The Maoshan school is also a big Taoist school. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tao Hongjing inherited the Taoism of the Three Maozhen Monarchs and taught disciples in Maoshan. It was once very prosperous.

It was not until decades ago that Maoshan began to be in danger, especially after Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch failed in the second sword fight and sat down, Mao Laodao knew that he could no longer compete with the Emei Sect, no longer participated in the disputes of Taoism in the world, and rarely taught disciples To teach the Dharma, I only do some praying and praying in the human world to catch ghosts and exorcise evil spirits, and earn some incense and money from mortals.

When Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch was alive, the Maoshan faction was a staunch ally of the Wutai faction. Both sword fights advanced and retreated at the same time. Moreover, Mao Laodao's magic power was profound, and the Taoism of the Maoshan faction was also very unique. Hunyuan Patriarch often came to Maoshan as a guest, and even chose this place for the sacrifice of the Five Poison Immortal Sword, which shows the degree of intimacy between the two parties.

Yue Qing brought Liu Quan, together with Situ Ping and Wei Jin, to Mount Mao.

Now Maoshan incense is very strong, and the mountain road is crowded with good men and women who pray for fortune and fortune-telling. From the foot of the mountain to the next step, until the gate of the mountain.The little Taoist priests in gray robes received the believers with a smile and explained some Taoist etiquette or fairy tales to them.

The four of Yue Qing first paid homage to the holy statue of the Patriarch of the Sanqing, and then found a little Taoist priest who was holding a merit box full of copper coins and smirking, and asked Mao Laodao: "Why is the Shangqing Palace closed? Where is your grandfather now?"

The little Taoist was stunned: "My grandpa took my uncles out today to perform rituals for a wealthy family. I heard that the family was attacked by evil spirits, and three concubines hacked people with knives."

Yue Qing was also stunned: "Is your grandfather Mao Taichong?"

The little Taoist was even more confused: "Who is Mao Taichong? My grandfather is Ge Xianweng, the palm print of Jiuxiao Palace."

"Ge Xianweng?" Yue Qing frowned and thought bitterly, "But Ge Jianzhen?"

The little Taoist said angrily: "How dare you call grandpa by his name?"

Yue Qing laughed and said, "Your grandfather is Ge Jianzhen, so the second grandfather is Bai Jianchang? Is he on the mountain?"

The little Taoist said angrily: "You are so rude! I won't tell you!" After speaking, he was about to leave with the merit box in his hand.

"Wait, don't go away yet." Yue Qing pulled him back, took out a silver key with plum blossoms printed on it from the treasure bag, and waved it in front of the little Taoist priest, "As long as you tell me that your grandpa in the second group is here Well, let me give you all of these, okay?"

The little Taoist pouted: "You put it in first, and I'll tell you later." Yue Qing put all the silver curds into the merit box according to his words, and then he said with a smile, "My second grandfather is in Yuanfu Palace , he is the palm print there, and anyone you ask can tell you.” After speaking, fearing that Yue Qing would take the silver key back again, he trotted into the crowd with the merit box in his arms.

Bai Jianchang is a middle-aged Taoist priest in his 40s, wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist robe, and is casting spells on a pile of peace amulets made of mahogany and red strings. Because Maoshan no longer allows apprentices to be taught Taoism, he has to do everything by himself. The world is not peaceful, there are always evil spirits everywhere, and there are so many people who come to ask for talismans. He has to sacrifice and bless more than [-] peace talismans every day, and he can't mess with Maoshan faction's signboard.

I heard the little apprentice come in and report: "There is a Taoist priest from Mount Wutai called Yue Qinbin who is asking to see him outside."

Bai Jianchang had just finished the practice, sweating profusely, and was wiping the sweat with a fragrant towel, when he heard this, he snorted coldly: "Whatever Yueqinbin Riqinbin, the one who placed the order asked him to go to Baiyun Temple to find Junior Brother Ke, come to me What are you doing in Yuanfu Palace!" He threw the incense towel on the tray, turned around to go to the apse to rest for a while, just took two steps, and suddenly stopped, "What did you say? His name is Yue Qinbin? He came from Mount Wutai?"

The little apprentice was about to go out to drive people away, but when he reached the door, he was led by the master, just nodded his head, and saw the master striding towards the door regardless of his appearance, he couldn't help but grow his mouth, and was stunned. on the spot.

Outside Yuanfu Palace, Wei Jin said to Yue Qinbin: "Master, are you familiar with them? Why don't they recognize you?"

Yue Qinbin said: "When my master was there, Maoshan was not what it is today. I haven't been here for more than 30 years. Now I can't find Mao Laodao. I can find his disciples and grandchildren. Bai Jianchang still recognizes me."

At this time, a group of Taoist priests clattered out of Yuanfu Palace, the first one was white and fat, wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist robe, it was Bai Jianchang, who almost trotted over all the way: "Master Yue! I haven't seen you for more than thirty years, you The old man still has the same demeanor! My nephew kowtowed to you, old man!" After saying that, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

Yue Qinbin helped him up and looked him over: "Are you Jianchang? You were as thin as a bamboo pole when you were young, why are you so fat now?"

Bai Jianchang smiled and said, "Master, you are still the same, you haven't changed at all." After speaking, he told the disciples and grandchildren behind him, "This is my uncle, come here and kowtow!" , Some are called Shibozu, some are called Taishizu, and some are called Grandpa Xuanzu. Yue Qing suddenly feels that he has aged hundreds of years.

Yue Qing wanted to take something as a meeting gift, but there were too many disciples and grandchildren, and none of them had any cultivation level, so they couldn't use what was given to the Xian family. If you eat it, you will not be able to digest it. Instead of benefiting, it will damage your body and kill your life. It is all poison.

Bai Jianchang waved his hand: "Master, don't worry about them, let's go inside and talk!" After entering the Yuanfu Palace, Bai Jianchang ordered someone to serve tea, "My master and uncle are now practicing in Huayang Cave and Yuzhu Cave, and everything outside is handed over. Take care of it for our senior brother, I have already sent someone to pass on the message, please take me with you, uncle, to taste the Wuyi immortal tea from me."

Yue Qing took a sip from the teacup, nodded in appreciation, and then asked: "Why is the Maoshan School in such a state now? I came here just now and wanted to go straight to the Taiqing Palace, but found that it was sealed off. How is Master Mao now? Is it the same?" What about Huayang Cave?"

"The ancestor has been ascended ten years ago. Before leaving, he told my master to be in charge of the sect, and said that the great prosperity of Emei has become a fact. We are not allowed to participate in the world's disputes. We just hide our strength and bide our time to wait for the right time."

"Master Mao has already ascended? That's really gratifying."

Yue Qing was about to ask about Maoshan's situation again, when a sword light flashed outside, and there was a burst of exclamation from the crowd, then he walked quickly into two young Taoist priests, both of them were of average height and appearance, dressed in the same way, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, Yuguan Qingpao walked in like a gust of wind, and when he saw Yue Qing, his face showed joy: "Senior Brother Yue! Why do you come to Maoshan when you have time!"

These two people are Mao Laodao's second disciple Liu Buxuan and third disciple Liu Buxu. They are a pair of twins. They look exactly alike and have the same level of Taoism. What's more amazing is that these two people have a natural feeling, no matter how far apart they are, No matter what kind of restrictions and obstructions, they can perceive each other's situation. When Yue Qinbin practiced swords with his master in Maoshan Mountain, he and the two brothers often practiced swordsmanship together, and their relationship was the strongest.

"Brother Yue!" Liu Buxu had a more lively temper, and gave Yue Qing a bear hug when he came over, "You finally came to see us!"

The two parties were happy to meet each other, Yue Qing introduced them and Liu Quan to each other, and re-assigned the guest and host seats.

When Yue Qing asked about the current situation of Maoshan, Liu Buxuan said sadly: "My master calculated before his ascension that the Emei faction was powerful, and the situation of prosperity is difficult to change. No sect or faction in the world can compete with it, so he repeatedly told me To hide your strength and bide your time, even if you suffer any grievances, you can only swallow your anger, otherwise Maoshan will be destroyed! It is said that after another hundred years, after the three sword fights in Emei, the masters will soar one after another. Only then will Maoshan be able to see the blue sky through the clouds and mist , ZTE again.

"Master Mao actually said that?" Yue Qing felt a little uncomfortable, but since it was his master's rule, he couldn't say anything about what people do and what happens. After all, he is not a fellow of the Wutai sect, " Why don't you see Senior Brother Bu Xiao this time?"

"Kah!" The fine celadon tea bowl was crushed into pieces by Liu Buxuan, and the hot tea flowed everywhere, "The people of the Emei sect are simply assholes! If it wasn't for the teacher's repeated instructions not to be enemies with them before he ascended, I would have done it a long time ago." Just go to Mount Emei and meet them to the death!"

Yue Qing was taken aback, and hurriedly asked what was going on.

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