I want to be happy

Chapter 89 The Living and Undead

Sha Ling listened carefully to what Amos said, and confirmed it with his own experience one by one, and it was completely consistent, and what he said about the living and undead made Sha Ling feel suddenly enlightened.The feeling of the two remnant souls in Sha Ling's hands is completely different from that of Xiao Kua's soul. Could this be the difference between living and dead souls?

"Is Xiao Kua's soul a living soul or a dead soul?" Sha Ling asked. Xiao Kua's soul completely took on the shape of his body, and the light blue luster was shining, obviously a living being. He just wanted to use this question to cover up his heart excitement.

"It's a living being. When his soul was taken out, he was still alive." Amos said with certainty.The dark night stars are not good at the soul field, but at their level, they are extremely powerful and have a good understanding of the soul.There are thousands of intelligent races in the universe, and he knows that there are three races that are famous for manipulating soul power.

However, generally speaking, races that are good at manipulating souls often have not too strong physical bodies. Such races are not a threat to the Night Stars.

Amos frowned and said, "It's fine to take only the soul of a beast. If you take a human soul, this kind of behavior is a violation of the interstellar taboo. Sha, if you encounter the matter of taking human souls, please Tell us immediately. Any race is obliged to destroy the soul-takers." He vaguely reminded Sha Ling.

Sha Ling understood, and smiled lightly: "Elder, don't worry. () Was there a race that could take the soul of life?" He did hold a puppet spell in his hand, which was taken from the vampires, but this puppet spell was only refined. Necromancy—Of course, the premise of the spell is to kill a life.

Amos looked solemn, almost subconsciously, scanning left and right vigilantly.

Seeing that he was so cautious, Sha Ling immediately ordered: "Winter. Take everyone to play by yourself."

"Wow, woof." Dong Dong called twice, leading Xiao Jiao, Xiao Mo riding on Xiao Jiao's back, and Xiao Kua.A group of young people rushed away, and after a puff of smoke, they disappeared within a few hours.In the demon world, being able to transform into a human form means changing from a demon to a human. All demon cultivators are excited and proud of their human form. The incarnation of human form is divided into full-body human form and partial human form. A little bit of animal marks is the best.This kind of human form that changes all over the body often means that the foundation of future practice is the best.

Both Dongdong and Xiaojiao are full-body humanoids, but unfortunately, these two little ones don't have the normal consciousness of the demon world at all. Compared with the human form, they still feel that their original form is more convenient and used to it. Therefore, most of the time, the two little ones still maintain In the original state, they are happily playing all over the mountains and valleys. Only when they eat together or practice Tianzi, the two little ones will transform:::

"Sha. You know the vampires, and you know that the vampires master the magic of refining undead. Their spells can be called evil. However, the vampires have eccentric personalities, and it is not easy for them to develop. And they are affected by the covenant of the higher races of the universe. It is said that a long time ago, vampires also had a spell to control living souls, but they were forcibly erased later." Amos said slowly, his eyes fixed on the sand Ling.

Sha Ling's attitude was calm: "The elder said it's right. Vampires have puppet spells. However, my vampire friends have lost most of the dark spells of their predecessors, and the puppet spells are not complete. As for the soul magic, they should No." Since returning from the Doomsday, Fett Violet reported to Eslant Sengeunari that there may be a large number of similar races in the interstellar space.Ever since.The blood-sucking tribe asked Sha Ling for two battleships from a fourth-class civilized country, and left the East China Alliance.Go to the interstellar space to find your own people.This trip, in fact, has left the Donghua Alliance in a disguised form. Regarding this, Natural Sect and others feel a little relieved. As allies, the vampires are powerful, but they are like raising a wolf. Beside, no one can sleep well.

There are so many civilized races in the universe, and the number of human beings is extremely large. After the vampires leave the Donghua Alliance, what they do is beyond their responsibility.

However, with the strength and technology of high-level civilized human beings, if the vampires do anything reckless, I am afraid that there will be no good fruit to eat.

Amos smiled slightly. What he admired the most was Sha Ling's demeanor of light, wind and moon. This person is more refreshing than Qiuyue, more elegant than wind, and brighter than light.

The mountain wind blew gently, blowing Amos's silk and robe, Amos's handsome face, the skin had a faint luster like the best ceramics, he sorted out his thoughts, and said: " Tens of thousands of years ago, a race that was good at soul manipulation unscrupulously enslaved and used the souls of other intelligent races. Later, the top intelligent races in the interstellar gathered together and wiped them all out. Hundreds of powerful races were injured It is also very serious. These races signed a permanent agreement together, agreeing that once similar behaviors are found, they will be resolutely attacked. Even if it is to wipe out an intelligent race. The number of people in the tribe has dropped to one million, which shows how severe the loss is. The most terrifying thing about manipulating the soul is that the other party is clearly his relatives and friends, but they are fighting against him.

After that, not only was that race wiped out, but all the spells for manipulating living souls and advanced spells for manipulating undead were also destroyed.As for those races that can refine undead, they have been under surveillance for quite a long time.

It was also after that time that the Dark Night Stars had a better understanding of the soul. Everyone's practice direction has the control of the soul lock. Almost all the races participating in the battlefield have strengthened the cultivation and protection of their own souls.

Sha Ling took a deep breath. He could imagine how tragic and tragic that war was. He raised his hand and said solemnly: "I, Sha Ling, hereby guarantee that there will be absolutely no war in the Natural Sect. There will never be such spells in the future." Although the Dark Night Star and the Nature Sect are friends, but if the Nature Sect has the spell to control the living soul, Sha Ling can be sure that Amos and others will never follow Show mercy.If it were me, I wouldn't want people who mastered this kind of spell to exist in this world.

Amos smiled in relief, "I believe in you, Sha."

As the atmosphere eased, Kaoru Karasuma interjected: "The soul manipulation races that can become the public enemy of the universe all have special talents, and short-lived humans have no advantage in this regard. Elder, you are too worried. Sha, are you still Have a question?"

"Yes, I want to ask." Sha Ling paused, and said slowly, "What kind of person will form a dead spirit after death?" His face was calm and calm, with moderate curiosity, but not Urgent, but in his chest, his heart was in his throat.

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