I want to be happy

Chapter 370 Failed Research

After coaxing Xiao Jiao to faint, Sha Ling massaged Xiao Jiao carefully. Seeing that he had fallen into a deep sleep, Sha Ling came to the surface of the water.

Walking back to the shore, Sha Ling stretched out his hand and flicked it from head to toe. In time, he picked out the water from his body, formed a ball of water droplets, and fell back into the lake.

Touching Dongdong's head: "Don't worry, Xiaojiao is asleep."

Dong Dong's big black eyes showed a look of relief, and he lay lazily on the ground, enjoying the caress of his master's slender fingers.

The sun shines through the shade of the trees, and the speckled light and shadow sway with the breeze, and the fragrance of trees, soil and fruit juice floats in the air.

Involuntarily, Li Zhijin, Wu Gu and the two little flower demons slowed down their steps, as if they were afraid of breaking the quiet atmosphere.

Sha Ling raised his eyelids and said with a smile, "What, there is a breakthrough?"

Li Zhijin shook his head distressedly: "It still doesn't work. There should be no problem with the teleportation circle, and it can be activated, but no matter what is thrown into it, there is no trace."

Li Zhijin said again: "Xiao Wu and I speculate that this teleportation array is a directional teleportation array that we imitated the one at the entrance of Tongtian Tower, but now that Tongtian Tower has been destroyed, the original space coordinates become invalid, so this teleportation array The array is useless. But." Li Zhijin scratched his head, looking helpless: "We can't figure out which part of the array is the space coordinate."

"The two teleportation arrays are activated at the same time?" Sha Ling asked.

Li Zhijin shrugged: "It's useless, the two sides don't interact with each other."

"If we can't find out the array lines of the space coordinates and the marking method of the space coordinates, we probably can't use them." Wu Gu pushed his glasses and analyzed calmly.When Wu Gu was an ordinary person, he was short-sighted and wore glasses all the year round. Later, he practiced spiritual practice.My physique has changed, and my eyesight has gradually recovered.However, he was used to wearing glasses, and when he took them off, he felt that he looked weird, so he changed to plain glasses.Recently, he handcrafted a pair of glasses with thinned crystal lenses.The inlaid array has a defensive effect and is extremely light in weight.

Sha Ling pondered for a while, and said: "Well, I have studied this energy bead. The energy inside is bloody and dark, and we can't use it. We can only use it as an energy source and transform it into energy beads. Looking back, I Put it in the hall, after you have absorbed the energy ball in your hands, put it next to the energy ball to recharge."

"Hehe. Use it as a charger. Then, sand, with this energy Zhudi energy, what level can we get to?" Li Zhijin asked expectantly.

Eight energy balls.Li Zhijin, Zhao Wang, Lu Rui, Wu Gu, and Sha Fu Sha Mu each took one, and the remaining two energy balls were absorbed by Sha Ling in one go.The energy contained in it.It is equivalent to the level of true qi, for Sha Ling.It's like drinking dilute water. The taste is bland. After absorbing two pills, it only makes up for the consumption of the previous period and fills up the Qi veins a little. There is still a long way to go before breaking through the realm.

Every time one enters a stage, the amount of spiritual energy required will increase by tens of times and hundreds of times. Sha Ling silently estimated that the amount of true energy up to the alchemy stage is actually very little, and the energy is enough to provide it.

He smiled and said: "Well, at least it's enough for you to reach the alchemy stage." The alchemy stage is a hurdle, and after entering the alchemy stage, great changes will occur in physique, comprehension, and spiritual power.At the alchemy stage, the lifespan can probably be extended by at least a hundred years, right?Sha Ling estimated conservatively.

"Cool!" Li Zhijin snapped his fingers, and both of them smiled.

"Then can we go to heaven during the alchemy period?"

Sha Ling smiled and said, "That depends on your comprehension."

"Understood!" Li Zhijin and Wu Gu were full of energy when they thought that in the near future, they would be able to use the cloud bed to roam freely in the sky like Sha Ling.

"From today onwards, I will participate in the teleportation array with you."


It is summer again, and the night sky is full of stars.

In the garden, the transmission array with a radius of three meters emits a glittering brilliance, reflecting the stars in the sky, like a little bit of stardust falling into the world, beautiful and dreamy.

However, the expressions on the faces of the people beside the teleportation array were sad and troubled.

After a long time, Sha Ling smiled lightly: "Li Zi, Xiao Wu, we are too smart."

"Oh?" Li Zhijin let out a deep breath of depression. The ghost teleportation formation, they gathered the strength of three people, and studied it for several years, but nothing came of it, which made people extremely depressed.In comparison, Lu Rui's research on reagents has made some achievements. He has been able to separate and imitate a special liquid. Although this liquid is not as geological as Zhenqi or Zhenyuan, it can transform and strengthen the body of ordinary people. , but it has unexpectedly good results, but it is still only in the experimental stage.

"The Western magic circle is a completely different concept from our Eastern magic system. It is difficult to grasp it in terms of understanding. What's more, there may be some purely decorative lines in this magic circle. Finding what we are looking for from the tedious lines is like picking a needle out of the ocean, it is really difficult.” Sha Ling said with a faint smile: “In addition, as we have deduced before, the teleportation array under our feet may be just teleportation. Part of the formation, and another part of the formation, may exist in the stone pillars of the shock formation."

"It's a pity that those stone pillars have been broken into pieces following the destruction of Tongtian Tower." Wu Gu rubbed his brows and sighed weakly.

"So." Sha Ling clapped his hands: "The study of the teleportation array has come to an end, and we will talk about it later. The two of you now possess some space attribute energy. Although it is very rare, it must be easier to understand in space. Come and try See if you can use the jade wrench."

After finishing speaking, Sha Ling took off the sapphire finger from her neck and handed it to Li Zhijin.

He also reminded: "Don't force it, stop when you feel that you are not enough."

Brocade agreed, and Wu Gu and Wu Gu took turns to try it, but in the end, the strength of spiritual sense and true energy were insufficient, so they couldn't be used at all.

Suddenly, Sha Ling laughed: "I forgot, besides this sapphire finger, there is another thing with space attributes."

Sha Ling tipped the sapphire with his fingers, and suddenly, a pile of materials fell out.

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