited.

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