I want to be happy

Chapter 72 Life Energy

At this time, blocked by the phantom array, the flowers and trees Sha Ling saw with his sky eyes were different from the flowers and trees seen with his naked eyes.

Generally speaking, substances of the same kind have similar energy dispersion and fluctuation frequency. For example, plants have the characteristics of low energy quality, short fluctuation curve, gentle frequency, and the color of energy is thick or light green.

Sha Ling deduced the existence of flowers, trees and grasslands from the energy clusters he saw.

In addition to a large amount of plant energy and heaven and earth vitality, there is also a substance familiar to Sha Ling in the space. This substance, that is, the erosive substance that exists in outer space, Sha Ling suddenly realized that the so-called poisonous fog must be caused by The reason is that a large amount of corrosive substances are attached to the mist.

After staring for a moment, gradually, like dozens of bright lights lit up in the thick fog, Sha Ling vaguely saw some bright energy clusters.

The components of these energy clusters are complicated, but some of them are extremely similar to the life spirit particles that Sha Ling knows. The tiny life spirit particles with unique luster and fluctuations represent the existence of life.Then, the energy composition surrounding the spirit is the energy characteristic of the living body?

Understanding Lingzi was something that happened when he controlled the spirits of everyone in the Huya Group before, but now, Sha Ling can "see" from a distance through his Celestial Eye.Sha Ling herself couldn't believe this entry.

When Sha Ling confirmed that the disciples were safe and sound, he had a relaxed mind. He experienced worry, joy, and sorrow in his mood when he left the customs. It was not until this time that he could let go. , but invisibly made his tempered state of mind even better.In terms of cultivation, he has made a big leap forward without knowing it. Therefore, he was able to see more energy and fluctuations with his third eye. This was not long after Sha Ling thought about it, and he just figured it out.

in the living body.The brilliance of the three groups of life energy is the color of new grass in early spring, fresh and lively, and the shape is like a blooming flower, beautiful and magnificent.

There is a mass of life energy that is crystal clear and pure white, like icy snow and frost, revealing a slight chill. In shape, it is a bird and another mass.Life energy is not as abundant as the previous ones.Its energy is mainly silvery white, and the head of the dog-shaped energy group has a region with blue glow.

There are also a few groups of energy scattered with strange fluctuations, the color of which is like a pool of scarlet old blood.

Sha Ling let out a sigh of relief, his disciple friend.Some of them have no chance to meet again, but fortunately they were rich and healthy when they were alive, and they were peaceful and peaceful when they died.It made Sha Ling feel a little less regretful, and some digits disappeared, but for some reason, Sha Ling never doubted whether Li Zhijin was alive or not. Li Zhijin and Wu Gu had special physiques that could absorb the most mysterious space energy.And the most vigilant.How could it be missing in the universe?Most of them got lost and couldn't get home.

Anyway, he has plenty of time, someday.They will always be found.

As for the remaining few, he lost contact with them before he arrived at Yinhua Star, and his life and death were unknown, which left him in great suspense.

But now, the big stone in Sha Ling's heart fell to the ground, and a little smile appeared on his face.

Just as he was about to move forward, Sha Ling suddenly changed his mind. Since he could see the characteristics of everyone's life forms, he should also be able to see the monster invisible in the thick fog, right?

Using the Celestial Eye to extend forward nearly a kilometer, Sha Ling felt quite strenuous, suddenly, a ball of dazzling light jumped out. If before, the life energy of Yun Xiangyi and others was a lamp, Then this ray of light shines like the sun.

For a split second, Sha Ling's third eye felt as if it could not be opened by the strong light.

After a while, Sha Ling closed her eyes.

Xiaojiao asked worriedly: "Master, why are you crying? Are you uncomfortable? Xiaojiao help you lick it?"

Xiaojiao licked her cheek with the cool and slippery tip of her tongue, Sha Ling smiled, her brows and eyes were soft, like spring breeze and lake water, so soft that people couldn't move their eyes away.

"It's nothing, I just got stabbed by the strong light." Sha Ling stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears, Sha Ling was horrified, the radiance of energy... seemed to be stronger than himself.

The brilliance of life energy represents the vitality of this living body, and from another perspective, it often shows the strength of an individual living body.

From a distance, this life energy looks like a ball of hair with tentacles all over its body.

The tentacle monster attacked Xiaojiao and others with thousands of tentacles all over its body, but Xiaojiao and others misunderstood them as a group of monsters.

The tentacle monster's attack speed is extremely fast, it is difficult to catch, and it has the ability to hide its own power fluctuations, but other than that, its attack method seems to be very monotonous, otherwise it would not have come down for so many days, and it still took Yun Xiangyi There is no other way.

The tentacle monster has not changed its attack method, which also shows that its IQ is not high.Then, this monster is a natural alien, and has grown to its current state by relying on the vitality and talent of the world.

If it's just like this, then even if its life energy is hundreds of times higher, it won't be difficult to deal with.

Because of the difference in level between Yun Xiangyi and the monster, they couldn't even tell where the monster was, let alone fight back.

"Okay, I found Xiangyi and the others, let's go." Patting Xiaojiao on the head, Sha Ling said.

"Well, the smile on Master's face is calm and breezy, nothing seems to be lingering in his bosom, nothing seems to be hard to hold on, Xiao Jiao's heart feels a long-lost sense of stability, and he wraps around Sha Ling's arm quietly, Feel the body temperature and breath of the master, just like when he first met the master in the underground palace many years ago.

The density of the mist reached the point where he couldn't see his fingers. Sha Ling's body surface rippled, blocking the corrosive substances out. He kept stepping, as if he could see, and walked forward calmly and quickly.

Dong Dong, who was lying on the ground, moved his nose, and there was an expression of disbelief in his dark pupils.

At the same time, beside him, a teenager looked into the mist in confusion.

"What's the matter, Ice Crow? Is the monster coming again?" The girl asked calmly, reflecting a beautiful face against the faint light of the defensive cover.

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