The leader of Wutai of Shushan

057 Beitai Tiangong Furnace

Seeing Liu Quan coming in, Fa Yuan hurriedly introduced him to Zhitong. Zhitong squinted his eyes: "What Baishui real person? I haven't heard of it! I vaguely remember that there was a boy under Chili Laofo's school, it seems to be this name... "

"Zhitong, you... don't talk nonsense! Brother Liu is your uncle Yue..."

"When will Uncle Yue have the ability to act in place of my ancestor? Is it because he killed Zhu Hong and took back Taiyi Wuyanluo?"

This Zhitong considers himself the third-generation leader of the Wutai Sect, and he should be in charge of all affairs in the sect, especially in the past few years. He has worked hard to build a foundation under the nose of the Emei Sect, and he thinks that the credit is greater than that of everyone in the sect. There is also some thought, that is, the Feijian biography that the three of Yue Qing gave him said that he had killed the traitor Zhu Hong, and took back the side volumes of Taiyi Wuyanluo and Hunyuan Immortal Scripture. He also believes that he needs to be in charge of Taoism, so he doesn't recognize Liu Quan's identity when he comes up, and attacks Yue Qinbin's practice of teaching apprentices on behalf of his master.

Liu Quan's status is embarrassing, and it's not easy for him to quarrel with Zhitong. Just as he was hesitating, Xu Feiniang said, "What is your master Yue's ability? I'm afraid it's hard to guess with your morality. As for whether he has the right to replace your master ancestor?" It is not something you, a junior, can criticize for accepting Junior Brother Liu as an entry-level student. This is a gathering of people of our generation returning to the mountain to discuss the future of the Wutai Sect. These years in Ciyun Temple have been quite successful, so I won’t send you the letter from Feijian.”

Zhitong was furious: "You are just a sinner who has quit the Wutai faction, what right do you have to say such a thing?"

Xu Feiniang sneered: "When I met your ancestor, your grandpa still wore crotch pants! What I do for your ancestor and for the Wutai faction, naturally have my reasons!"

Zhitong scolded: "Bad girl! You're just a traitor like Zhu Hong! How dare you go back to Wutai Mountain to act wild?"

Xu Feiniang sneered: "You're just an obscene monk, you can only fool those foolish couples and foolish women to cheat some crazy things, how dare you be rude to me? It's just because of senior brother Tuotuo's previous years. It is only because of love that you are allowed to stand here until now, and if you dare to spray dung with your mouth full, be careful that your aunt will cut off your bald head!"

Liu Quan was quite surprised. In his impression, Xu Feiniang always came first to see people and smiled three-pointedly. When she spoke, she was very restrained like a spring breeze. When did she see her so sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued with others?But he didn't know that Xu Feiniang had already made up his mind about the factions within the Wutai faction, and she could see that Yue Qing's posture was to be the head of the Wutai faction, and he was indeed appointed by Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch She is the successor of the Wutai Sect, who is in charge of the most complete orthodoxy of the Wutai Sect. She is determined to stand on Yue Qing's side, so she confronted Zhitong tit for tat from the very beginning.

Hearing Xu Feiniang's threat, Zhitong was so angry that his bald head turned red, and he opened his mouth to spit out a flying sword to fight Xu Feiniang.

He didn't know that Xu Feiniang had endured humiliation in Huangshan these years, and her mana was no longer what it used to be. Xu Feiniang, who completed the formation together with two senior brothers, can do it alone. She has profound power and skillful spells. She is not a star and a half stronger than him, and others can also see that Liu Quan is not a simple character, even if she is right. To be able to win, besides these two people, there is an even more unpredictable Yue Qing.

He was afraid that Zhitong would suffer, so he hurried over and stopped him: "This is the Seven Star Palace where the teacher accepted his disciples back then, no killing each other is allowed!"

He carried out Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch, and everyone felt bad about continuing to attack, but Zhitong still didn't know what to do, jumped into the courtyard, released three green, red and black sword halos flying around him, and shouted loudly: "Bitch! You are no longer a member of my Wutai faction, and you still dare to speak nonsense here, you must not tolerate your arrogance today! Hurry up and die!"

Xu Feiniang also raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand and patted the table, three of the seven Qinglong Naohai swords flew out, turned into dazzling green light and shot out from the hall, directly attacking Zhitong. Once hit, the sword formula in his hand sank downward, as if supported by a thousand weights of gravity, but after only one cup of tea, he was already exhausted, his true energy was almost exhausted, his arms were sore and limp, and he was sweating profusely. , surrounded by three blue lights, and when he dodged, half of the monk's robe was cut off.

Fearing that the two of them would start a real fight and form a deadly feud, Fa Yuan tried to dissuade Xu Feiniang repeatedly in the hall, but Xu Feiniang only said coldly: "This guy wants to die by himself, it's not that I don't show respect!"

Fa Yuan had no choice but to release his flying sword, and more than a dozen red lines flew into the courtyard, tying up the six flying swords on both sides and separating them. Qianxiu deep in the mountains, why did she ever say such a thing as quitting the Wutai Sect? Besides, she is not a disciple of the Wutai Sect. When your masters and uncles arrive tomorrow, everyone will have their own opinions. Drawing swords to face each other, isn't that what you usually say about respecting teachers?"

Hearing him yelling and scolding, Zhitong suddenly realized: This bastard's moral strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, he is by no means an opponent, and Liu Quan is not easy to fight with just now, and there is also a Yue Qinbin who has never shown up. If you go on, you will never get any favors from yourself.Thinking of this, he put away his sword and stood up: "Master, you are right, I will wait for a few days, and when all the masters from our sect come back, we can discuss the right and wrong!"

The Yellow Dragon Palace was originally his old residence, but he wanted to live in the Seven Star Palace, and took four disciples to live in the Tianquan Hall swaggeringly.

Yue Qing came back from Beishan the next afternoon. It turned out that the Taiyi Tiangong Furnace was an artifact that surpassed the heavens and the earth. At that time, Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch obtained the Heavenly Book. After more than two hundred years of bitter ginseng, he realized the true mystery, abandoned the demons and entered the Tao. According to the records in the heavenly scriptures, many masters of the righteous and evil religions were called together to build this furnace with the North Peak of Mount Wutai as the main body.

This furnace is not the Wutai School's secret Hunyuan Zhenqi, which cannot be used. It cannot be opened by outsiders if the Taoism is too shallow. The ground fire destroyed a hundred miles around, so the Wutai faction has declined for so many years, but there is not even one person who came to Mount Wutai to make this stove idea.

There are only three people in the world today who can refine Hunyuan Zhenqi. Among them, Sikong Zhan, the Venerable Maha, has not learned all the heavenly scriptures, and because condensing true energy is too boring, so he prefers to practice the way of magic. Comparable to the leader of the Northern Demon Cult back then.However, Xu Feiniang's skill is a little weak, and the condensed Hunyuan Qi is not enough, so neither of them is enough to preside over this furnace.

The body of this furnace is in Yedou Peak of Beitai Mountain. The top of the mountain is the Arctic Fairy Palace, which is far away from the Qixing Terrace on Zhongtai Mountain. Behind the Fairy Palace is the Wannian Ice Cellar, which was taken by Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch from Changye Island in the North Pole. The thousands of years of cold ice that has been frozen since the emperor's time is used to suppress the fire below, so as to prevent the fire from erupting and causing disasters.

Inside the Wannian Ice is the Hall of Hunyuan, which is the highest peak in the northern part of China. It connects to the sky at the top, and can absorb the clean energy of the nine heavens. Hunyuan Zhenqi.

Going down from the Hunyuan Hall, 240 miles into the ground is the Taiji Hall. With Yue Qing's current strength, they can't open it at all. Forcibly opening it will not only cause landslides and ground cracks, but also magma and ground fires under the ground will be hooked out. The whole place became a sea of ​​flames.

Yue Qing went to the left and right Yinyang halls first. The cathode hall was made of red copper from Shouyang Mountain. Turtles, toads, deer, bats, phoenixes, cranes, swans all aimed their mouths at the altar.

There is an opposite Tai Chi group on the roof and the floor, this is the yin and yang fire aperture, and there are [-] fire holes densely covered on the four walls. The position where Yang Chu moved, once the divine furnace is activated, it will immediately become a fire cellar.Yue Qing took out the sword blanks that had been prepared in advance, placed them on the top of the altar, and then cast a spell, spraying three mouthfuls of Hunyuan Qi into the altar, and the whole hall began to be filled with heat, and dozens of sword blanks Slowly floated up, forming a circle on the top of the altar.

The left and right supporting halls are relatively small, Yue Qing placed the Antarctic circle in the left hall, and half of the Chiyang ring in the right hall.It is still driven by Hunyuan Zhenqi to heat up the hall and play the role of a stove.

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