The leader of Wutai of Shushan

004 Bath · Situ Ping

"Uncle Yue, the fragrant soup is ready, do you want to take a bath now?" Zuo Qingfeng's pleasant voice sounded outside the door.

Yue Qing stood up: "I'm going now." He picked up Situ Ping and followed Zuo Qingfeng's guidance to Muhun Cave.

The Muhun Cave is behind the Human Soul Cave, and it is said that the three cave masters bathe. Sometimes they also take their female apprentices to take a bath, so the layout is very delicate, and the ground is paved with warm jade. Cheng, a rockery in the center, and a hot spring to the south. The pool is filled with hot air and petals.There is also a spring on the top of the mountain, which forms a waterfall to the north. The water quality is clear, cool and pleasant.

Yue Qing let go of his bun, took off his tattered robe, saw that Zuo Qingfeng was also taking off his clothes, coughed unnaturally: "I don't need you to serve here, go prepare some snacks."

Zuo Qingfeng bowed and said: "Should I still make the lotus root flour cake from a few days ago? I remember that my uncle was full of praise that day."

Yue Qing patted Situ Ping on the forehead: "I don't care if I eat or not. After being here for half a day, this child must be very hungry."

Zuo Qingfeng said: "Then get me a bowl of freshly made cheese this morning."

Yue Qing didn't know what crispy cheese was, guessing that children could eat it, so he nodded and asked her to prepare it.

After taking off his clothes, he took off Situ Ping's big red bellyband, carried him into the pool, and the warm water submerged inch by inch until he reached his chest.Situ Ping was a little scared, and hugged his arm tightly with two small hands. Yue Qing walked to the side of the rockery, sat Situ Ping on the rock, and washed his two calves first.

Yue Qing could feel that Situ Ping was very afraid of him, it could even be said to be fear, he didn't dare to say a word, just sat there obediently and let himself play around, Yue Qing asked him while washing his little feet: "What's your name?"

Situ Ping stared wide-eyed, looked at him not without horror, and answered slowly after a while: "Situ Ping."

"Oh, Situ Ping, how old are you this year?"

Situ Ping thought for a while: "Three, three years old."

"Not bad, remember all this, do you know who I am?"

Situ Ping visibly trembled, and said cautiously: "You are, you are a god."

"Haha! How do you know that I'm a god?" Yue Qing's mood was obviously much better than before, he picked up Situ Ping, let him stand on a rock below, and let the water flow over his waist , Continue to wash his arms.

Situ Ping said: "It turns out that my nanny told me a story about immortals, and she said that those who can fly into the sky are immortals."

Yue Qing patted Situ Ping's face that was flushed red by the steam: "Then do you want to become a flying fairy like me?"

Situ Ping blinked: "I think so."

"Then you will call me Master from now on, and I will teach you how to fly into the sky, okay?"

Situ Ping hesitated, nodded and called, "Master."

"Good boy!" Yue Qing took Baihua cream to wash his hair and body, put him on the rockery, and said while washing, "Now I will teach you a set of formulas. If you can memorize them, I will I will teach you how to fly to the sky. If you can’t memorize it, the master will punish you. Listen carefully, I have three treasures in my body, and my energy and spirit are clear. Essence transforms energy into spirit, and energy turns into spirit.

Situ Ping sat on the rock in a regular manner, and recited in a childlike voice: "I have three treasures in my body, and the essence is self-evident..."

Yue Qing taught Situ Ping to recite the verses while taking a bath, and found that his mood was getting better and better. He carefully scrubbed every inch of his skin from head to toe several times, facing the restlessness of the past and his worries about the future in his heart. Dazed and anxious, all peeled away bit by bit with his scrubbing.

He began to feel that he had no reason to be unhappy. As Yue Qing, he not only gained a second life, but also changed from a poor boy who was born in an orphanage and set up a street stall every day to earn a living, into a person who can fly to the sky and escape from the earth. A long-lived immortal, this is something he never even dreamed of in the past.As Yue Qinbin, he has a God's perspective who knows the entire Shushan world, the direction of the Emei School's development, the next move of the three immortals and the second elder, and the places where all kinds of treasures are buried, although they are sold in the night market. While watching, I have only seen more than half of the entire Shushan series, but I have grasped the general direction, coupled with the secret innate divination of the master, it is enough to grasp the opportunity before the Emei faction takes action!

"A jade pillow on the ridge of the tail, three dantians in the air, the last three hurdles, the first three hurdles, after three or three, you will become a sage!" He recited the Wutai sect's qi refining formula line by line, and Situ Ping sat on the rockery Meticulously followed the recitation, the clear and clear child's voice echoed in the cave accompanied by the sound of rushing water.

"Uncle Yue, the crispy cheese is ready, as well as your favorite lotus root flour cake and Xianrenzui." Zuo Qingfeng walked in with a food box, and took out a plate of delicately made pastries, one with a A jeweled silver jug, and a bowl of crispy cheese, were placed on a jade table by the water for eating and drinking in the bath.

Yue Qing took a look at the crispy cheese first, probably knew it was steamed with milk, took a small bite with a spoon, it was sweet and had a strong milky aroma, and took a piece of lotus root starch cake the size of a thumb, the taste was quite similar Not bad: "You bothered."

Zuo Qingfeng smiled and said: "As long as the uncle eats to his satisfaction, the niece will be satisfied." Then he looked at Yue Qing's small body above the water, and asked tentatively, "The uncle also wants my niece to rub it for you. back?"

Yue Qing waved his hand: "Forget it, I'm almost finished washing, you go down first."

A look of disappointment appeared in Zuo Qingfeng's eyes, he agreed and backed out.

Yue Qing brought Situ Ping over and fed him crispy cheese. Situ Ping was quite hungry, but he still cautiously said, "Master, you eat first."

"You can eat, Master has passed the fasting period, it doesn't matter if you eat or not."

Situ Ping took two more bites: "Master, I can eat it myself."

"Really? My apprentice is so powerful, then you can eat one yourself and show the master."

Situ Ping took the spoon, leaned over to scoop the pastry cheese into the bowl, and delivered it to his mouth, without even spilling a drop.

Yue Qing smiled and praised him, and then let the child eat by himself.After swimming a few laps in the water, he walked ashore, dried himself, and put on the clothes Zuo Qingfeng had prepared for him, including underwear, jacket, long shirt, belt, tabby socks, and thin boots, all of which were familiar and familiar. He equipped himself strangely, his hair was not completely dry, and he felt that it was in the way if it was untied, so he simply tied it behind his head with a silver thread.

After he finished cleaning up, Situ Ping had already eaten up a bowl of crispy cheese. Yue Qing washed his head, face and hands, put on the double-breasted coat prepared by Zuo Qingfeng, with shorts and cloth shoes underneath, and held him in his hands. His hand walked out of the Muhun Cave.Go down the narrow corridor and return to the Earth Soul Cave. The three immortals of Mengguipo are already waiting here.

Yeyou Tai Sui is about 30 years old, tall, with a sallow complexion, hair tied in a golden crown like withered grass, long hands and feet, skinny, and wearing a yellow robe.White Grimace He Xiaoshan is short in stature, only reaching Qi Deng's chest, his face is so pale that there is no trace of blood, his hair is also white, and he is wearing a scholar's white shirt.The ghost shadow, Xiao Longzi, is taller than Qi Deng, but is as thin as a piece of paper, and can be blown away with a slight breath. His complexion is actually quite fair, but there is a faint layer of black air, like a The body of the poisoned dead body was cold and lifeless.

However, they only have decades of practice, and they have been taught by Yue Qinbin back then, so they were very polite to him, and when they saw him coming in, they surrounded him together: "Senior Brother Yue, why didn't you refine the Divine Infant Sword?"

Yue Qing sat down, took the tea from Zuo Qingfeng, drank it slowly, and told what happened before, but he didn't say that it was Xu Feiniang who saved him, because Xu Feiniang is still in the "hide your strengths and bide your time" ", he even got very close to the people of the Emei faction, and often went to Mount Jiuhua to chat with Qi Shuming's wife, but it was not good to expose it now. He only said that he thought that his old friends happened to pass by, and they jointly expelled Jiang Xuejun. Save yourself.

"Jiang Xuejun!" Qi Deng slapped the table and tremblingly said, "Why is this bitch!"

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