I want to be happy

Chapter 371 An Extraordinary Night

This quiet night, however, is destined to be extraordinary, but at this moment, no one knows.

When Sha Ling and others were discussing the space energy, something happened in the remote mortal retreat that would change the human beings on the earth in the future and be recorded in the annals of history.

Of course, for those present, this was just an experiment.

There is a special place in the Red Dust Secluded Residence. This place is not the place where the members of the Natural Clan live, but it is also heavily guarded and extremely tightly guarded. It is where the most central research team of the Huayao Group is located.

The three adjacent villas were all hollowed out underground, and a huge four-story underground research room was built.

Over the years, Huayao Group has been famous both at home and abroad. Besides earning a lot of money, the scale of the research room has also expanded again and again. However, the number of personnel in the central team has not increased much. It was five people at the beginning, and now it is only two people. , a total of seven people, only these seven people are qualified to have access to the most internal information.

On the fourth floor, in Nuoda's research room, seven people surrounded Lu Rui one by one. They held their breath and stared closely at Lu Rui. Lu Rui slowly raised his head from the microscope and looked around at everyone. Circle, then laughed, and said loudly: "Success! Activator lr-6!"

"Also!" These researchers, who usually devoted themselves to various experiments, burst into bursts of enthusiastic cheers like children.

Lu Rui looked at these brothers from the medical school, and was very happy in his heart.He pretended to observe with a microscope, but in fact, his divine sense had already scanned it, and he judged that the activator was prepared very successfully. After adding the stabilizer, the effect of the activator became mild and harmless.

"The animal experiments are all successful, next, the human experiments will be carried out!" one of the seniors said.With excitement in his eyes, he said.If human trials are also a great success.Then, undoubtedly, there will be a great shock to the entire human race, and Huayao Group's assets and reputation will also be raised to a higher level.but.These medical scientists, who were so absorbed in research, did not think of this. What they thought was just the successful prescription of pure and simple medicine.

"Hehe, yes. Little Lu, it's not bad!" On the mask, the thick white eyebrows trembled. Among them, Yan Shiyin, the oldest elder and their teacher, patted Lu Rui's shoulder vigorously, The excitement is beyond words.It was the most sensible thing to accept this student as a disciple at the beginning.After all these years, they have not only earned back their reputation as Chinese medicine practitioners, but also cultivated a large number of Chinese medicine talents, and everyone's assets are on the rise.No more worries.They just need to concentrate on their favorite experiments.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and they have been taking unlimited "Peiyuan Yangsheng Pills" all year round. Although Yan Shiyin has white beard, his complexion is ruddy and his body is lean.Full of energy.Doesn't look old at all.

"Come, come, record my physical condition immediately!" He shouted anxiously.Yan Shiyin lay down on the test bench.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, how effective the activator is, human trials are inevitable in the end, but any kind of medicine, human trials will always have some unimaginable changes in the early stage, which is extremely risky.

However, Yan Shiyin said early on that he must be the first person to experiment with this activator.

If the first person is not successful, then the medicine must be adjusted again, and the effect will be worse when he is outside. It is precisely because of these considerations that Yan Shiyin will ignore it and insist that he will do the first experiment Taste.

A group of brothers and sisters couldn't help persuading: "Teacher, you are old, why don't you give up?"

Yan Shiyin blew his beard and stared at his eyes, feigning anger and said: "This activator can enhance people's physique and lifespan. At my old age, can't I live a few more years?"

Everyone looked at Lu Rui in embarrassment, Lu Rui rubbed his head, and smiled wryly: "Teacher, I appreciate your kindness, but you are old after all, and you are not a suitable test subject."

He winked at the two senior sisters.

The two senior sisters understood, and stepped forward to help Yan Shiyin off the platform: "Teacher, there are strict age groups for the test subjects, have you forgotten?"

The first batch of experimenters they selected will be around 30 years old, and Yan Shiyin is seriously "ageing".

The excuse was reasonable, and Yan Shiyin was obviously powerless to refute it. However, suddenly, Yan Shiyin rushed up, snatched the reagent held by a disciple, and stuck it all into the skin at once!

Things happened so fast that no one could react in time.

Or Lu Rui quickly picked up Yan Shiyin and shouted: "Quick, open the solution bed, put the teacher in, and prepare monitoring data and first aid measures!"

"—Ah, good!" Everyone responded one after another, the matter had come to this point, they could only continue, and went to their posts one after another.

In the bathtub-like facility filled with solution, Yan Shiyin had already fallen into a coma, with various pipelines connected to his body. His students, trying to calm themselves down, closely monitored the data.

Lu Rui's eyeballs were right and wrong, and his spiritual sense kept paying attention to the changes in the teacher's body.Although the outside is still calm, the inside of the teacher's body is already undergoing drastic changes slowly but firmly.

Once there is a dangerous situation, he will take action in time, and he doesn't care about being discovered by his brothers. The most important thing is to save the teacher's life.

Just in case, Lu Rui called home again and asked Father Sha to come here for help.

With Sha Hanping and him around, as long as the heart and brain didn't burst, they would be able to rescue him in time.

Sha Ling picked out the metal egg from the messy pile of things.

Li Zhijin picked up the crystal ball he got from his good brother, tossed it, and asked him: "Sand, when I saw the crystal ball, I remembered the blue crystal in Xiao Kua's body. You said the little beast in the blue crystal is Isn't it the soul of Xiao Kua?" The metal beast Xiao Kua, since he was brought back to the secluded house in the world of mortals, has been loved by Sha's father and Sha's mother. Kua stayed in the world of mortals for a long time.

However, no matter how long it has been, as soon as Xiao Kua sees Sha Ling, he will definitely run over immediately, shaking his head and tail, showing affection, except for following Sha Ling, it just runs around behind Dong Dong.

Originally, Sha's father and Sha's mother wanted Xiao Kua to stay there to play with Bei Bei, but Sha Ling thought about it, he didn't want Sha Bei Bei to rely too much on Xiao Kua, Xiao Bei Bei should play more with her peers, and No one knows what changes will happen to Xiao Kua in the future, so this time, he deliberately brought Xiao Kua back to Natural Villa.

"It's possible. We haven't done any research on souls."

While talking, I heard the sound of "chacha" from far to near, and Xiao Kua jumped out of the castle, sticking tightly behind Dongdong.

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