I want to be happy

Chapter 367 The Evolution of Bugs

After eating the small drop of chaotic energy, the fat little bug seemed to regain its energy. It held its head up and stared in Sha Ling's direction. Looking at it, its body suddenly trembled. Unexpectedly, A pair of thin and small wings sprouted from the center of the fleshy body like buds. It flickered and wanted to take off, but the new wings were too small and tender to bear its weight at all. After flickering for a long time, it was still flying. Stay where you are.

Li Zhijin was overjoyed: "Look, it looks more like it! Sand, quickly feed it some energy, I think it will definitely change." Now in the door, except for the demon cultivators, he is the only one who can't absorb different energies. It is impossible to say that he is not depressed. Anyway, he is still at the level of a master uncle, so there is no reason for his strength to be inferior to his disciples. All along, even if the disciples don't say anything, he still minds it.

And if this little bug is really the same as the one Wu Gu met, then he can also use this little bug to change his own energy attributes.

With the flick of Sha Ling's fingers, a few more drops of chaotic energy popped up. At this moment, everyone was staring at the little fat bug curiously. Sha Ling drew a circle and set up defenses near the box to prevent the bug's wings from becoming stiff. , escape out.

The little worm swallowed all the energy one mouthful at a time. After swallowing a few drops, the little worm lay quietly in the box, its belly rising and falling rapidly, as if it was digesting and absorbing the energy. After a while, its body began to rippling. There were silvery dots of light, but the whole body did not turn into silvery white.

Wu Gu smiled and said, "Congratulations, uncle, for getting this zerg." It can be seen that as long as the worm consumes more energy from the chaotic space, it shouldn't be a problem to evolve into a small silver flying worm.

Li Zhijin grinned from ear to ear: "We are happy together." Fortunately, he had the foresight to get this little bug down for Tanmo, otherwise... Well, Shazi has already helped Baige and others to cure the genetic conflict for free. It stands to reason He said that he didn't owe the other party any favors, but think about the fact that the green snake didn't say a word about him hiding the bug.I also felt that I owed that boy something. Li Zhijin knew the little green snake's thoughts very well, and the green snake also quietly asked Danny for advice on how to get started. Exactly the same as getting started.

Or, can I consider accepting a disciple?Is this little bug a teacher apprentice ceremony?That little green snake is quite pleasing to the eye.

Thousands of miles away, the Green Snake was still running for the treasure, but he didn't know it.His luck had come.

After dozens of days, the little bug was fed with chaotic space energy every day.It really turned into the appearance of a small silver flying insect.

Li Zhijin made it in the same way, and took the Lingshi brush to draw the next heavenly talisman. Perhaps it was caused by the nature of the little flying insect. , And trapped himself in the spirit pen, and became a tool spirit.

It's just that Li Zhijin's small flying insects are cultivated in a short period of time, transforming energy.Compared with Wu Gu's, the number is much lower, but as long as he has energy balls to replenish, Li Zhijin is not worried that his progress will not keep up with everyone.

"Master, I have something to report." Zhao Wang said.

"What's the matter?"

"It's the boy Jia Nan. He found the organization that escaped. There are hundreds of elite killers under that organization. It belongs to the e-country gangsters. I helped him find the information. Fortunately, the brother he never forgets is still alive. Blind One Eye was sent by their organization to participate in the underground life-and-death battle. Well, his first battle is scheduled for ten days later, if you don’t rescue him, you probably won’t be able to save him again.”

"Oh. What do you think?" Sha Ling glanced at his senior disciple who was smiling obsequiously.

"Hey. Then, what. Can you let the uncle lead a team and organize us to practice training?" Zhao Wang rubbed his hands and laughed.

Sha Ling glanced at Li Zhijin who was smiling and saw that they had colluded, and waved his hand: "Go, I don't care about this kind of thing, you can go wherever the door wants to go with you."

"Yes, thank you master, then I will go with my uncle, Xiao Lu and Danny."

Sha Ling smiled and said, "You guys arranged it well, you brought everyone who can fight."

Li Zhijin said boldly: "That is, it is necessary to ensure that the disciples go back safely, so I, my uncle, did it myself."

Sha Ling laughed, pondered for a while, and said, "Replenish some defensive charms before going."

Everyone responded in unison.

Sha Ling transported these people back to the secluded residence in the world of mortals, and by the way, brought the energy ball for Father Sha and Mother Sha.

Sha Beibei has grown up a lot. From that little pink and tender ball, she has become a little girl who can jump and jump. Her small arms and calves are short, like lotus roots, and she can run. Very cheerful, really cute.

The little girl's temperament is relatively lively, and she doesn't recognize her life. When she saw her brother whom she hadn't seen for a long time, she observed her for a while, and then she approached her intimately, calling out "brother, brother" sweetly.

Sha Ling deliberately stayed in the seclusion of the world of mortals for a while, so that his parents could absorb the energy ball with peace of mind, and he would watch over him in case anything went wrong. She channeled the aura into her body.

Sitting on the shore of the lake with Sha Beibei in his arms, Sha Ling asked, "Does Beibei like this place?"

Sha Beibei nodded vigorously, and said in a childlike voice: "Beibei likes the water's edge the most, and feels very comfortable in the water. Brother, Beibei can swim. When soaking in the water, it's like... um, sleeping. It’s as comfortable as sleeping beautifully.”

Sha Ling nodded with a smile. Sha Beibei's physique is completely inherited from Father Sha's. The water attribute is more pure, so she has been fond of water since she was a child.

Sha Ling said: "My brother also likes to play in the water, let's go, my brother will take you down together."

"Okay!" The Sha family's little baby blinked his dark eyes and responded sweetly.

Sha Ling took off his shoes, barefooted, and walked towards the lake step by step with Sha Beibei in his arms. His feet stepped on the lake as if he was walking on flat ground.

Sha Beibei yelled and clapped her hands: "It's fun, is brother doing magic tricks?"

Sha Ling touched her head affectionately: "This is not magic, it's a spell."

"Spell?" Sha Beibei thought for a while with her mouth pouted, but she didn't understand. She decided to skip this unfamiliar vocabulary and asked directly: "Can Beibei also be like brother?"

"Of course, Beibei is a natural water fairy. As long as you understand water and understand water..."

Sha Ling's voice deepened, and Sha Beibei slowly closed her eyes. In a trance, she seemed to be soaking in the water with her brother. The water waves were gentle and gentle, just like the hands of parents. Inside, there were little by little soft blue light spots, like beautiful elves, surrounding her. Involuntarily, she stretched out her fingers to touch, and all of a sudden, the shining elves entered her fingers , slightly cool, softly, very comfortable, very comfortable...

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