The leader of Wutai of Shushan

003 Huashan · Ghost Slope

Seeing Xu Feiniang's sword light disappearing in the sky, Yue Qing shook his head. He was eager to find a quiet place to straighten out the messy memories in his mind, and worried that Jiang Xuejun would not be reconciled to saving only one child. And returning, this time without the help of the senior sister, I am not the opponent of the violent loli by myself.

Just as he turned around to leave, he suddenly saw a child helping a child on the only surviving auxiliary altar.The boy was only two or three years old, and his thin body was tied to a pillar with a hemp rope. The talisman paper on Zhang Nian's body shook slightly.

Looking at the boy, two emotions hit the brain at the same time.

One is from the original Yue Qinbin: This child is the son of the enemy of the golden body Arhat Fayuan of our school brother. Although the Divine Infant Sword cannot be practiced, this child cannot be kept. Brother Yuan got rid of a future trouble!

One is originally Yue Qing's: using a living person to make a sword, this is simply a heinous perverted demon!What's more, for such a young child, it's wrong to use him to make swords, and now he can't be abandoned here, he has to be brought back and raised properly.

Two kinds of thoughts are entangled and opposed in the mind, and heaven and man are at war, and it is hard to tell the winner.

Yue Qing tapped his head: No matter what, take the child away first!

He walked over to break the rope, tore off those creepy ghost symbols, and held the child in his arms.I remembered that this is the boundary of Huashan Mountain.Because on Mount Heng where he lives in seclusion, there are several sword immortals who are not on the same path as him, and one of them is Bai Guyi, the old man chasing clouds, one of the three immortals and two elders of his great enemy, so he dare not practice swords there, so he comes here to join the three immortals. A fellow Taoist of the Huashan School, Jiang Xuejun fled in such a hurry just now, because he was afraid of delaying for a long time and attracting crowds from the Huashan School to besiege him.

The three friends of Yue Qing are Ye You Tai Sui Qi Deng, He Xiao Shan with White Ghost Face and Xiao Long Zi with Ghost Shadow.

In fact, the Wutai School and the Huashan School have always had a close relationship. For hundreds of years, Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch has been in charge of the leader of the Central Plains Taoist sect. Taoist confidant.Yue Qinbin went to school when he was a child, and passed the scholar examination. He has a refined temperament. He can't get used to those fellow Taoists who specialize in harvesting yin and nourishing yang, and practicing evil methods from other sects. Therefore, his friends are limited, and the Huashan sect only has these three people who have a close relationship with him. good.

The three sword immortals opened a cave under the Chaoyang Peak of Mount Hua. Tai Sui Qideng lived in the Heavenly Soul Cave, Grimace He Xiaoshan lived in the Human Soul Cave, and ghost Xiao Longzi lived in the Earth Soul Cave.

Because the Divine Infant Sword is one of the top ten town religion swords of the Wutai Sect, and its refining method is a secret that cannot be passed down, the three of them automatically avoided and did not follow. Instead, they held a celebration banquet in the cave and waited He came back from refining his sword.

As soon as Yue Qing cast his sword light on Menggui Slope, Qiu Luhong, Qi Deng's 17-year-old female apprentice, saw: "Master Yue is back, Master Yue is back!" jumping over chirping, "Master Yue, My master and the two master uncles have set up a good banquet at Master He's place, ready to celebrate for you..." She was also blank, and it was only when she said this that she could see Yue Qing's distressed appearance. His clothes were shredded, revealing a pale chest inside.

Yue Qing waved his hand: "Go back and thank the three junior brothers for their kindness for me. I'll go to Junior Brother Xiao first." His mind is in a mess now, and his sword practice failed because Yue Qinbin's mood was involuntarily depressed. Sad, no matter what kind of feast she still has in mind, she waved Qiu Luhong away and walked towards the Earth Soul Cave.

Xiao Longzi's cave is very extravagantly furnished. The stone chambers inside are square and winding. There are more than ten rooms in total. The roof, floor and walls are all covered with sandalwood boards. There are all kinds of furniture and objects, and as soon as you enter the cave, there are two tortoise and crane copper furnaces more than four feet high, and a strong sweet fragrance is constantly wafting out of them.

A girl in green shirt was lighting the incense burner, and she was a little surprised to see Yue Qing walking in like this: "Master Yue is back? Master and the others are all in the cave of human souls, but master wants to take a bath and change clothes? I'll go prepare water. "

Yue Qing knew that the girl's name was Zuo Qingfeng, she was only 13 years old this year, and she was called Master Xiao Longzi. I didn't feel much about seeing a few spells, because in Huashan, Wutai, and even many sects, such things are common to everyone, but now they are mixed with the thoughts of two lives, and being served by such a little girl is in my heart. It started to feel a little uncomfortable.

Returning to the West Cave Stone Room where he lived temporarily, he put the boy on the bed and began to calmly sort out his thoughts.

First of all, I am Yue Qing, a young man living in a modern society. He grew up in an orphanage. After completing the nine-year compulsory education stipulated by the state, he started to earn money to support himself. He worked successively as a waiter, porter, and salesman Waiting for various jobs, and later used the little savings I saved to buy used books and sell them, and lived a life of fighting against the urban management all year round. This time, because the urban management forced me into a hurry, I jumped into the cold Qingliang River.

He was a good swimmer, and when he swam ashore, his books got wet and he threw them into the river.

He sighed and walked back, just in time to see a boy who was about to be run over by the wheels, and rushed to grab the boy's arms and drag him out, but he was hit by a truck driving at high speed next to him.

Yue Qing remembered that his last memory before he died was that boy, about eleven or twelve years old, wearing a goose-yellow short-sleeved shirt, and when he was dragging him, he was still looking at him and smiling... All the memories of his life are frozen here , After that, the body was in severe pain and lost consciousness.He thought he was dead, but when he opened his eyes again, he saw that domineering girl Jiang Xuejun.

At the same time, I am Yue Qinbin, a highly valued disciple of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch of the Wutai School. He has practiced Taoism for more than [-] years. He looks like a young man in his early twenties with a handsome face and extraordinary elegance. Qin Zi, once worked hard to find a Phoenix guqin, and often played the piano in the sea of ​​clouds on the peak of Wutai Mountain to admire himself, and was respected and envied by his classmates.Ever since his master failed in the sword fight and died sitting in the avatar, the Wutai faction fell apart and fell apart. In order to avoid being retaliated by the former enemies, they ran to Hengshan to open a new cave.

Wutai sect's discipline is very loose, and the disciples' practice is all based on self-consciousness, and Hunyuan Patriarch seldom restrains them, so good and bad are mixed, and the teachings taught are both good and evil. treasure thing.

Yue Qinbin is quite self-disciplined. This time he went out to look for materials for making swords. On the way, he met a wealthy countryman Wang Dashan who was raped by his concubine and killed him. Because he did many good deeds during his lifetime, his soul lingered. Jian Guang, who stopped Yue Qinbin with a mouthful of resentment, asked him for help.

Yue Qinbin was also righteous. When he went to Wang Dashan's house, he saw that the adulterer and adulterer were conspiring to kill Wang Dashan's two children, so he killed the adulterer and adulterer, and let Wang Dashan die in peace.

Because when killing people with sword energy, I sensed a fairy sword chiming in the house, which seemed to be provocative. When I went to the backyard to see, there was indeed a fairy sword shaking and screaming, and there was a blood book next to it.

He saw from the blood book that one of Wang Dashan's two children, named Situ Ping, was the son of his senior sister, the goddess Jiang Sangu. Jiang Sangu, Jiang Sangu shouldn't have married Situ Xingming, the heir of the Wutai sect's enemy family, and the two defected from their sect at the same time and eloped away.This Situ Xingming was also injured by Fa Yuan not long ago, he fled here and died, leaving a blood book and a family heirloom sword, and asked Wang Dashan to raise his son.

Fa Yuan is his best friend, a very prestigious senior brother of the Wutai School, who started before Xu Feiniang, and hated this couple so much that he gritted his teeth all his life.Yue Qinbin wanted to kill Situ Ping at that time, because he saw that the two children had excellent bones and were suitable for refining the Shenying Sword, so they took them to Huashan together, and planned to use them to refine swords.

Unexpectedly, not long after the altar was opened, Jiang Xuejun came down from the sky, blasted through the spirit bottle, and drove away the altar guardian.

The last one Jiang Xuejun rescued was the son of Wang Dashan, and the remaining one was Situ Ping.

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