I want to be happy

Chapter 368 Newborn

After living in Hongchenyou for more than ten days, Li Zhijin and others had finished their work and came back, one by one, their shoulders were crossed, their faces were full of excitement.

Looking at the expressions of Li Zhijin and the others, they looked like children who had been locked up in school for a long time and went out for a while, making Sha Ling dumbfounded.

"Hey, I haven't lived this kind of life for a long time, it's so cool!!" Lu Rui smacked his lips, as if he was still thinking about it.

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed, Sha Ling appeared on the pine tree not far from them, with a smile on his face, he asked very gently: "What kind of life is so cool?"

When the time came, Lu Rui's face turned red and then white, his mouth opened and closed twice, like a fish landed on the shore, unable to utter a word.

Zhao Wang and Li Zhijin next to them also suppressed their smiles and remained silent.

Sha Ling was actually caught!

The so-called coolness, Sha Ling also knows that the common hobbies of these few people are to fight to the fullest, to experience the tension and excitement of life and death, as well as the strength of alcohol and the tenderness of beauties...

Sha Ling never asked the sect members to restrain themselves, even when Zhao Wang tried to re-enter the underworld, he never said anything to stop him, and he would not stop everyone when it comes to having fun, but as the suzerain of the Natural Sect, Sha Ling himself likes to be close to the world Naturally, the light and ethereal god-like characters, these disciples and fellow disciples have been fascinated by them, and over time, they gradually restrained themselves from all kinds of worldly things. Moreover, the cultivation in the natural sect focuses on understanding nature. of.

Sha Ling didn't object to the disciples having fun, he stood up and shouted, but it was only in a teasing manner.

This bad suzerain clearly had a friendly smile on his face and a very gentle tone, but he couldn't help but make Li Zhijin and the other three feel guilty, after all, what they did.It is inconsistent with the usual practice in the door.

In fact, they also knew that Sha Ling was teasing them.But when hearing what Sha Ling said, inexplicably, I still felt a palpitation-like pressure.

Li Zhijin glanced at Sha Ling, but Sha Ling probably didn't even feel it.Unknowingly, his prestige in the eyes of the disciples is getting higher and higher.

Touching his nose, Li Zhijin laughed, "Well, Shazi, we brought you some good things too!" After that, like a magic trick, Li Zhijin hooked his fingers behind him, and from behind him, a thin man walked away. When he came up, his face was ugly and distorted, and he was on par with Danny, holding two boxes, one big and one small, in his hands.

That man was the green snake.

Li Zhijin picked up the green snake and held the small box on the ground.Pass it to Sha Ling: "Two bottles of top-quality wine!"

He took the second box and gave it to Sha Ling: "This kid, Green Snake, took the trouble to find it, so let's treat it as apprenticeship fees."

The first box contains two bottles of red wine.After the second box was opened, it was divided into several compartments, some containing sapphires shining with azure light, some containing shining diamonds, and some extremely pure rubies and black pearls.These jewellery.There are a few of them, which are the top jewels that are rumored to be missing.But I don't know where the green snake got it from.

Jewelry is priceless, but it means nothing to Sha Ling.

Green Snake's eyes were fixed on Sha Ling. In this sect called "Natural Sect", the person in front of him is the absolute ruler. If he doesn't like these gifts, then it is impossible for him to get started.

Nervous in his heart, he originally wanted to collect precious and rare ores slowly, but when Danny made a phone call, he immediately rushed over excitedly, acted together with them, and rescued a person, and then he was encouraged by Danny , expressed to Li Zhijin his wish to be a teacher, and unexpectedly, Li Zhijin agreed, which made him feel like he was on a roller coaster, and he was so happy that he didn't know what to do. But now, he felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to go They could all be smashed to pieces.

Sha Ling looked at the green snake casually, and a breath enveloped the whole body of the green snake in an instant.

This breath is like the air is cut off, and it seems to weigh a thousand catties. The green snake is breathing rapidly, its legs are trembling, and it can hardly stand up. This man is really strong, so strong that it is terrifying. It made me feel as if my whole body was about to burst into pain.

It seemed that a very short time had passed, and it seemed that it was a very long time. The breath was shaken away, Sha Ling smiled slightly, and nodded at Li Zhijin. This green snake has a resolute personality. , Knowing how to express gratitude, and respecting Li Zhijin very much, this apprentice can accept it.

Green Snake trembled slightly, his face was snow-white, and his clothes were almost drenched in cold sweat on his back, but when he saw Sha Ling nodding his head slightly, his heart was filled with joy. He couldn't help but look at Li Zhijin, who had been in In times of crisis, the person who had saved him again and again, this person who could make him loyal, became his master!

In the blurred field of vision, he saw Li Zhijin Wenxi's smile, unbelievable, tears slid down his cheeks, Green Snake quickly lowered his head and wiped them away vigorously.

Sha Ling laughed, and patted Li Zhijin on the shoulder: "Congratulations on accepting a good student. Tonight, we will have a celebration in our gate, and almost everyone is there." When Sha Ling came over this time, he thought of Xiaohua The fairies didn't go home for a long time, so they brought back Xiaohuaxian, Xiaojiao and Dongdong together.

"Yes, master, by the way, master, we rescued that man, and I want to accept him as a peripheral disciple." Zhao Wang took the opportunity to say.If it is said that the happiest person this time is none other than his disciple Jia Jianan. His long-cherished wish was fulfilled and he successfully rescued his brother. Yi Jianan meant that of course he hoped that his brother would join the same sect. However, That man and Jia Nan hadn't been in touch for many years, and they needed to be tested in their dealings with others. Out of various considerations, Zhao Wang agreed to accept him as a peripheral disciple first, and if there were no problems in the test for a few years, he would consider entering the sect.

Sha Ling said: "Yes. Whether it is the outer circle or the inner circle disciples, they must abide by the rules of the sect." "Yes, I understand." Zhao Wang bowed in response.

Ling nodded, tapped lightly on the pine tree, and it floated away in a blink of an eye.

The movement that seemed to be able to fly made the green snake dumbfounded.

"Okay, let's go, you live with Danny for the time being. Have a good rest, change into the door uniform, and have fun together at night." Li Zhijin said to the green snake.

"Yes, master... Snake stumbled out this word, and the excitement in his heart was clearly written on his face.

This disciple is very funny, Li Zhijin smiled, thought for a while, and asked: "Green Snake, where is your name? I don't think you will need the title of Green Snake in the future."——

name?He has forgotten his real name, all he remembers is his nickname.

"Please give me a name, master!" A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and the green snake suddenly said, and after he finished speaking, his eyes stared brightly at Li Zhijin.

It's obviously a snake, okay? Why does it give people the feeling of a pet dog?This green snake, his temperament, probably should have been very lively.Li Zhijin smiled and said, "You have been reborn, and you are my disciple. If you don't mind, you can use my surname and call it Li Xin, okay?"

"Li Xin is willing!" Green Snake said loudly, he has his own name, he has his own new life!

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