Ling Dan smiled and said nothing, at this moment, Yun Xiangyi brought out another glass of juice. The glass of juice also looked light blue in color, but it was denser in essence, and the content of aura in it was much richer than the others. More, the density of aura is higher, but the taste is not as good as the former one, so when entertaining guests, Yun Xiangyi specially serves the one with lower concentration.

Sha Ling conveniently handed the darts to Yun Xiangyi: "Senior Jiang gave them to you to play with." Jiang Qianhai's darts are delicate and exquisite, and they are very suitable for the little flower demons to use.

The shimmering darts, some are plum-blossom-shaped, some are cross-shaped, and the blades are all thin. Holding Yun Xiangyi's delicate and translucent hands, it really makes people worry that they will accidentally cut the tender darts. skin.

Jiang Qianhai and Feng Wanding said in unison: "Xiaosha, be careful, don't scratch the little girl's hand."

Yun Xiangyi felt a little displeased, no matter if those people were seniors or not, she couldn't bear them saying bad things about her master, in the little flower demon's heart, master Sha Ling was the most respected person.And only people from the natural sect can get close and trust. As for other people, it is difficult to really get close to them. On the outside, they have sweet smiles and cute performances, but inside, they still have a strong sense of defense against human beings. .

Her thoughts were quick, and she immediately smiled sweetly and said, "Master Xie. Senior Xie Jiang, Xiangyi likes these little things the most." After finishing speaking, the palm of that jade bumped, and immediately, a dart flew up. The onion-like fingers waved together.Brings up a series of afterimages.The darts are already fully covered or caught on the fingers, that's the movement technique.It's just a master who has been immersed in this way all year round, that's all.

Jiang Qianhai's eyes became extremely bright, tsk tsk.You can't judge by appearance, the little girl is delicate and tender.But skill should not be underestimated.

After Yun Xiangyi finished speaking, a pair of jet-black, crystal-like pupils looked at Jiang Qianhai.The eyes are clear and innocent, revealing a hint of expectation and shyness.

"Hehe, I want clothes. Grandpa, I still have a lot of small darts here. Do you want them?" Jiang Qianhai, who immediately guessed what the little girl was thinking, puffed out her chest and belly.He proudly squinted at the elders.Look, look.Sha Ling's disciples, such a cute little girl, they like it because of their ability to pick stars!

Sha Ling picked up the glass of green juice and sipped it, his brows and eyes softened, the little flower demon's protective thoughts towards him made him both funny and touched, but poor brother Jiang, he was about to take the bait again, alas ...

Yun Xiangyi carefully glanced at Sha Ling, as if he was afraid of being blamed by his master, seeing that Sha Ling didn't care, he stared at Jiang Qianhai with a face of shame, wanting it, and being embarrassed.

"Here, take it." Jiang Qianhai couldn't bear it anymore, and took out two palm-sized pockets: "Xiangyi, in these two bags, one is a club dart, the other is a cross star dart, both There are fifty copies of non-toxic ones."

Yun Xiangyi took it with bright eyes, with a joyful smile on her face, and then she pouted, and softly shouted: "Grandpa... and the round ones, and the boomerang?"

Her grandpa yelled softly and sweetly. Yun Xiangyi's voice was already soft and sweet, but she yelled in a coquettish tone. Immediately, Jiang Qianhai, who was called "Grandpa", felt so beautiful. , the heart of the grandpa who dotes on the younger generation is beating fieryly.

Immediately, without hesitation, he took out three more bags: "My dear girl, I still have these three types of darts in my hand, the round boomerang, the boomerang, and the arrow stick dart."

"Thank you, Grandpa! How can there be so many bags on Grandpa? You couldn't see anything just now." Yun Xiangyi asked innocently, tilting her head slightly.

Jiang Qianhai laughed and held his head up: "That's right, this is Grandpa's unique skill."

"Grandpa Jiang, don't you still have darts hidden on your body?" Yun Xiangyi blinked curiously.

Sha Ling sighed softly, covered her head, thinking about her, it's a little too ruthless, do you want to take out all my old brother's stock?

"Of course!" Jiang Qianhai's chest slapped loudly.

Xiangyi's eyes immediately turned into star eyes, and that adoring gaze made Jiang Qianhai feel ecstatic.

"Ah~~~~" Li Wenda, Mu Yenan, Bai Tiezheng, and Li Shouyu sighed in their hearts, it's over, Qian Hai is over, the darts Jiang Qianhai is carrying are made of unusual materials, some are made of meteorite iron Cheng, some are the most rare good steel, sharp and flexible, every small dart is the treasure of Zhaoxinglou.At this moment, Jiang Qianhai sent it generously without knowing it, and he didn't know how much he would feel sorry for him when he looked back.

However, if they were in Jiang Qianhai's position and were fooled by that little girl like this, they would have jumped down willingly even knowing that there was a difference.

After all, they are all very old people, and they really love the younger generation in their hearts, and Yun Xiangyi is so cute...

Look at Jiang Qianhai's smile now, his eyes narrowed together, so satisfied.

Jiang Qianhai has regained his youth on the outside, with a round red face and a smiley face. At this time, he is half-bent and looking at Yun Xiangyi with a "smile and kindness", but in the eyes of outsiders, he looks like a The adult man is drooling at the girl who is as beautiful as the morning glow, full of obscene image of a pervert.

Involuntarily, everyone was amused and sympathetic...

Shang Yingfeng also sighed softly, he understood that no one in the Natural Sect is easy to get along with, the master is cunning, and the disciple is even a little vixen.

Yun Xiangyi stretched out her tender little palm: "Grandpa Jiang, my younger brother Xiangrong also wants a share!"——

Immediately, Jiang Qianhai's smile froze, as if suddenly, someone cast a spell on him.

The elders gasped, and looked at Jiang Qianhai with more sympathy. Qianhai had already handed over half of Qianhai's most precious hidden weapon, but now, he has his eyes on the other half...

After Yun Xiangyi finished speaking, seeing that Jiang Qianhai didn't move, his delicate eyebrows frowned, showing a troubled expression, and immediately, as if he had figured out something, his big eyes were full of sadness, and he whispered: "Grandpa, don't you Don't you like Xiangrong? Xiangrong is also very cute."

The eyes, which were so clean that there was no trace of impurities, were covered with sadness, like a thin layer of mist, which made everyone who saw it feel unbearable.

"..." Opening his mouth, it was very difficult, Jiang Qianhai spit out a few words: "Of course... no, grandpa will take..."

Sha Ling coughed lightly: "Xiang Yi, these darts are enough for you and Xiang Rong to play with. Why don't you pour light wine for senior?"

"Yes, disciple understands." In an instant, the hurt expression on his face disappeared without a trace. Yun Xiangyi lowered his eyes and pulled up his sleeves, poured a glass of golden cider gracefully, and handed it to Jiang Qianhai: "Grandpa Jiang, please taste the cider." .”

Facing Yun Xiangyi's smiling face, and looking at the five bags of hidden weapons on the case, Jiang Qianhai twitched the corners of his mouth, shook his head with a wry smile, and took the glass of light wine.

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