Ladies and gentlemen, please sit down freely and taste the craftsmanship of Xiangyi and Xiangrong. " Sha Ling

A group of elders have looked at this living room for a long time. Obviously, the furnishings of this living room are not for receiving outsiders, but for family members, or relatives and friends, or friends, to get together and relax. Ling chose to entertain them here, obviously treating them as close people.

Unanimously, all the elders felt a layer of joy in their hearts. Obviously, because Sha Ling met Li Zhijin, his seniority was a generation lower than them, and he kept calling them "senior", but in fact, they The relationship between them is equal, even Sha Ling's great kindness in helping everyone enter the innate realm last time, and the occasional guidance after that, made the elders involuntarily respect Sha Ling as a half-teacher and half-friend , being able to be close to such a young man, even though the elders have been calling the wind and rain for many years, they are quite happy.

Shang Yingfeng was careful, the floor of the living room was covered with expensive pure wool blankets, the owner didn't wear shoes, but only wore white socks, and Li Zhijin was even more barefooted, his heart moved, he took off his shoes at the stairs, and smiled Said: "Seeing this rare woolen blanket makes me want to step on it barefoot."

The other elders immediately understood what he meant and took off their shoes one after another.

Sha Ling laughed: "You don't have to be like this, just do what you want. I don't want seniors and brothers to feel restricted in my natural villa."

Jiang Qianhai laughed and said: "Xiaosha's words are my favorite, I think you are the one who enjoys life the most. Look at this castle. It is clean and comfortable, and the decorations in the room. Everything makes people feel just right for use. .Look at this living room, it is also very comfortable. Hehe, Xiaosha. Brother, I have to learn from you.”

Sha Ling smiled and waved: "Brother, as long as you like it, I want to drink fruit juice. Or light wine?"

"Light wine? Juice?" Jiang Qianhai blew his beard and stared, strode over, and sat down beside Sha Ling, "Why, you don't even have mellow wine? Only juice and light wine are drunk by girls thing?!"

Feng Wanding pulled Li Shouyu.He chose the Sha seat facing Sha Ling and sat down.

Shang Yingfeng smiled slightly.Sitting next to Li Shouyu, he crossed his legs very relaxedly.Leaning back, with a relaxed expression on his face, it seems that this is his home.

No matter where Bai Tiezheng went, he always stood upright and sat upright. At this moment, he frowned slightly, looked around, and then sat down on the ground beside Shang Yingfeng, with his knees crossed, his hands on his knees, and his back He is still straight, but the sitting position makes people feel that he is more relaxed than anyone else.

Li Wenda and Konoha-nan were not familiar with Sha Ling, but seeing that everyone was careless and not restrained by their appearance, they let go of it. Li Tongda chose a separate Sha Ling, and Muye-man simply stayed next to Bai Tiezheng , found a soft pier to sit on.

Sha Ling was reprimanded by Jiang Qianhai, but he wasn't annoyed. Instead, he showed a wicked smile. That smile immediately made Li Zhijin excited when he saw it—hehe, someone is about to be bullied by Shasha!Get ready to watch the action!

Sha Ling leisurely: "Brother, do you really think this is what girls drink?"

"That's right, if you're a man, you should drink the strongest wine." Jiang Qianyang said proudly.

Shang Yingfeng lowered his head slightly, with a smile in his eyes, he could see that Jiang Qianhai was probably at a disadvantage, probably, Jiang Qianhai had always thought that Sha Ling's temperament was relatively simple and orthodox, right?However, he obviously misread.

"Oh, that's it." Sha Ling turned to the crowd with a half-smile, and said, "The light blue juice is called Qingqing Juice, and it uses more than a dozen kinds of natural materials such as silver whiskers, ganoderma, and ganoderma to condense the aura of heaven and earth. Made from treasures, it tastes fragrant and cleanses the heart and mind. In addition, it naturally increases the accumulation of aura in the body, clears the heart and removes demons. The orange-yellow fruit juice is made of rare spiritual substances such as Chiyanguo and Naixiangguo. It is more suitable for people with fire attributes. The snacks on the plate are also made of spiritual things. As for the golden yellow wine, it is brewed from the fruits of apple trees cultivated with spiritual energy. It is inevitable to add some special ingredients, alcohol The concentration is not high, but the taste is very mellow. Please feel free to try it.”

Sha Ling's indifferent words stunned all the elders—everything from wine, beverages to snacks has aura?

After all, it is the accumulated profound sect that is able to possess so many fairy things, and even waste them to make snacks and drinks!

Unable to tell whether it was sad or fortunate, everyone either picked up snacks or drinks and put them in their mouths with complicated expressions.

But no matter what kind of food they ate, the people who tasted it were stunned, and then they squinted their eyes as if their whole body had relaxed, with a look of enjoyment and intoxication on their faces.

After a long while, Shang Yingfeng sighed softly: "It's as fresh as the wind, blowing across my heart, but it is the most spiritual thing in the world, no other drink can match it."

"Extremely delicious! Brother Jiang, I can compare your craftsmanship." After eating a piece of snack, Li Shouyu unceremoniously picked up the snack plate and handed it to his beloved wife who was only interested in drinking juice.

Sha Ling smiled: "It's a pity that Brother Jiang doesn't drink these drinks, alas. How about it, Li Zi, see if there is any whiskey."

Li Zhijin suppressed a smile, watching Jiang Qianhai's complexion turn from blue to white to black.

Shang Yingfeng couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into laughter: "Haha, Qian Hai, now you know the consequences of saying the wrong thing, right?"

Everyone laughed, even the serious Bai Tiezheng and Mu Yenan raised the corners of their lips, secretly amused.

Jiang Qianhai scratched his head desperately, his old face turned red in the end, looked at Sha Ling, his lips parted and opened, he couldn't hold back anymore, he jumped up and shook his hand and threw a dart out: "You bastard, you Are you deliberately bullying my brother?!"

Jiang Qianhai was already very close to Sha Ling, and there were at least a dozen darts thrown out with shaking hands. Before he could finish his sentence, the darts had already landed on Sha Ling!

The laughter stopped abruptly, and Li Wenda and the others were stunned. It was absolutely impossible for them to avoid Jiang Qianhai's darts at such a short distance, so what about Sha Ling?

Sha Ling's figure seemed to flicker, but he was still sitting on the spot, his outstretched left hand was shiny and full of hidden weapons, but he himself was not damaged at all.

With a playful face: "Yo, brother, do you still use this trick?"

Jiang Qianhai's eyes widened in surprise, he was a little dumbfounded, and blurted out: "You escaped without even moving your seat?!" He believed that with Sha Ling's level of strength, it would be no problem to escape the sneak attack , but a bit of embarrassment is inevitable, I didn't expect...

Shang Yingfeng took a look at Bai Tiezheng, and the two shook their heads in unison. They didn't see, didn't see how Sha Ling dodged, or how he reached out to catch the darts that were heading in different directions.

Among the people present, only Li Zhijin and Yun Xiangyi were certain from beginning to end that Sha Ling's strength was not on the same level as those of these elders, so there was no need to worry.

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