The leader of Wutai of Shushan

043 Wei Quan·The Resentment of the Book of Heaven

After hearing the other party's introduction, Yue Qing understood: "So it's the Xichuan Eight Demons." He then asked the bruised and swollen Di Xiao on the ground, "Are you also with them?"

Di Xiao's left arm was dislocated and his wrist was broken. He gritted his teeth on the ground and tried to bear it. Hearing Yue Qing asked, he quickly shook his head.

Seeing that Yue Qing didn't pay attention to them, Yin Hongying roared angrily: "You bitch is looking for death!" A yellow flame flew out from the bottom of her sleeve as she raised her hand, gushing billows of smoke and dust, three golden knives were hidden in it, Fei cut Yue Qing's neck.

Di Xiao saw it on the ground, and shouted: "Be careful!" Huang Yan had disappeared as soon as he yelled halfway, and Yue Qing had caught all three golden knives between his right fingers. Like Gongsun Wu, he couldn't make a sound.

Yue Qing threw the golden knife on the ground, connected it to Di Que's left arm, and gave him a pill, Di Que quickly thanked him.

Yue Qing sized him up, then suddenly said, "You are from the Emei sect, right?"

That Di Xiao suddenly changed his face: "I can't understand what the fairy said, my master is obviously Wei Xiangu."

Yue Qing told him: "When I set your bones just now, I found that the Shaoqing Zhenqi of the Emei Sect is circulating in your body. I remember that more than a dozen elders of the Emei Sect have their own writings. There is the Sutra of Drunken Immortals, Li Yuanhua has the nerve of thunder, and Bai Yuanjing has the Sutra of Bai Yuan. What you practice should be Xu Yuantong's Kanli Sutra, but your kung fu is too poor. Wu Yuanzhi should not be your master, your master should be Lei Go evil?"

Di Que's face was pale, and he took two steps back involuntarily: "You... who are you??" There was hope in his heart again, "Do you know my master?"

"I know, ha ha." Yue Qing smiled, "I saw it not long ago, your master was cut off by me, your master was also beheaded by me, and his Ziwukan Lisuo was taken away by me. .”

Di Xiao was so frightened that he was out of his wits, and subconsciously wanted to run away, but when Yue Qing stretched out his finger, Fei Jian couldn't get up on the ground, twisted on the grass like a snake, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move. He moved, and simply closed his eyes: "If you want to kill, then kill! Those who frown are not considered good men!"

Yue Qing said: "You are from my grandson's generation, and you have just practiced flying sword not long ago, if I kill you, it would be too honorable, besides, I know one more thing, your real name is not Di Xiao, but Wei Tsuen, your father is a Southern Shu thief named Wei Da, and your mother is Sai Feiqiong Xiong Manniang, the second among the three daughters of Min Mountain."

"You... how do you know this?" Wei Quan worriedly looked at the twin demons standing aside who were silently cursing.

"You don't need to look at them, they can't hear what we say." Yue Qing said, "Back then your parents went to Dinghu Peak to seek the Heavenly Book, but Wei Fengniang took the opportunity to kill the demon dragon, but they didn't see the Heavenly Book. After leaving , The Book of Heaven was picked up by your parents. When leaving Dinghu Peak, Wei Fengniang went back, wounded your mother, and snatched the Book of Heaven back. You changed your name and surname to this Qingluo Valley, just to kill Wei Fengniang, and steal the Heavenly Book back."

"It's over, what do you think?"

"I don't want to do anything." Yue Qing shook the book in his hand, "This is the Guangchengzi Heavenly Book that your parents fought hard for, and now you are here to steal it." He handed the book to Wei Quan, "Look at it. Bar."

Wei Quan took the Tianshu in disbelief, only to see that it was written in densely packed tadpole characters, and he couldn't recognize a single word.

Yue Qingdao: "If you say who this book should belong to, it is not good to judge. After all, Wei Fengniang killed the demon dragon. Your parents picked up the ready-made cheaply and were severely injured by others. There are different opinions about right and wrong. The Emei faction and I There is a mortal enmity, if we only talk about this level of relationship, I will abolish your morality even if I don't kill you, so that you can only be a weak and ordinary person in the future, but your mana is too weak, I don't bother to do such a thing , I feel sorry for you, in order to avenge your mother, you are willing to go deep into the tiger's den, disregarding life and death. This piece of filial piety is really precious. I will give you this book. In addition, with your status, you will not be able to hide it from Wei Fengniang for a long time. In the future, things will be revealed. Wouldn't your old mother be devastated by the disaster of being killed? I have already got the heavenly book, so don't think about revenge anymore, just leave quickly."

Wei Quan originally thought that he would die today, but he didn't expect not only to escape his life, but also to get the heavenly book for nothing. Now that his identity has been revealed, it would be useless to stay here. Besides, he really missed his mother and his seven-year-old son, so he took him away. He read the book from heaven and thanked Yue Qing: "No matter what enmity the Immortal Elder has with the Emei Sect, he is Wei Quan's savior today. Please ask the Immortal Elder for his name, and Wei Quan will surely repay it in the future!"

Yue Qingdao: "My surname is Yue, and my single name is a clear character. Haha, it doesn't matter if you don't know. Go back and ask your master, who killed your master and cut off his arms. The so-called helping people to the end, Sending the Buddha to the West, you have suffered such an injury, if you leave now, you may not be able to escape the pursuit of the Eight Demons, so I will send you one more way!" He chanted a mantra, stretched out his hand, and a milky white mass rose from Wei Quan's feet. The auspicious cloud wrapped him in it, flew up from the flat ground, and flew to the northeast like a lightning bolt. After a while, it went out for more than three hundred miles. When it landed, it was already the road leading to Shu. Wei Quan sighed in his heart. Dare to stay, day and night to rush home.

Wei Fengniang retreated for several days, using all the methods she had learned to sacrifice the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler, but there was still no sound and could not be used by herself. Only then did she know what Yue Qing said was true, so she hurried out of the seclusion to find Yue Qing, wanted to see what else he could do. As soon as he went out, he saw eight apprentices kneeling at the door, crying and complaining. It turned out that they had been taught a lesson by Yue Qing these days. Wei Fengniang was getting annoyed by her failure to make treasures, kicked the nearest Gongsun Wu, and then flew directly down the pavilion to look for Yue Qing.

"Brother Yue, is there any other way to think about the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler?" Wei Fengniang asked eagerly.

Yue Qing shook his head: "Besides the nine-character talisman recorded in the first book of the Heavenly Book, I don't know any other methods."

"Although your book was the second volume that day, is there any record on it?"

Yue Qing continued to shake his head: "No, the records on it are all spells from ancient times."

"But I don't believe it. You take out the heavenly book and explain it word by word for me. I think you can almost find a way."

Yue Qing smiled: "The heavenly book is mine, the ruler and the pill are yours, why should I explain my heavenly book to you?"

"You!" Wei Fengniang's eyebrows were raised upright, and she was about to get angry immediately, but when she looked at Yue Qing's bright eyes, she softened her heart and swallowed all the words she said, "Then you give me the book of heaven, and I will give it to you." I'll give you the ruler and the pill."

"Even if I give you the heavenly book, you won't understand it."

"Then don't worry about it." After Wei Fengniang finished speaking, she said again, "You annotate it for me. The calligraphy treasure is mine today. Even without you, I will be able to open it myself after a while. If you don't Change, I don't agree!"

"Okay, give me the ruler and the elixir." Yue Qing took the Jiutian Yuanyang ruler and the elixirs and put them in his bag, "Even if I give you the book of heaven, you won't be able to understand it, for annotations and so on. It’s troublesome, anyway, I’ve already read the book that day, and I can’t erase the memory in my mind even if I give it to you. Why don’t you leave the original book here, and let me silently write out the content after the explanation? Of course, if you’re afraid I left it out on purpose, and it’s okay to play tricks secretly.”

Wei Fengniang gritted her teeth: "You, you are really an enemy from my previous life!" She prepared the pen, ink, paper and inkstone herself, "Of course I believe you, so hurry up and write!"

Yue Qing silently wrote out the scriptures he had translated in small script. It took him half a day to write a thick book.

Wei Fengniang took the book, and saw that except for a small number of cultivation techniques, all the spells recorded on it were all kinds of spells from the ancient times. The various spells in the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Demonism are far behind, and they are immediately happy.

"Don't be too happy. If you want to use the above spells, many of them need the corresponding exercises. You don't have two volumes of exercises. If you force yourself to practice the above spells, it's easy to fail. If you don't If you are good, you will go crazy, and you will harm yourself in turn.”

Wei Fengniang smiled and gave him a sideways glance: "I have my own measure! Don't meddle in your own business!"

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