doomsday zombie queen

Chapter 86: Zombie Siege

The Human Survivor Base in Province Z.

Battle room.

"There are tens of millions of zombies, and our base only has 10,000+ soldiers, and the ammunition is insufficient. Even if we run out, we can't stop the attack of the zombies. What should we do?" The combat staff looked at the dense crowd of zombies on the satellite screen, his face was pale, Lips twitched and murmured.

Everyone fell into silence, smoking cigarettes one after another.

The beheading operation failed, and the corpse hunting brigade was almost wiped out.

They seem to have only one way out - to fight the zombies.

After more than half a year of suffering from Resident Evil, they understand the value of life better, and no one wants to die like this.

Asking Jiangbei to send troops to support, there is not much hope at all, and it is even more impossible to evacuate millions of people to Jiangbei.

But tens of millions of zombies, their base has a population of less than 200 million.Even the zombies leveled the base one by one, not to mention that they have highly intelligent zombie commanders who are as smart as humans.

This city cannot be defended at all!

"There is another way out, which is the seaport in the east. There are some [-]-ton giant ships that are still working. We can withdraw some people to the island base." A young officer reminded.

His words lifted everyone's spirits and reminded them of the abandoned seaport a few miles away.

Yes, before the biochemical crisis, it was a civilian seaport, and many ships docked there.After the apocalypse, in order to expand food sources, their base also sent troops there to wipe out zombies and sent people to fish.

Now at this time, it can just come in handy.

"Chief of Staff, how long does it take for the zombies to reach the base in your war room?" the commander asked.

"At the rate they're advancing, the vanguard will arrive at the base around this afternoon."

Arrive in the afternoon?Isn't there not much time to evacuate the masses?The officers frowned again.

"Hurry up and evacuate the old and young women and children in the inner city before the zombies form a siege, then the middle ring city and the outer ring city. Military officers and government officials are the last to evacuate!" The gray-haired base commander thought for a while, and gave the order solemnly .

"Government officials were the last to evacuate, what would those people do?"

"If you don't do it, you have to do it. Anyone who violates the military order will be killed without mercy!" Xiao Yi let out a murderous look on his face.

These government officials usually eat slickly, have a big belly, get the best treatment but don't do any practical work, do they still want to escape first in a critical moment?no way!

"But the ships in the harbor are limited, and tens of thousands of people cannot be evacuated in less than half a day. We—"

"If we don't have time to evacuate, we will live and die with the base, and the people!" The base commander stood up abruptly, stretched out his hand and slashed down, announcing loudly.

"Yes, we live and die with the base!"

"The base is here, and the base is dead!" The officers saw that the old commander had made the determination to die, and they were all aroused. They were passionate, waved their hands and clenched their fists, and decided to put life and death aside.

The door of the combat conference room was opened, and the officers hurried to the front line, mobilizing various troops to fight against the zombies.

"Hey, you guys, what happened? What happened?" Outside the combat room, the group of government officials hadn't dispersed, waiting for news from the military.

The roar of the officers in the war room just now made them tremble with fear, and now the group of officers hastily ignored them.It made them even more uneasy.

But almost no one is willing to open their eyes to look at them, let alone pay attention to them.

With great difficulty, the mayor and the others grabbed the sleeve of the chief of staff and surrounded him.

"Look for yourselves. After reading it, quickly mobilize the militia police to defend the outer city. If you can't stop it, the zombies will rush in from outside. Neither you nor your family can escape!" As soon as he stuffed it into the mayor's arms and pushed everyone away, he got away.

"Zombies, zombies, tens of millions of zombies have come to besiege the base! My God—" Holding the military documents with trembling hands, the mayor finally confirmed their guess.Can't help but panic for a while.

"Ah——" the mayor was dizzy, his feet went limp, and he was frightened and passed out as soon as he rolled his eyes.

The backbone fell, and now those government officials were even more flustered, shouting and crying, dragging the limp mayor and running out of the military base.

The majestic and solemn demeanor of government officials is gone, and they look like a bunch of frightened bastards.

The siren, the sharp and piercing siren sounded over the base again—outside the outer ring city, dense machine guns and heavy weapons were set up.Tens of thousands of soldiers lay in the trenches and stared nervously at the outer city without blinking.

On the street, groups of soldiers and groups of militia police rushed away from the crowd and hurried towards the outer ring city.

However, in the outer ring city, except for some strong men who were forced to rush to the front line, more people panicked and rolled up their pitifully small bedding rolls and crowded towards the middle ring city gate.

And the people in the middle ring city are more crowded towards the inner ring city gate.

It seems that as long as they squeeze into the inner city, their safety will be guaranteed.

All of a sudden, there was chaos in the base, you fought each other, squeezed and pushed inside desperately.

What a spectacular scene with millions of people crowded together.

There was a mass of black heads, and there was not even a place to plug in.The crowd was so crowded that adults shouted, children cried, people were flattened, and the noise shook the sky.Many people simply climbed to the top of the crowd, trying to step on their heads and rush through.

Some bad-hearted people took the opportunity to grab things, smashed up shops, set fires, raped people, and committed all sorts of crimes.

During the chaos, many defensive troops mobilized by the military could not squeeze out, and were regarded by the crowd at the gate of the city.

"Commander, the troops are blocked by the refugees at the gate of the Central City, and they can't get out. What should I do?" An officer came running out of breath and told Xiao Yi.

"Fire guns to demonstrate, and kill those who disobey the military order on the spot!" Xiao Yi gave the order with a dark face.

If the chaos continues like this, let alone go out to kill zombies to defend the base, even if they are crowded, they will be squeezed to death by refugees.When the zombies come, they will only be eaten.

After dozens of gunshots and the roar of loudspeakers, the crowded crowd finally became quieter, and the soldiers began to push through the crowd one by one to the outer city with difficulty.Those soldiers were like marinated eggs with a broken thread, and one by one went out.

Fortunately, I was finally able to send someone out.Xiao Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Although he knew that the base couldn't be defended, even sending troops to defend the city would be useless, but they couldn't sit still, they had to fight the zombies to the death!

Also, survivors are being evacuated over the harbor.Now if tens of thousands of people can evacuate, only tens of thousands can be evacuated.He led the troops to fight against the zombies to buy more time for the evacuated crowd.

Suddenly, the defense line of the outer ring city rang out like bursting beans.Immediately afterwards, the roar of zombies came from a distance.

The roar was neat and powerful, and the sound shook the sky.

The zombies are coming, and their vanguard has reached the outer ring city.

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