I want to be happy

Chapter 90 The Living and Undead

Although Sha Ling appeared calm on the surface, in fact, all his mind was focused on Amos, so that Kaoru Karasuma didn't even notice the emotion on his face when he heard the words.

Kaoru Karasuma stared at Amos nervously. When Sha Ling asked this question, based on his experience with Amos, he immediately understood that it was probably because some of Sha Ling's close friends died, and he wanted to do everything possible to make him feel better. The opponent is resurrected.

He had a very good impression of Sha Ling who saved his life. If he could help Sha Ling, he would naturally be willing to help, but Sha Ling's problem can be regarded as a taboo among interstellar civilizations, and he didn't know What attitude will Amos adopt?

Amos frowned slightly, and then smiled and said: "Generally speaking, for creatures with strong mental power and soul during life, the time for their souls to condense after death will be longer, and during this period, if there are enough dead Spiritual energy will be transformed into undead. One thing to note is that even if the strength of the soul is average, but there is a strong desire in life, there is a certain chance to become undead."

After a short pause, Amos pointed out clearly: "Like our Dark Night Stars, like you, Sha, with a soul of our strength, the soul will freeze for a long time after death, and then slowly with the passage of time , gradually dissipating into spirit particles and dissipating in the air. $3z中文网”

It was so easy for the other party to see into his mind, Sha Ling couldn't help but smile wryly: "I also know that those who go have gone, and wanting to revive them is really against the law of heaven and the rules." However, what is the way of heaven, what is rule?No one can say that what they realize is the Tao.For 600 years, before I met with my disciples, I was lost because of meditation.During this period, my parents and brothers have already passed their lifespan... If I were by their side to see them off, perhaps, I would not feel unwilling..." Sha Ling lowered his eyelids, and said in a calm and authentic tone. "Maybe As far as they are concerned, they don't want to come back to life in a weird way, but I, I still want to wake them up and ask them what they have unfulfilled wishes, and I want to tell them in person.My apologies for leaving them so suddenly..."

The disciples who Sha Ling left, such as Zhao Wang and Lu Rui, although they have always been attached to disciple rituals, are in Sha Ling's mind.It's all family and brotherly presence, in the letters they left behind when they left.She only has blessings and expectations for Sha Ling, without any complaints. However, with Sha Ling's intelligence and sensitivity, she can deduce one or two from the mood swings and few words of Wu Qingfu, Jia Yinan and others. :-6z Chinese Website::

when he learned.After his disappearance, his family members and disciples were in panic and despair, and Sha Ling's heart seemed to be squeezed tightly by an invisible big hand.Suffocating pain.

Li Zi, Zhao Wang, Lu Rui... Whether it is life or death, he wants to see them, and he owes them "sorry".

Amos and Karasuma Kaoru looked at Sha Ling sympathetically. There was such a story about Sha Di, so it's no wonder that he was thinking about it, and he didn't want to give up any chance to try to make up for the past.

"Sha, the soul is a very complicated thing. Our dark night stars are not strong in it. Moreover, Sha. With the passage of time, even the most powerful soul will lose one or two. And this lost thing may be the deceased's life. Memories, other feelings... The dead spirits manipulated by the vampires with puppetry, even if they do not control them, only resentment and hostility remain in the minds of the other party, and their human parts have been completely lost. Therefore, even if one Human beings have been transformed into undead, and it is difficult to guarantee that he is not missing a part, or a large part. Usually, the undead we can find or encounter are just a piece of remnant soul. This piece of remnant soul is the master Dozens or a few hundredths of the soul in life, such a remnant soul, thrown into the body, noticed the incompleteness of consciousness, and it is destined that he will not be the person you are familiar with and expect. Do you understand?"

Sha Ling pursed his lips, his complexion was not very good-looking, the bodies of Zhao Wang, Lu Rui and others were intact, fresh as if they were asleep, in his mind, being able to re-inject their souls should be able to make them use special The resurrection of terrain, he also knew that things would never be that simple, but no matter what, he couldn't accept that it wasn't him who was resurrected, but only a small part of him.

Silent for a while, Sha Ling said: "Some people say that every cell of a person actually contains the genes of the whole body. This is a holographic theory. Can I guess that the depths of the remnant soul actually contain the genes of the whole soul?" mark?"

A gleam of surprise flashed in Amos' eyes, this sand is always so unexpected, his talent in the soul is really shocking.

Tilting his head, he gave Sha Ling a strange look with the eyes of a monster, and Amos shook his head strangely, then turned to Kaoru Karasuma and said, "I'm going back first, you stay with Sha well."

Maru Kaoru put his hands on his chest, bent slightly, and bowed to send the elder away, with a smile on his handsome face.

"Sha, don't get lost, hehe, the elder has allowed me to reveal something to you." Karasuma patted Sha Ling's shoulder cheerfully, very happy to be able to help Sha Ling a little.

Sha Ling was startled: "What?"

Karasuma Kaoru said directly with divine thoughts: "Sha, what I want to tell you next is the secret kept by the higher intelligent races, the secret about the soul."

"I understand, I will definitely keep this a secret." Sha Ling said immediately.

"Well, we believe you will. In fact, there are all kinds of creatures in the universe, including dead and resurrected ones. For example, there are vampires around you. These types of intelligent creatures are collectively called necromancers. If you want to nourish a living being, you need to nourish it with spiritual power and the spiritual energy of the soul, but if you want to nourish a dead spirit, you need to use the spirit of the dead. After death, use a special method to stabilize the soul, and then slowly transform it." "And if a soul is already incomplete, but the incompleteness is not very serious, you can use the unique magic system to cultivate the missing part. This kind of spell is only mastered by a few races who are proficient in the soul, we night stars, and some other intelligent races, usually use two things to maintain the integrity of the soul."

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