The leader of Wutai of Shushan

044 Using Strategies · Qihuang Island

Yue Qing lived together in Qingluoyu for nearly two months, and he and Wei Fengniang learned all the spells that can be cultivated in the heavenly scriptures, especially the cultivation kung fu "Yuanyang Chapter" at the beginning. , if you want to use the following spells, you must cultivate Yuanyang Zhenqi through this article, otherwise most of the spells will not work.

Wei Fengniang was nicknamed the God Hand Biqiu. At the beginning, she studied Buddhism with Master Guangming, and followed the path of Buddhism.Later, on the top of Tianshan Mountain, I got the remnant volume of the ancient heavenly book "Yaochi Xianjing", and practiced Taoism again.Afterwards, I got a copy of "Chi You's Three Pan Sutra" in West Kunlun, which was only a third of the fragments, and practiced the Dafa of the Devil's Cult.Later, I got a copy of the "Psychic Scripture" from Jiangnan, so it was mixed with many double-cultivation spells.

She has learned a lot, and she can't control her lust. When she sees a man who is a little neater, she can't control it. At the peak of Sanxian, I expected that the catastrophe would be extremely violent, and I still dared not take the last step. I became pregnant and became a baby, and I was stuck here.Now that she has obtained this "Yuanyang Chapter", and there is only one article, how can she concentrate on practicing hard?He only took Yue Qing's advice as a deaf ear, and turned his mind to the spells in the future, thinking that man will conquer the sky, and use what he has learned in the past to integrate these spells.

Yue Qing tried to persuade her a few times, but seeing that she still couldn't listen, she gave up, and calculated that Ziyun Palace should be almost ready, so she bid farewell, declined Wei Fengniang's every possible way to persuade her to stay, Yu Jian lifted off, and went to the East China Sea After arriving at Qihuang Island, which was agreed with Xu Feiniang in advance, I saw three female fairies collecting medicines on the island, they were Xu Feiniang, Sanfeng and Dongxiu.

Yue Qing pretended not to see it, and flitted across the sky tens of miles away from Qihuang Island.

On the island, Xu Feiniang was showing Sanfeng and Dongxiu a plant of herbs. The two girls glanced at the Qihuang grass and saw Yue Qing's sword light. They were both surprised and happy and said, "Isn't that Brother Yue?"

Xu Feiniang turned her head and saw: "It is indeed Junior Brother Yue, but I don't know where he is going in such a hurry."

"Junior Brother Yue is so urgent, there must be something important! Let's go..." Yue Qing's sword light was too fast, and Sanfeng almost disappeared before she could finish her words. Naturally, Dongxiu also followed.

According to Yue Qing's speed, Sanfeng was naturally unable to catch up. Seeing that the silver light in front of him was getting farther and farther away, and was about to disappear from his field of vision in a blink of an eye, he was anxious when he saw the silver light fly back again. : "Where are the three going?"

Xu Feiniang came over and said: "We were collecting medicines on Qihuang Island below, and suddenly we saw our junior brother hurrying on our way, thinking you have something important to do, the third palace master and sister Dongxiu, let's come and have a look."

Yue Qing said: "I don't have anything too important, but an old friend from the Zhenyue Palace in the Eastern God Mountain sent me a letter from Feijian, saying that I failed in a fight with others recently, and I don't want to go back to the palace to ask my master and wife to help me out. So he sent me Feijian a letter, wanting to exchange a Ninety-six Eternal Spirit Shuttle refined by his master Zhenyue Shenjun for my Six-Ding Liujia God Demon Gourd."

"Ninety-six Eternal Spirit Shuttle!" Xu Feiniang exclaimed from the side.

Sanfeng and Dongxiu hurriedly asked: "Then what kind of treasure is the Jiuliu Eternal Lingshuo, which surprised the well-informed sister Xu?"

"Ninety-six Eternal Lingshuo is the treasure of Zhenyue Shenjun's palace. Once it is used, it can immediately arouse the evil spirit of Taiyin that has been hidden in the center of the earth for tens of millions of years since Zhouji, causing a strong earthquake. It was as far as thousands of miles away. At that time, the volcano erupted, the magma flowed freely, the black water surged like a mountain, and the evil spirit in the center of the earth was sprayed up along with the poisonous fire. Destroy!"

Such a great power stunned Sanfeng and Dongxiu, who were stunned and speechless for a moment.

Yue Qingdao: "It is this kind of treasure. My friend is the beloved disciple of God Lord Zhenyue. He made great contributions in the past and saved the life of his teacher's wife. He was bestowed with such a divine shuttle because it hurts too much area. , Even within the earthquake zone, the earth was turned upside down and the Holy Spirit was completely wiped out. He didn't dare to do more evil, so he wanted to exchange it for my gourd of gods and demons. The entire Mount Emei area was razed to the ground, returning to the prehistoric, fighting to the death..."

"Then how can it be done!" Dong Xiu said beside him, "How could Junior Brother Yue think of dying with the enemy?"

Sanfeng also hurriedly said: "Exactly! Although the Emei faction is powerful, we are not weaker than them! The Wutai faction was able to overwhelm Emei back then, and now it is their strong enemy. With the help of our Ziyun Palace, we will never As for the last step, Brother Yue, you need to know that once the catastrophe of heaven and earth is triggered, not only will the gods have no share, but they will also be punished by heaven and earth. At that time, hundreds of years of hard work will be destroyed... Xu Sister, hurry up and persuade Junior Brother Yue." She really couldn't find an excuse, so she asked Xu Feiniang to help.

Xu Feiniang's face was solemn: "Junior brother has already made up his mind, even if I try to persuade him, it will be useless." Sanfeng stomped anxiously beside him, tugging at Xu Feiniang's sleeve, Xu Feiniang continued, "It's just that this matter is of great importance. I only advise my younger brother to think long-term."

"That's good, that's good, think about it in the long run!" Sanfeng said, "Junior Brother, why don't you go back to Ziyun Palace with me first, and think carefully about it."

Yue Qing was hesitant to go, Sanfeng took Dongxiu and kept inviting her, and almost pulled his sleeves, Yue Qing had no choice but to agree.

The four of them returned to the South China Sea together, Sanfeng and Dongxiu let him live in Big Bear Reef again, and Dongxiu and himself went to hold a banquet in person, so that Xu Feiniang came to find out and dismissed Wu Fan who was in the way, Yue Qing asked her: " How about it?"

Xu Feiniang said with a smile: "Everything is as expected by the younger brother. Dongxiu got the Five Yin Demon Banner. These days, I have been in the limelight. I secretly used the treasure to lure the smiling Tathagata. I first beat the two phoenixes with a purple gold bowl, and then used the Tathagata God Zhang plotted against Jinxu Nu, and used his alms bowl to scoop up a lot of sea water into the Shensha tunnel, threatening to ask the people here to donate the Ziyun Palace and worship him as disciples. Later, Sanfeng made a plan, and I Faced with the evil monk head-on, she assisted with the Heavenly Demon Seizing Soul Dafa, and then Dongxiu secretly attacked with the Five Yin Demon Banner. The evil monk has a lot of skills. He was still able to concentrate and resist the magic power. After fighting for half an hour, he finally couldn't resist the attack of the devil, lost his mind, and was turned into pus and blood by Sanfeng with a demon."

"The strength of the Yin Demon is that it has no form or quality, and no magic weapon or Taoism can prevent it."

"Exactly, Sanfeng's eyes are so greedy, she wished she could use her power to snatch it away, and I mentioned the matter of your gourd a few times at critical moments, and she put her heart on it and urged me to fly away several times. Jian Chuanshu invites you to come here, I have already decided to exchange the Xuanguang ruler for your gourd, but I am afraid that you will not agree, and want to add some other things, so I asked you to intercede, I briefly said Tianyi Zhenshui thing."

"Tianyi Zhenshui is not good enough, let's follow the previous plan and only exchange the gourd for the Xuanguang ruler."

"I don't understand this. Although I didn't say it clearly, but seeing what Sanfeng meant, as long as we open our mouths, she will definitely take out all the real water and exchange it with us with the Xuanguang ruler. It's so easy. Why not do it if you lose all your strength? Junior brother, no one in this palace knows the preciousness of Tianyi Zhenshui yet."

"It's because they don't know, so they can't change. Sister, this is the difference between you and me. In your opinion, Ziyun Palace is just to win over. In the future, the chess pieces that will deal with the Emei faction will cause damage to the Emei faction. A little casualty is a profit. If not, even if the people here die, we will not lose a little. However, this will cause a consequence, that is, the Emei faction presses forward every step of the way, sweeping away the chess pieces you are looking for one by one. They keep growing, and you have worked hard to form gangs, and in the end you have become a stepping stone for others to grow. If the Emei Sect is prosperous at that time, you are the real number one hero, Senior Sister!"

Yue Qing's words were very blunt, but Xu Feiniang didn't get annoyed: "Then what did the younger brother plan?"

"We can't weaken Ziyun Palace's strength. Instead, we need to help it grow stronger, so that it can become a powerful force in the struggle against the Emei faction in the future. In addition, we can't use deceitful methods, otherwise, they will follow We are alienated from each other, and even turned to the side of Emei, and become our enemy, then it will be bad. We still follow the original plan, the five yin demon banners are exchanged for the dragon and sparrow ring, and the demon gourd is exchanged for the Xuanguang ruler. To them, the treasure of Taoism belongs to us, and the two sides complement each other, and the strength has not weakened, but both have been strengthened, this is the right way."

"Then... what about Tianyi Zhenshui? You don't want it anymore?"

"Of course we have to, otherwise it will be cheaper for Emei, but we have to wait for Chufeng to leave the customs, and then we will make this deal with her!"

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