I want to be happy

Chapter 372 An Extraordinary Night

After circling around his master twice, Dong quietly lay down beside Sha Ling's knees, listening to a few people talking with his ears up.

Xiao Kua imitated Dong Dong decently, squeezed forward, squeezed in front of Dong Dong, and also squatted down. Its body was petite, lying in front of Dong Dong, like a parent with a child, but in fact, this is Two completely different species.

Wu Gu and Li Zhijin tried the metal egg, but they still couldn't open it or peek into it no matter whether they used real energy or spiritual consciousness. Wu Gu handed the metal egg back to Sha Ling.

Sha Ling waved his hand: "I'll put this metal egg in your place first, and you may open it when you have the chance."

Gu responded, his eyes fell on the crystal ball, and he smiled embarrassedly: "Master, I heard that the crystal ball is driven by spiritual power. After opening, something can change inside, can you... "

"Oh, okay, Xiangyi and Xiangrong haven't seen it either." Sha Ling beckoned to the two little flower demons who were sitting on a bench in the corridor not far away.

He held the crystal ball in his hand, and mental power poured in like a tide. Immediately, in his consciousness, he saw the blue scrolling bar again. Once again, Sha Ling couldn't help but smile.

As his spiritual power poured in continuously, the crystal ball floating with light gray mist gradually burst into beautiful silver light.

"Okay. Have you seen it?" Sha Ling pointed to the floating gray balls inside the crystal ball.The crystal ball is no more than the size of a fist.The floating gray ball inside is even more small and delicate, so you have to see the contents clearly.It's really a test of eyesight.

Sha Ling suggested: "You guys also try to get a ray of divine sense in. I've activated the crystal ball, or you can come in and have a look, Li Zi, you should try it first."

Brocade sent a ray of spiritual thoughts into the crystal ball, and when his spiritual thoughts entered, Sha Ling suddenly heard the beautiful female voice again, as if asking him a question.At the same time, two options appeared in the crystal ball, and after a little deduction, Sha Ling's tentacles of divine sense tapped a little on the former option.

Immediately, a light flashed in the crystal ball.A small group of hazy rays of light appeared, and this group of rays of light was exactly Li Zhijin's divine sense.

"Okay, it's a success, you guys come in too." Sha Ling said.

Thus, the crystal ball was flickering with light, and Wu Gu, Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong entered the crystal ball together.

The crystal ball looks very small from the outside.But after the spiritual thoughts entered, I felt that the inside was extremely spacious.

Li Zhijin and Wu Gu turn left and right curiously, they are really very interested in this legendary alien civilization.

Wherever the two moved their minds, the gray balls would automatically float to them one by one.Let them take a closer look.

"Wow, is this a battle armor or a robot?"

"Is this a small spaceship?"

When the two were making a fuss, Yun Xiangyi suddenly hooked his finger, and a small ball appeared in front of her with a "swish".

Yun Xiangyi pointed at Xiaoqiu: "Master, look. This one is different."

"Huh. Sure enough." This little ball is not like other places.The exterior is gray, as if it is an option that cannot be selected in the system. The default is gray, but it is pure and transparent. There is a strange shape inside. The two sides are separated into arcs, and a cuboid like a screen is exposed in the middle.

Li Zhijin and Wu Gu came over after hearing the sound, Li Zhijin looked closely and said, "Come on, Shazi, give it a try and see if there will be any changes."

Sha Ling stretched out his finger and tapped on the transparent ball, but the transparent ball did not change in any way. However, everyone's eyes widened one by one, and they stared at the table in amazement. He floated up by himself.

Li Zhijin yelled: "I understand, I understand! Sand, look at the things in the transparent ball put together, isn't it the shape of this metal egg?!"

Winter moves his nose, scratches and scratches the metal egg: what the hell is this thing? It can move by itself.

The surface of the metal egg slides away lightly, like a flower blooming, revealing the heart, and inside, like the display in the crystal ball, is a long strip object.

The strip-shaped object is divided into upper and lower parts, the upper part is two small squares, flashing blue light, after a while, the blue light stabilized, like two eyes, As for the lower part, a ray of light was shot out into the air.

Following the light, everyone looked and saw a huge star map about four meters long and six meters wide condensed in the light.

The star map changes at a dizzying speed, and when the speed slows down, everyone can already see the familiar solar galaxy.

The star map zooms in on a certain point, zooms in again, and after a while, the point is on a satellite near Pluto.

"What a big spaceship!!" Everyone gasped, staring blankly at the huge silver-black monster parked on the satellite.

After a long time, Wu Gu said: "Crystal ball, metal egg, syringe reagent, crashed alien spaceship...It is very likely that these things came from this." He pointed to the spaceship and said: "We can temporarily deduce that, Thousands of years ago, this spaceship came near the earth, either for the purpose of investigation, or because of insufficient fuel or an accident. The spaceship stopped on the satellite, and the owner of the spaceship drove a small spaceship to fly to The earth, or whatever, anyway, when the earth crashes, there's an explosion in mid-air, and the crystal balls, the metal eggs, and the wreckage of the small spaceship are scattered and fall in various places on the earth."

"The crystal ball fell into the hands of the Egyptians, and they regarded it as a treasure by accident. The small spaceship had been sleeping on the seabed for thousands of years, and was accidentally discovered by the sand traveling in the ocean. And the precious one containing the metal egg and the test tube injection The box fell into the tropical rainforest. If it wasn't for saving Danny, no one would have discovered its existence in a thousand years. Chance, chance..." Li Zhijin rubbed her chin excitedly I pondered, "By the way, tell me, can this spaceship still drive? Also, how many pilots were there at that time? I remember that the wreckage salvaged by the sand last time was not very large and could not accommodate many people, or was it all Is it a robot driving?"

"It seems... the spaceship can still fly..." Sha Ling interrupted him

On the star map floating in the air, the sleeping monster changed at this moment. The original elliptical body shape, in an instant, grew many structures on the surface of the body, making the spaceship majestic.

Slowly, the spaceship floated up and began to fly in a certain direction.

Sha Ling rubbed his nose and said awkwardly: "Just now, there was another option in the crystal ball, I subconsciously selected the button that should be OK, and it turned out...well, the crystal ball is probably the remote control device on the spaceship, and the metal The egg is the remote control for launching the spaceship..."

Sha Ling guessed, but he was only half right. Ordinary spaceships are seldom started remotely like this from the outside. There are strict regulations on the piloting authorization of spaceships, but just in case, there is a high-end remote control facility. The facilities are only open to those who are honored as "spiritual masters" in high-tech civilization. Only spiritual masters, who have powerful spiritual power different from ordinary people, can open them.

"Where did it go?" Li Zhijin blurted out. Immediately, he swallowed, and together with Wu Gu, Xiao Huayao and others looked at Sha Ling with a look of "you have committed a crime".

Sha Ling is very rare, with an embarrassing blush on his face, he lacks confidence: "Well, it's obviously going to the earth..."

In the star map, at the front of the spaceship, there is a route map drawn, and at the end of the route map is the earth they are all too familiar with.

"Did it land here directly????"

"No way, Shazi, find a way to change the landing location of the spaceship!" Li Zhijin said urgently, if the spaceship lands here, it will not only destroy the natural villa, but also immediately focus the eyes of the whole world on the natural Zong is up.

Sha Ling had a bitter face, and asked him to practice enlightenment, which is fine, but alien technology, something he has never dealt with before, how can he do it?

Although he has a remote control device in his hand, he is completely at a loss as to how to use it. Even the female robotic voice speaks a language he cannot understand at all. Like, it is estimated that he will not choose.

Trying, Sha Ling reached out and tapped on the star map, but it was useless.

It is useful to use divine thoughts instead. Wherever the spiritual thoughts fall, the star map is constantly enlarged. If you want to make it smaller, you only need to reduce your mental strength.

I want to try to move the circuit diagram, but the circuit diagram does not move at all, so I ignore it.

Wu Gu's eyes flickered, he was thinking quickly in his mind, but his face was extremely calm: "Yes, master, you can zoom in on the end point on the road map!"

In other words, Sha Ling manipulated his mental power unskillfully to reach the end point of the road map. Looking at the terrain and latitude and longitude, it was exactly the location of the natural villa.

For a moment, everyone's expressions became more serious.

In just a short time, the spacecraft has already passed Neptune!

"Yes!" Li Zhijin jumped up suddenly, and dashed towards the metal egg, "Sha, hurry up, take us out of here, and then see if the star map's landing point will change!"

"Understood." Sha Ling summoned the cloud bed, and everyone jumped on it, and the metal eggs and other objects naturally followed on the cloud bed.

Driven by the high air flow and driven by Sha Ling's true energy, the cloud bed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it left the border of Switzerland, and the end point on the star map also moved accordingly!

"Haha, the end point is where the remote control is!" Li Zhijin and Wu Gu breathed a sigh of relief, paralyzed on the cloud bed, but immediately, they jumped up again.

Wu Gu and Li Zhijin looked at each other, their eyes were full of calculations, they smiled tacitly "hehe", Li Zhijin said: "Shazi, hurry up, hurry back to our country's sea border."

On the other side, Wu Gu has already started calling Zhao Wang.

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