I want to be happy

Chapter 71 Treasure Land

"Are there any casualties?" Sha Ling asked.The poisonous fog is troublesome, but the monster hidden in the fog is the deadly danger.

"Brother Xiangrong and sister Tianxiang were injured a little bit, but the vitality of the world there is strong, and they recovered very quickly, so don't worry, master, everyone is fine, it's just that they were trapped in the fog by those annoying monsters. Xiaojiao I'm rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so I can force my way in, but the others just..." Xiaojiao shook his head, his eyes couldn't hide his worry: "Master, how should we deal with that monster?"

The Tianxiang sister that Xiaojiao is talking about is the peony flower demon that Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong took in. It is the thousand-year-old white peony that Sha Ling saw in the peony garden. In terms of age, she is actually younger than Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiang. They may be hundreds of years older, but the two flower demons are nourished by the aura of heaven and earth after being brought into the family, and their realm of practice is advancing rapidly, which is not comparable to the crowded and polluted environment in the peony garden.

Because of Sha Ling's absence, Yun Xiangyi and Hua Xiangrong didn't dare to decide to accept Tianxiang as a disciple. In name, Tianxiang was only a peripheral disciple of the Natural Sect.

Among the monsters in the Natural Sect, apart from Tianxiang, there is also a man named Ice Crow. As the name suggests, he is an Ice Crow who has practiced for thousands of years.

In addition to Tianxiang and Bingya, the Natural Sect also brought two disciples who entered the alchemy stage this time.

"Your spiritual sense can't detect that monster?" If this is the case, it can only mean that the monster is not only elusive, but also has a strong spiritual power.

"Master, that purple mist is so strange, we can't detect very far with our spiritual sense, and the monster's movements are very fast, even faster than those vampires. It's impossible to guard against." Xiaojiao said angrily , Presumably, he was often tossed by monsters.

The clouds are fading.Dooming Heaven reveals its true face in front of Sha Ling, with continuous mountains, boundless as far as the eye can see, or majestic Kaohsiung, or like a knife and axe, or strangely beautiful... above the earth.There are not only the boundless green, the rippling blue, but also the brown and yellow of the Gobi Desert. The terrain is various and varied.There are birds dancing and animals running.Countless creatures run and run.

Taking a deep breath of the air full of rich aura, Sha Ling felt his heart cleared.

Doom day.Although it is called Miezhutian, it is really a treasure land, with such a dense aura of heaven and earth.It is destined that there will be countless treasures of heaven and earth growing on this continent. Although, it is precisely because of this aura that the creatures on this continent are so powerful that they are formidable, but in the same way, some parts of such creatures are also Excellent material for refining equipment.

If such a precious land is used by the Natural Sect for cultivation... Sha Ling has always been indifferent, but faced with this cultivation environment that is countless times better than the earth.Can't help but be moved by it.

As for those creatures that are difficult to deal with.But Sha Ling didn't take it very seriously, and now he learned that his disciples are safe and sound.The burden that had been weighing on his heart was gone, and he felt indescribably relaxed. He wanted to breathe and practice wantonly on this vast land. With enough spiritual energy, it would take less than ten years for his cultivation to There must be a breakthrough. At that time, this creature of the Doom Heaven will really be ignored by him.

Under Xiao Jiao's guidance, Sha Ling and the two avoided some extremely territorial birds and beasts, and soon, they came to a certain mountain range.

The several mountain peaks here are all softly arcing straight up to the sky, like a pen holder, with a rather delicate temperament. The mountains are full of verdant greenery, and there are silver-like waterfalls hanging down between them, adding a touch of water color.

Xiaojiao pointed to a place surrounded by white mist in the mountain and said: "Master, that's where it is. Strange to say, the day we entered the valley, we could see the scenery clearly, but now, the white mist drifts outside, and we can't see it at all." There is a bit of a valley scene, even if you use your spiritual sense, you can't find out what's going on, master, why is that?"

Sha Ling was a little ashamed. If he hadn't learned the common sense of the comprehension world for a while, he might not be able to answer this question, but now he can speak with eloquence: "This is a natural illusion of heaven and earth. This kind of Illusions are truly natural, unlike the illusions created by practitioners, they are the most difficult to see through. However, such illusions often disappear or lose their effectiveness for a certain period of time, and you must be in time for it. "

"In addition, the place where this kind of illusion is generated is generally where the spirit is, or where treasures are generated. Your vision is pretty good."

Xiaojiao laughed, and proudly puffed out his chest, "It's a place that Brother Dong recognized, so it's a good place."

While speaking, the two of them stopped above the white mist.

Sha Ling tentatively looked at it with his divine sense. His divine sense was only stronger than Xiaojiao's, but not weaker, but it was only about a kilometer away, and within this kilometer, all he could see was fog.

Spiritual thoughts couldn't work, so Sha Ling switched to the technique of the sky's eye. His pupils flickered, and the depths of his eyes seemed to condense the most dazzling color and light in the world. Xiaojiao only took one look, and felt his own Consciousness and soul were almost sucked in. I was terrified. I didn’t dare to look any more. I quickly looked at my nose, my nose at my mouth, and my mouth at my heart. I calmed down my mind honestly. After a while, I felt fascinated. Calm down.

In the eyes of the sky, the flow of the mist seems to be revealing.The spiritual energy gathered in the mountains was extremely dense, interpenetrating and intermingling with the mist, making it impossible to determine for a while which ones were the spiritual energy of the natural phantom array and which ones were wrapped in the mist.

The mist flowed quickly and smoothly, as if there was an invisible hand fiddled with it. After staring at it for a long time, Sha Ling gradually figured out some patterns.

But this illusionary array between heaven and earth is different from the illusionary array that Sha Ling figured out by himself, and it is also quite different from the illusionary array commonly used in the cultivation world. Even in his eagerness, Sha Ling couldn't figure out how to break it.

After thinking about it for a while, Sha Ling laughed, he was thinking badly, his purpose was to get in, not to find a way to crack it, moreover, according to Xiaojiao, the phantom formation is only for trapping, but not for killing.

Putting his gaze farther, Sha Ling could vaguely see some green trees and green grass, as well as stretches of grassy slopes.

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