Rebirth of Wang Yuyan

Chapter 16 I want to fight 3

() "You?" Thinking of the domineering nature of the name of Tianwang Xinbuxin Needle, Wang Yuyan couldn't help saying a word.

The tone of the word "you" was so harsh to Zhu Baokun's ears, he suddenly got a little annoyed and said, "Could it be that you look down on me?"

"Of course not, it's just that once you make a move, I have a desire to tell the truth." Reborn in Tianlong, Wang Yuyan's mind is full of secrets, she wants to talk, but she has no one to confide in. It exploded, and the feeling of everyone being drunk and the only one sober is actually not pleasant.

"What do you mean by that?" Zhu Baokun's expression turned gloomy all of a sudden, his face suddenly filled with murderous aura, and he asked fiercely.

"No other meaning." Wang Yuyan said indifferently, raised her sword and walked to Zhong Yang in the flower hall, looked around, and then said in a clear voice, "Don't be so troublesome, since everyone wants to test it, why not go together. I think this After thinking about it for a long time, I want to hit——thirty!"

In the past, Ye Wen wanted to hit ten, and Wang Yuyan asked herself that the blue came out of the blue and was better than the blue, so of course they had to hit thirty.What's more, there are almost thirty active opponents present.

As soon as the words were spoken, the echo of "I want to hit thirty" seemed to be still lingering in the flower hall, stirring in the hearts of everyone in the flower hall. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the flower hall was suddenly silent again.

In layman's terms, although Wang Yuyan looked like a master at the beginning, she was not necessarily very vigorous.However, all of a sudden, his aura was infinitely high, and his combat power suddenly reached [-], which made people feel unattainable.

Duan Yu was also dumbfounded like a fool, and Azhu Abi was even more dumbfounded.

"Don't let me, a little girl, underestimate you guys, stand up and fight me." Wang Yuyan smiled slightly as she spoke.It was hard to tell whether it was a successful snicker or a disdainful sneer.

But no matter what kind of smile it is, in the eyes of the Qingcheng faction and Qinjiazhai people, it becomes a scornful smile, a devilish smile drawn by a fairy.

It's okay to be laughed at by a woman, so all the men were angry.

When the poem "All 14 people were disarmed, and none of them was a man", their anger burned even more fiercely. Buddhas fought for a stick of incense, and people lived for a breath. Their anger was exhausted at this moment. I'm afraid it's hard to extinguish the water.

"Miss Wang?" Duan Yu finally came back to his senses, seeing those red eyes, he couldn't help asking in fear.

"I know what's in my mind, you guys back away quickly, so as not to be accidentally injured." Thirty people surrounded her, and she was not the real Yuenvjian Ah Qing, but she didn't have the supernatural power to be a master of millions with a sword.

After A'Zhu, A'bi and Duan Yu retreated to the aisle outside, Wang Yuyan drew her sword in her hand, glanced at the two factions of "masters" who were still hesitant, and swam forward with her feet.

With Ling Bo walking in his body, he can take the head of a general among millions of troops.

Preemptive strikes, victory in chaos, Wang Yuyan is full of confidence at this time.

When Wang Yuyan moved, Zhu Baokun who was at the front also moved. He had a steel awl in his left hand and a small hammer in his right. When the small hammer hit the tail of the awl, there was a sharp "chi" sound, and the sound of breaking through the air was like a scream. A hidden weapon was shot towards Wang Yuyan's chest.

Wang Yuyan, who had long been on guard against Zhu Baokun's Heavenly King Heart-Bubbing Needle, tilted her upper body and passed the three-inch-long strong steel needle. As soon as the sword stretched out, it split the flower and brushed the willow, two sword flowers swayed out, and when there was no time to send, they hit Zhu Baokun's left and right wrists.

Zhu Baokun felt a stabbing pain in his wrist, the steel awl in his left hand and the small hammer in his right hand all fell off, and then his back tightened, but Wang Yuyan's palm as soft as cotton was silently attached to the vest.This palm only needs to spit out forcefully, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die, he was so frightened that he was dizzy and sweated profusely.

It was too late to escape, he almost closed his eyes and prepared to die, but after a long time, there was no pain, and the cotton palm had disappeared, and when he was lucky, he found that a small half of his internal energy had leaked out, and his body was not seriously injured .

"She didn't kill me, haha, I'm still alive..." Zhu Baokun escaped from the dead, and his spirit became a little crazy. He opened his eyes and looked around, and found that there were many people who were similar to him, and some were dumbfounded. Standing there motionless, some fell limply to the ground, shitting...

"This is……"

Wang Yuyan swims in the crowd with Lingbo microsteps, like a fish in water, like a slanting wind and rain, looking ahead and sometimes behind, her body skills are unpredictable, often when shooting down a person's weapon, she will suck the person's body away Some internal strength.She is already very familiar with Beiming's magical skills. As long as her internal energy is better than her opponent, no matter which meridian or acupuncture point it is, she can absorb internal energy, unlike Duan Yu who only sticks to one pattern.

In this way, the more she exerted her internal energy, the more her spirit became stronger instead of sluggish.In the gloom and gloom, he is even more energetic, as dazzling as radiance.


Yao Bodang, the leader of the Qin family village, was shot down with his sword. Almost at the same time, the weapons of the two elders, Sima Lin and Jiang Meng, who were the leaders of the Qingcheng sect, were also shot down.

Wang Yuyan put her long sword back into its sheath, but she was so powerful that she could not let her go. She struck out with her left palm, forcing Yao Bodang to meet her palms. Once they met her palms, the internal force would be stimulated by Qi, and under the strong suction of the Beiming Divine Art, she could not do anything. Withdrawing it again, Yao Bodang's right palm was stuck, and his internal energy leaked out continuously.

However, Wang Yuyan got her hands alone, she still didn't give up, she led Yao Bo to step on the five elements and eight trigrams, shaking the wooden position and leaving the fire position for a while, then turned to the dry gold in a blink of an eye, her right hand didn't stop, no one else could hit her, but she She was able to pull, lead, grasp, and fight non-stop, only to hear screams again and again, and after a while, six people stuck to her left and right palms.Like even grasshoppers, they are connected in a string.

Yao Bodang and Sima Lin were the first to bear the brunt, but the internal energy of their bodies rushed out like a bull into the sea, more than half of them melted away without knowing it, and they complained endlessly, regretting that they were fooled by being provoked at the beginning.Everyone in the back also wished they could fly away with their wings, and go to hell with any hatred or deep hatred.

Duan Yu on the side was dumbfounded and blurted out after a while: "Isn't this the 'Beiming Divine Art' left by the fairy sister in Langhuan Fudi? How could Miss Wang know it?"

"'Beiming Shengong', Mr. Duan, do you think this miraculous martial art is 'Beiming Shengong'?" A Zhu watched with gusto, his eyes sparkled, his small palms kept patting each other, and his perfume pavilion was ruined She was so confused, now that Miss Wang is venting her anger, of course she is very happy.

At this time, Wang Yuyan has connected more than ten people in series. Except those who were knocked down, they are all connected together, just like a lion dance and a dragon dance. If you go east, you will go east, and if you go west, you will go west.

"Well, but it seems that Miss Wang is much better at learning than me."

"Could it be that you also know this 'Beiming Divine Art'?"

"I just learned a little bit of residual score, so I don't know how to do it."

While the two were talking, the "fierce fight" in the flower hall had almost come to an end.


As Wang Yuyan spat out her palm strength slightly, and shook her palms, the dozen or so people who had been linked together suddenly fell to the ground with wailing screams.

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