Rebirth of Wang Yuyan

Chapter 15 1 nest of snakes and rats


When Wang Yuyan heard the whistle behind her, she also heard the exclamation of Duan Yu, Abi and Azhu who had just appeared in the corridor.She couldn't help but think of Qin's village's one-handed throwing stunt. She quickly took three steps, turned around, drew her sword, and stabbed.

The movements are as natural as flowing clouds and flowing water, and as fast as lightning.

There was only an incessant clanging sound, and more than a dozen single knives thrown by more than a dozen men in Qinjiazhai were shot down one by one in the air and fell to the ground one by one, and they were piled up in a pile.

"What a fast sword, fellow juniors, do you think she can block our hidden weapons with a sword?" Seeing Wang Yuyan picking up more than a dozen single swords with a single sword almost in a breath, the three of the Xishou Baipao The middle-aged man in his teens couldn't help but whispered to an ugly man next to him with a pockmarked face.

"Perhaps within ten steps, but within ten steps..." The pimple-faced Zhu Shidi replied thoughtfully. He originally wanted to say that it would be difficult to say within ten steps, because his hidden weapon was fired. At the time of shooting, there was not only one, but ten consecutively, but he didn't continue.

"Well, our Qingcheng sect's hidden weapon technique is unique and secretive, not comparable to their humble knife-throwing technique in the Qin family village." The middle-aged man was quite satisfied with the answers of the juniors.

"Damn Chuanzi, whose knife-throwing skills do you think are vulgar?" The burly man from Qin's Village attacked a woman but couldn't help it, he couldn't hold back his face, and if he wanted to stalk her, he probably couldn't beat him. He hesitated and listened. The people from the Qingcheng faction were belittling their knife-throwing skills, so they immediately found an opportunity to divert their anger and vent their anger on the disciples of the Qingcheng faction.

"It's far in the sky, it's close in front of us." The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and replied with his nostrils raised high.

"Sima Lin, come, come, let's make some gestures first, and let me learn from An Qingzi from the Qingcheng Sect."

Unexpectedly, Sima Lin didn't reply, instead he clasped his fists at Wang Yuyan and said with a look of disdain, "This girl has such a beautiful swordsmanship, haven't you asked Gao's name yet?"

The Qingcheng faction is a little more self-disciplined than the Qin family village, so their eyes are very clear, and they can see clearly the identity of Wang Yuyan's daughter's family at once.It's not like the drunkard in Qin's village who mistook Feng Jing for Ma Liang.

"The mere fencing skills are not worth mentioning." Wang Yuyan replied blankly.

Qinjiazhai has a nest of snakes and rats. Although the Qingcheng faction has better discipline, it may not be that they are not colluding.On the surface, Sima Lin was upright, but his words were full of hidden needles, and he kept probing.Baipao, Baipao, I really thought I was Zhao Zilong.If you want to be pretty and be filial, the question is can you be pretty?

This Qingcheng faction, in the world of martial arts, "Swordsman" uses the sword sect, but in "Tianlong Ba Bu" it snatches the title of Tang sect and becomes a sect that uses hidden weapons.Could it be that Mr. Jin didn't check for a while and mistaken Feng Jing for Ma Liang, so that Qingcheng became Tangmen?But they all have one thing in common, they are all pussies.He obviously sucks, but he still wants to come out and make a fool of himself.

Without getting an answer, Sima Lin asked instead: "Is the girl a member of the Murong family?"

"No, your surname is Wang."

"Then Miss Wang's appearance here must be due to her enmity with the Murong family?"

"No grudges in the past, no hatred in the near days."

"Fuck me, don't play tricks there. I see that even if you're not a member of the Murong family, you have a great relationship with the Murong family. Hurry up and report your name, otherwise don't blame me for not being sympathetic and sympathetic. .” Seeing that Sima Lin didn’t get the answer he wanted even after asking a few questions, someone became impatient.

"Miss Wang, are you alright?" But at this moment, Duan Yu approached.

"It's okay!" Wang Yuyan got impatient and said two words coldly when Duan Yu wanted to talk nonsense about such an obvious matter.

"It's fine." Duan Yu said with a sneer after being bored.

But after he finished laughing, he turned to the crowd and said: "You are all great heroes, how can you embarrass a weak woman and girl?" At this moment, he has a sense of justice, and he is afraid that there are too many people present and too noisy to hear , the decibel has been raised a lot.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the flower hall, which was noisy just now, suddenly fell silent, so quiet that if a needle fell on the ground, I'm afraid you could hear it clearly.

Of course, Duan Yu didn't know that the "hero" in the Qin Family Village was complaining crazily in his heart at this moment, damn it, where did this weak woman come from, we defeated four brothers as soon as we made a move, and now we are still limp on the ground Out of breath, he made another move, and even his hard-fought knife throwing technique was completely broken.If she is a weak woman, wouldn't we all become little girls with soft voices and soft bodies?

Seeing the silence of the brothers in the village, Yao Bodang, the owner of the village, had no choice but to say something to cover up his family's face: "Hey, this little brother must not talk nonsense, Miss Wang is a heroine, with fencing skills in one hand His attainment is supernatural, catching up with the ancients. In different autumns, the master of swordsman Ah Qing who made two thousand guards unarmored, not to mention a man.

"My fencing technique is indeed famous, it's called Yuangong Sword Road, but whether it has anything to do with the Yuenv sword Aqing is open to discussion." Wang Yuyan's fencing technique is only based on the sword drawing technique combined with Dugu Nine Swords Immediately developed, there is no specific move, let alone a name.When she heard Yue Nu Sword at this time, she simply made up the name of "Ape Lord Sword Road", which was considered a bad idea.

"The swordsmanship is supernatural? That's because you defeated the worthless Five Tigers Severing Door Knife in Qinjiazhai!" Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Most of it lies in martial arts.The relationship between Qingcheng faction and Qinjiazhai was not very harmonious, and it was already on the verge of breaking out before Wang Yuyan and the others arrived.When the people of Qingcheng faction saw how deflated the Qin family village was, they naturally wouldn't let go of the opportunity to ridicule them.

"That's right, the Five Tigers Broken Door Knife in our Qin's Village isn't very good, but it's better than the Qingcheng School's concealed turtle with its head exposed and its tail shrunk."

"Ge Laozi's..." The people from the Qingcheng faction were about to rush out, but they were stopped by the head Sima Lin.

Sima Lin stopped one of the disciples, cast a sidelong glance at the Qin Family Village, and then said to the deputy on the left: "Young brothers, you go and learn Miss Wang's brilliant move, and see if it is the word 'Qing' of my Qingcheng sect." Nine Dozens and Eighteen Breaks of the word 'City' are better, or the five cats in the Qin Family Village are better at breaking the kitchen knife?"

The Five Tigers Broken Door Knife in Qinjiazhai was ridiculed as the Five Cats Broken Kitchen Knife, and the people in Qinjiazhai were so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.It's just that now is the time to watch the fire from the other side and watch a show, so they can only swallow this breath temporarily.

"Why does this man have a pockmarked face? Could it be that he is a dead seed of smallpox?" Although most people in the Qin family village swallowed this breath and did not act, some people couldn't help but speak quickly.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Baokun just cast a cold glance at Naren, stood up, arched his hands in his sleeves, and took out a short awl and a small hammer, and said: "Miss Wang, I have offended you. Please enlighten me."

Zhu Baokun?For the pockmark in front of her, Wang Yuyan's memory flashed, it seemed that it was an undercover agent of the Penglai faction in the Qingcheng faction, who used the Tianwang heart-busting needle.The Heavenly King Buxin Needle has a panic-stricken name and is quite "Long Aotian style" domineering. It is precisely because of this that she still remembers the person in front of her.

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