The leader of Wutai of Shushan

025 Fighting Sword·Golden Whip Cliff

Yue Qing said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Wu said that, I can't stand it. We found this treasure together, and you worked hard to break the restriction. This sword should belong to Fellow Daoist. Don't say anything about kindness." Words. In the past, I always heard people talk about the name of fellow daoist. Although we met a few times, we did not have a close friendship. Now it seems that it is a pity. If fellow daoist is not in a hurry to go back to the mountain, I will have the cheek to speak for Ming Yizi How about asking fellow Taoist to move to Taihang Mountain and allow us to show the friendship of the landlord?" After speaking, he looked at Ming Yizi again, "You won't blame me for treating guests on your behalf, will you?"

Ming Yizi hurriedly said: "It's a blessing from heaven that Fellow Daoist Wu can come to my cave as a guest, and I can't blame him!"

Wu Li saw that the three of them sincerely invited them, and they were also happy to make friends, so that they could help them deal with Zhu Mei in the future, so they agreed.

The four returned to the Immortal Mansion of Hanxu on the three-fold cliff in Taihang Mountain. Ming Yizi ordered Huang Qian to bring melon and fruit tea from the mountain to entertain the guests.

Yue Qing took out the green mirage bottle: "There are two treasures hidden there. Fellow Daoist Wu's Sanyang Yiqi sword is a set. It is an ancient rare treasure. Needless to say, it is powerful. The most wonderful thing is that it can entrust the soul, and it is not evil. Invasion. In addition, this green mirage bottle is also an ancient treasure, which can absorb all kinds of poisonous smoke and evil Gu, Junior Brother Liu, I will give this treasure to you instead of my teacher."

Because he brought the teacher to give the disciple an entrance ceremony, Liu Quan knelt down and took the treasure in his hands. He saw a cloud of five-color light energy in the bottle.

Yue Qing said: "These two treasures were handed down by Zhang Fang, an immortal of the former Han Dynasty, and he still has his last disciple alive, but with the magic power of the two of them, even if they meet, it is impossible for him to take them away, just be more careful. Well, the two of you should train with your own mentality, at least 49 days later, you can use it to defend against the enemy."

The two hurriedly asked who was the last disciple of Zhang Fang, Yue Qing smiled and did not answer: "I only figured out that there is such a person, but I don't know who it is, but according to the hexagrams, although the mana is not powerful You are weak, but you and your younger brother are only siblings, so don't worry."

Yue Qing told Wu Li again about the fact that he stayed with Zhu Mei: "The second old man of Songshan used to learn Taoism from Jing Zizi of the Emei School in the past, and later he was taught by Daoist Changmei, so he can be regarded as half a disciple of Emei. The Three Immortals of the East China Sea said together. Zhu Mei took your Golden Whip Cliff, and wants to help his younger brother Jiang Shu to found the Qingcheng School, so that he can advance and retreat together with Emei."

Liu Quan was not very clear about his grievances with Zhu Mei, so he asked Yue Qing.

Wu Li gritted his teeth with hatred: "Back then, my junior brother Si Taixu and I were cultivating Taoism on the Golden Whip Cliff of Qingcheng Mountain. I once accepted sixteen disciples, and it was considered prosperous. Later, my six disciples died at the hands of Shorty Zhu in Changsha, but he He also came to the door with my disciple's flying sword, saying that I was not strict with my disciples and was doing evil outside. He took me to clean up the house, and specially sent back the flying sword I gave back then. There was a lot of sarcasm in his words. I I was so angry that I wanted to fight him on the spot, but he said that the magic weapon in my furnace has not yet been refined, and I don’t want to take advantage of it, so I agreed with me on a date, and on the day when the magic weapon is successful, I will come back to fight with swords to decide the outcome!"

Liu Quan said, "From this point of view, Zhu Mei is acting decently."

Wu Li slapped the table indignantly: "I said at the time that I didn't need to make magic weapons in the furnace, so I fought with him immediately, and launched my Chaoyang Sword Sha to hit him, but he flew away with the sword. I know how powerful he is." Yes, I retreated with my junior brother to sacrifice the magic weapon. When the date came out, my disciples had already found many helpers, and secretly arranged Wutu Tianlei Sword Formation to avenge the dead fellow disciples. Zhu Mei came as promised and saw There are so many people on the mountain, and they made some sarcastic remarks. I fought swords with him for a day and a night. Activate the sword formation."

When he heard this, Liu Quan showed disapproval on his face: "Fellow Daoists, those disciples should be disciplined more strictly."

Wu Li waited for him and said, "You think Zhu Mei is upright, all my disciples should be killed, right?"

Liu Quan was stunned, shook his head and said, "Should I kill them? I don't know what they are like, so I dare not say anything. It's just that they did those things behind your back, some...some..." He looked at Wu Liyan There is going to be fire in the room, and the next words can no longer be said.

Wu Li said sadly: "At first, I only thought that Shorty Zhu was deceiving people too much, but later I realized that he had planned it beforehand! Step by step, he tried to steal my Golden Whip Cliff foundation! Fellow Daoist Liu, you only said that Shorty Zhu acted upright , but I don’t know that he and the old witch Hua Yaosong went on a rampage on the Golden Whip Cliff, killing all my disciples, and even most of the helpers they found were killed or injured. My junior brother and I couldn’t resist , I could only run away temporarily. Later, I thought that he should have left after killing me happily, so I wanted to go back and rebuild the mountain gate, but I didn't know that he had the audacity to settle there!"

"Ah!" Although Liu Quan also knew that Zhu Mei was cultivating Taoism at Jinbian Cliff, he did not expect to get it like this.

Wu Li went on to say: "I found friends again, and went to Jinbian Cliff several times to ask for Zhu Mei's arguments. Unexpectedly, that scorpion also found many helpers from the Emei Sect, especially Bai Yuanjing and Luo Ziyan. Slut! You are a few years older than others because you are a monk. You can blame me for Zhu Mei. It’s like Zhu Mei took my golden whip cliff. Instead, I should be grateful! The reasoning doesn’t work. If I couldn't beat it, I made a sword fight agreement with that Zhu dwarf. Over the years, I searched everywhere for a good sword but couldn't find it. I could only slowly extract Huang Jing from the iron ore veins, and accumulated these Huang Jing swords. I expected that I would be reluctant to face Zhu Mei, but luckily now I have this rare treasure through the ages, great things will come true!"

He was really happy, and while speaking, he took the Sanyang Yiqi sword and rubbed it to play with it.

Liu Quan said, "Where's your younger brother, Master Si?"

Wu Li said angrily: "My junior brother was afraid of being killed by them, and he didn't dare to have the slightest thought of taking back his former residence. Instead, he advised me to let go of my hatred and concentrate on cultivating until I ascended."

Yue Qing hesitated and said, "If it's just the Emei and Qingcheng factions, it's fine, but there are too many people like Luo Ziyan and Hua Yaosong who are willing to act as pawns. Back then, Daoist Changmei made a lot of good friends and turned to their Emei sects. I don’t know how many Dongsan Immortals there are. Fellow Daoist Wu, I have a few words in my heart, and I don’t know if I should say them or not.”

Wu Li took his words seriously: "Fellow Taoist, it's okay to talk!"

"Your Golden Whip Cliff on Mount Qingcheng, I'm afraid you won't be able to fight back for a while. Don't get angry, fellow Taoist, listen to me. Now that the rise of Emei Qingcheng's power is a foregone conclusion, the three immortals, the second elder, the Luofu seven immortals, you and Si Dao Two friends, how can you win? Besides, do you think they will really fight with you one-on-one as agreed at the beginning? Of course, if they win, there is no need to say anything. If If they lose, they will inevitably join forces to attack again, just like the second time in a sword fight in Huangshan, my master was about to win Qi Shuming, but was blocked by the three immortals and two elders, and the Five Poison Immortal Sword, which was hard-forged in Maoshan, was destroyed. The ascetic toutuo was taken away, and the Yuanshen was beheaded by Xuan Zhenzi's invisible sword, and soon after returning to Wutai Mountain, he sat down and died."

Wu Li laughed back angrily: "In this way, I have to be thankful that I lost to Shorty Zhu in the sword fight last time, otherwise they would have rushed up and killed me too?"

"The Emei faction has always acted like this!" Yue Qing nodded and admitted.

"Then what do you think should I do? Is it possible that even if they step on the top of my head and shit, I still have to swallow it!" Wu Li growled.

Yue Qing picked up the teacup and took a sip: "Tomorrow, I will take Junior Brother Liu to Maoshan to pay homage to Master, and then I will go to Huangshan Wuyunbu to talk to my senior sister Wanmiao Fairy Xu Feiniang about joining forces with Zhongxing Wutai Sect. I persuaded You don’t want to compete for the Golden Whip Cliff for the time being, but set up a separate mountain gate with Si Daoyou to establish the Laoshan School. In the past, the Yue Kingdom was born ten years ago and gathered ten years of lessons before finally annexing the Wu Kingdom. It is a shame. We must do the same Accumulate strength, unite vertically and horizontally, and after 20 years, you will compete with Emei Qingcheng! I don’t think Si Daoyou is unwilling to take back the Golden Whip Cliff, but he just doesn’t want to fight with the enemy. You let him and Zhu Shorty He refuses to fight swords, but if you want to establish the Laoshan School with him, he will definitely support you!"

Wu Li's face was cloudy and cloudy. Although the Taoism he cultivated could ascend in the end, it was only the Nascent Soul's ascension in the fairyland. If you come out to create a sect, you will be ridiculed. If you look at all the Taoist gates in the world, Emei, Qingcheng, Kunlun, Wudang, Wutai, and Huashan, which one has not cultivated the Taoism of heaven?Although none of the latter two have ascended so far, there is no doubt about their Taoism.

However, what Yue Qing said is also reasonable. Zhu Mei, as the head teacher of the Qingcheng School, has the powerful Emei as foreign aid. The two of him and his junior brother are too lonely. Even if they can find a few friends to help them punch, they are not as strong Together.Although Taoism is a bit inferior, it can ascend and is much better than many Sanxians in the world. It can't become a super big sect like Wutai and Emei, and being a second-rate sect is better than the current situation.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally made up his mind: "I'll go back to the mountain now, and discuss with my younger brother about the establishment of a new school! When the real opening of the mansion comes, I hope you all come to support me!"

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