The leader of Wutai of Shushan

056 Interrogation · First Son and Grandson

Seeing that Wei Jin and Situ Ping were seriously injured and passed out, Liu Quan was so angry that he didn't dare to show his face, so he took out a magic weapon in the shape of an ancient lamp. The horn of the cold rhinoceros is made of cold rhinoceros horn, which is designed to break various invisibility spells. There is a handle under it. With a light shake, a large area of ​​several acres of cold flames and cold light will explode.

When Liu Quan saw Huiming with a face full of disbelief, he didn't speak, stretched out his hand and pointed, and cut with two flying swords.

Huiming hurriedly turned into a golden light and fled away. Liu Quan's twin swords chased after him, and trees broke as they passed.

Liu Quan's sword was very fast, and he chased after Huiming in an instant, and was about to cut him into three pieces, when suddenly a Buddha's name sounded, and three beams of light, blue, red and black, fell out of thin air to hold his swords back, and Liu Quan looked out of the forest , I saw a tall and thin monk with long eyebrows fighting against himself with his sword, and there were three helpers standing behind him. I was slightly surprised: so many people came to the Wutai faction before it even opened!

Zhitong was also amazed, wondering where such a powerful master came from!Suddenly seeing that the flying sword used by Liu Quan was the Fenghuo Daoist Wu Yuanzhi, one of the Seven Immortals of the Luofu School of the Emei Sect, he said angrily: "You are a lackey of the Emei Sect, and you dare to come to Wutai Mountain to commit crimes. Today, I am making it difficult for you!" Run away from justice!" Yan Bi used the Taiyi sword formula passed down by the Wutai School to attack fiercely.

Zhitong is the eldest son and grandson of the Wutai School, and Liu Quan learned from the old Buddha Chili and the elder Kutie successively. The swordsmanship that Liu Quan learned from the two teachers was astonishing. In the next three years, he studied Wutai School of Swordsmanship in Maoshan, and his skills made great progress.

The two twisted their five swords together and killed them inextricably. Suddenly they saw Qin Lang and Mrs. Mao standing beside them, and said loudly: "Hurry up and help your junior brother up, and take them to the Seven Star Palace to seek treatment from your master! "

Qin Lang persuaded loudly: "You two stop quickly, don't..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mrs. Mao: "Let's deal with those two little ones first!" After finishing speaking, he pulled Qin Lang over to hug Situ Ping, and asked Qin Lang to carry Wei Jun on his back, and stepped forward. He strode up the mountain.

At the beginning, Qin Lang wanted to send the two of them to the Seven Star Hall first, and then asked Master Fa Yuan to go down the mountain for adjustment, but Mrs. Mao actually dragged him to the side road, and he was surprised: "Junior brother, what are you going to do? Where are you going?"

Mrs. Mao said: "After all, Liu Quan is an outsider who became a monk on the way, and he will definitely not get good results with Senior Brother Shang Zhitong. Let's hide the two first, and it will be a means to compare them later."

Qin Lang was startled and frightened: "You're crazy! This is our real junior fellow student. Besides, Wei Jin is fine. The child in your arms is a direct disciple of Master Yue. It's wrong for the two parties to misunderstand each other. If you don't He hurriedly sent him to find his master to get rid of the fire poison, and even wanted to kidnap him. In case something happened in the future, and what caused the root cause of the disease, would you be able to withstand the wrath of Uncle Yue's thunder! Could it be that you still treat it as this? Did you kidnap and kill people when you were a bandit in the Southern Seven Provinces?"

The two were arguing, when suddenly a sword light flashed across the sky, and Yu De landed: "What are you doing? Do you know who is fighting swords at the foot of the mountain? Who were these two junior brothers injured by?"

Qin Lang was about to speak, but was preempted by Mrs. Mao: "These two boys are not clean, and they have a lot of complaints about our master. It happened that Brother Zhitong came over with his four King Kong disciples and taught them a lesson. Then The one surnamed Liu was not angry, so he started fighting."

When Yu De heard this, he hurriedly said: "Then why don't you hurry up and send the two junior brothers to the Seven Star Hall to report to Master!" After he finished speaking, he flew in the air again and rushed to the front of Huanglong Palace as fast as he could.

Here, Liu Quan and Zhitong's fighting skills are red-eyed. Seeing that the enemy is fierce and the master is at a disadvantage, the four kings come up to help one after another. Huiming waved the lotus lamp and released Buddha fire to burn all over the place. The Jade Pagoda wanted to suppress Liu Quan, and Huixing also sent out the golden wheel, trying to bully the few with more.

As Liu Quan fought with Zhitong, he had seen that he was using the Wutai sect's direct-handed sword formula, so he was expected to be a fellow of the Wutai sect.He had heard from Yue Qing more than once that these senior brothers might come back to compete for Taiyi Wuyanluo and Hunyuan Daoshu. The one next to him was unscathed, and thought that the opponent was deliberately targeting him, so he wanted to show off his swordsmanship, not to be looked down upon by the opponent, so he just wanted to fight Zhitong with swordsmanship.

At this time, the four King Kongs shot at the same time, and Liu Quan no longer showed mercy. First, he released the golden chisel of the god thunder, and a thunderbolt golden light hit Huiming. Huiming was too late to dodge, and was shot through his thigh. A little bit of skin was still attached, and the pain caused him to scream like a pig and fell to the ground.Almost at the same time as him, Huineng's legs were also cut off at the knee by Liu Quan with golden mandarin scissors.

Liu Quan combined his two swords, flew obliquely through the air, and took out the green mirage bottle, spraying out colorful light, and rolled it out of thin air, and put the demon-receiving pagoda and the golden wheel into the bottle.

With an angry roar, Zhitong was about to release the Bimu needle passed to him by Master Tuotuo.

Yu Deqia arrived at this time and shouted loudly: "Both of you, stop quickly! It's my family!"

Liu Quan had already guessed that Zhitong was from Wutai, so he drew his sword and stood in mid-air without speaking.

Zhitong was taken aback, he saw Liu Quan's swordsmanship was very complicated, and thought it was the Sanxian who stole his own swordsmanship and came to occupy the mountain gate, but he didn't expect Yu De to call him one of his own.He took back the Three Treasures Sword and stood there in awe, looking at Liu Quan with an uncertain expression on his face.

Seeing that the two sides finally stopped fighting, Yu De let out a sigh of relief: "This is really flooding the Dragon King Temple, and the family doesn't know the same family anymore! Come, come, let me introduce you, this is the only heir of Uncle Tuotuo, Senior Brother Zhitong is the presiding officer of Ciyun Temple in Chengdu, this is Senior Uncle Liu Quan who was introduced by Uncle Yue and recently went up the mountain."

Liu Quan had heard Zhitong's name before, and nodded slightly. He felt that he was a generation taller than the other party, and the other party should speak first.

Zhitong raised his eyebrows and glanced at Liu Quan: "Uncle Yue recommended you to go up the mountain?" He didn't speak to Liu Quan, but only said to Yu De, "Let's talk about it in person after seeing Uncle Yue. My two disciples were injured. You Hurry up and send someone over for treatment. I’m going up the mountain to see your master, but he’s in the Seven Star Palace?”

Yu Dedao: "My master and Aunt Xu are repairing the magic circle on the Seven Stars Terrace in the Seven Star Hall, and Master Yue is checking the Tiangong Furnace in Beishan."

When Zhitong heard the word "Tiangong Furnace", his eyes flickered, and then he flew to the Seven Star Palace with his sword, without saying a word to Liu Quan from the beginning to the end.

Liu Quan was annoyed in his heart, so he flew up to look for Wei Jin and the others with his sword. Fortunately, Qin Lang finally became tough and did not follow Mao's arbitrariness. He brought Wei Jin and Situ Ping back to the Palace of Seven Stars. Fa Yuan was shocked when he saw it: "How did this happen?"

Mrs. Mao took the initiative to explain the reason, and naturally pushed the responsibility to the two people who were in a coma.

Xu Feiniang remained silent, and came over to check the injuries of the two people: "It's King Ming's evil spirit, and the internal organs have been poisoned by the fire. Fortunately, both of them have completed the five-element chapter of our sect, and the five qi in their bodies are full, so the injuries are not serious. .” She took out the elixir and gave it to the two of them, and then applied the ointment to the wound, before finishing it, Zhitong arrived.

Zhitong still respects Fa Yuan, but he is full of contempt for Xu Fei Niang: "I remember that when the Patriarch was in trouble, you claimed to quit the Wutai faction and wanted to 'reform the evil and return to the righteous'. He often sneaks back and forth with Shanxia Bandit Ni and Xun Lanyin that bitch, now, why come to Mount Wutai again?"

Xu Feiniang sneered and said, "It's not your turn to discipline me! Even if your master is around, you wouldn't dare to talk to me like this!"

"You!" Zhitong was furious, wishing he could unleash his flying sword to fight on the spot.

"Don't be rude!" Fa Yuan hurried over to persuade him, "Junior Sister Xu is just pretending to be a snake with the Emei Sect. Over the years, she has done a lot of things under the nose of the Emei Sect and spied on many Emei Sects. Lian Yuanyuan I also got the sword scripture."

Zhitong snorted coldly, looked at Xu Feiniang: "Is it really like this?"

Xu Feiniang ignored him at all, and just lowered her head to apply ointment on the two Situ Ping's wounds.

The sword light flickered outside the hall, and Liu Quan walked in hurriedly.

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