doomsday zombie queen

Chapter 87: Zombie Siege

off base.

The tens of millions of zombies have already been killed, and their forward troops have reached the defense line of the outer ring city.

Smelling the scent of human flesh from a distance, the zombies became excited.It started to roar, the sound was louder and louder than the last, resounding through the sky.

In the eyes of these mindless zombies, the millions of humans in the base are just moving canned meat, still fresh, plump and juicy.Whoever can catch them will be able to feast and feast.

They roared loudly, a stinky yellow drop of saliva flowed out of their stinky mouths, and they stretched out their arms and sharp claws and rushed towards the canned fresh meat in front of them impatiently.

"Fire, fire! Kill them!" Outside the line of defense, a commanding officer yelled hoarsely holding a command knife, sweat mixed with plaster dripped from his chin, whether it was nervousness or fear, appeared on his red face.

Although the vanguard of the zombies cannot be compared with the large army, there are tens of thousands of zombies.Those groups of zombies were crowded one by one, densely packed, and from a distance, they were all black.

They stretched out countless arms like a forest, opened their mouths full of fangs, and rushed over.When the bullet hit them, it was like a drop of rainwater falling into the sea, and it disappeared in an instant, with almost no effect.

They are not afraid of pain at all. When the bullet hits their bodies, they don't feel anything except pausing their feet.If an arm is broken, they still have another arm stretching out; if a leg is broken, they can still crawl forward on the ground; if the stomach is pierced, they drag their intestines and continue walking????? They are almost indestructible Best Stormtrooper.As long as their heads are still there, they will not stop attacking.

The fresh meat in front of them is constantly tempting them. In order to eat humans, it is worth any price they pay.

This can be seen from their drooling and their excited expressions and eyes.

"Bastard, hit the head, these zombies can only die if you hit the head. You bastards!" The frontline officers continued to walk through the crowd of guards, shouting to remind the soldiers and militias of their shooting methods.

It was probably the first time seeing so many zombies attacking together, the people on the defense line were a little scared.

At the beginning, I almost forgot that the weak point of the zombie's head is the head. When I picked up the gun, I fired it relentlessly. As a result, most of the bullets either hit the zombie's body or flew away.Few hit the zombie's head.

Finally, under the urging of the officers and experienced veterans, they remembered to aim and shoot the zombie's head.But at this time, there are not many bullets for everyone.And there are still many follow-up bullets that have not been delivered.

At the gate of the central ring city, there are still a lot of people crowded there. It is difficult for soldiers to get in and out, and ammunition and weapons cannot be transported out at all.

Before the battle, apart from the thousands of corpses that fell down, there were also many zombies rushing up one after another.

"Fire, fire, throw grenades!" The commanding officer immediately ordered when he realized that the soldiers and militias had no more ammunition.

In an instant, a round of artillery, a round of missiles, and even a round of grenades dragged sparks towards the group of zombies in front of them.After the gunpowder smoke passed, pieces of charred corpses were left on the battlefield.Few zombies are still standing.

"Great, we have won, we have won!" The soldiers and militia fighters all stood up and clapped and cheered each other, in a good mood.

In their hearts, human beings are always the most proud, and the zombies in front of them are just piles of brainless cannon fodder!

"Oh—" But before they were happy, they heard strange roars of zombies again.

Immediately afterwards, a large flock of black and large birds descended from the sky.

With their red eyes, long wings, and sharp claws, they scratched, scratched, and babbled at the heads of the soldiers and officers in the army's defense line.The speed is so fast that people are hard to guard against.

There was chaos in the defensive position, with gunshots and zombie birds screaming.In the end, each big bird grabbed a human and flew away.

"Look, zombies, the hordes of zombies are coming again!" After the chaos, most of the people hadn't recovered their senses, and gasping for breath, a sharp-eyed person pointed to the outside of the line of defense and shouted.

In the distance, a large number of tens of thousands of zombies surrounded them, and they were so black that they could not be seen at a glance.With long teeth baring its teeth and claws, it rushed towards them viciously.

"Oh my God, there are so many of them, we can't kill them, we can't finish them. We're done, run away!" A member of the militia was left in a shadow after being attacked by zombie birds.At this time, seeing so many zombies rushing over again, the defense line in my heart finally collapsed.Keba tremblingly dropped his gun and ran towards the gate of the city regardless of anything.

His run was good, and many people from the People's League began to follow his example, and they stopped defending the line of defense. A large group of cheers threw down their guns and fled desperately.

"Come back, come back, leave your post without authorization and execute the Fa on the spot!" Although the officers roared angrily and tried their best to prevent the militia from escaping, most of them fled without armor and armor.

On the battlefield, there are only tens of thousands of disciplined regular soldiers and a few militia fighters who are not afraid of death.

Outside the position, the figures of the zombies are getting closer and closer.There are not enough shells, and there are not many bullets.No guns, no cannons, ordinary people like them are free in front of these sharp teeth and claws, who are not afraid of killing or killing zombies.

The north wind was blowing, but the rumbling footsteps of the zombie in the distance were getting closer.No one thinks that the line of defense can be defended anymore, they are destined to be food for zombies.

The pressure was increasing, and the soldiers were sweating coldly on their foreheads, their hearts were beating drums, and they were holding the steel guns in their hands, their knuckles turning white.

They were also afraid and wanted to run away, like a militia.But there are still nearly a million refugees who have not evacuated to Central City, and they cannot retreat!

"Get the bayonet, we'll fight them!" At the critical moment, the white-haired commander of the base came, holding a steel gun with a shiny bayonet in his hand.

Xiao Yi put down his binoculars and lowered his eyelids.

He originally wanted to go to the front line with the base commander to fight the zombies to the death, but the base commander forbade him to go.

As the elder of the Xiao family faction, he has the obligation to protect the safety of the Patriarch.

The commander knows that this fight with zombies will never return.Xiao Yi is the only future heir of the Xiao family, so naturally he can't be allowed to die.Even if Xiao Yi had almost reached the third level, he couldn't take this risk.

Pursing his slender and cool lips, Xiao Yi seemed to have made up his mind, turned around and walked towards the base experiment cave behind the mountain.

In the experiment cave.

Still in that laboratory, Shen Feifei was still lying on that iron bed.It's just that at this time, the glass cover on the bed is gone, and three of the five restraints on the body are missing.

In the laboratory, there was no longer the bustle and bustle of the former experimenters coming and going.

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