The leader of Wutai of Shushan

061 Dragon Fly·Shadow Sword

In the guest seats, Chan Master Zhifei of the Kunlun School was the chief, followed by his three younger brothers, Mr. Zhong, Master Tianchi and Youlongzi Wei Shaoshao, Linglingzi of the Wudang School, Wu Li and Si of the Laoshan School. Taixu, Liu Buxuan and Liu Buxu from the Maoshan School, the three-eyed Lord Shen Tong, Feng Niangzi Zhao Jinzhen, and Yugan real person Jin Shenzi invited by Huashan School Zhitong to help out.Below are Ming Yizi, Ke Yizi, Ling Xuzi and Shuiyunzi Su Xianxiang from the Chunyang School.The four friends of Wudang were half a generation shorter than everyone else, and Yue Qing also arranged for them to sit at the bottom.

Everyone took their seats, and Yue Qing said: "The time has come, but Master Uncle Maha Venerable and several senior brothers have not yet arrived. Maybe something has delayed them, or it may be that they don't want to mix with us anymore and really retire. , let's not wait for them. The Wutai faction has been torn apart since its mentor died, and all the brothers and sisters are running around, looking for shelter. With the thought of revenge, they leave their hometowns and practice silently. Some bear the burden of humiliation, hide their strengths and bide their time, secretly accumulating strength and preparing for the third sword fight with the Emei faction. They not only avenge their mentors, but also want to avenge their shame. Others try to win over Alliance, against the Emei faction, but they do whatever it takes..."

Long Fei yelled from below again: "Why are you talking nonsense? Hurry up and hand over the Taiyi Wuyanluo and Taoist scriptures! Let's have a good discussion, where are the treasures and which one is the book?"

As soon as he said this, Qian Xiao, Tan Qian, Bai Xiao, Zhitong and others all booed and cheered.

Yue Qing nodded and said: "Senior Brother Long is right." He turned his wrist, and a jade box appeared in his palm, the surface of the box was covered with a layer of colorful mist.

There was no sound in the Seven Star Hall for a moment, and everyone was staring at it. There were many greedy people among them, and Zhitong was the most eager among them: "This Taiyi Wuyan Luo is our treasure of Zhenshan, and it was carried by Master in the past. Wherever the treasure appears, the master will be there, and it has become a symbol of the head of our Wutai Sect, if I say it, it should be handed over to the head teacher of the Wutai Sect."

"That's right!" To everyone's surprise, Yue Qing agreed, "This Taiyi Wuyanluo should be handed over to our Wutai Sect's head teacher, but there is no head teacher right now, so let's put it aside for discussion " Before everyone could speak, he held up the Taoist book again and said, "This is the second volume of the Hunyuan Xianjing, which records our master's accumulated experience in Taoism for hundreds of years. Second, the five thousand three methods of refining treasures! It is the supreme treasure book of our Wutai Sect! I think there are three kinds of people who cannot learn it, except for these three kinds of people, anyone can watch it at will." He looked from the chief Fa Yuan glanced at the last Zhitong, "The first one is not a disciple of my Wutai Sect, so you can't learn this book."

After hearing this, Long Fei's face darkened immediately: "Your surname is Yue, what do you mean?"

Yue Qing asked back: "What I mean is that this book can only be practiced by fellow students of our Wutai Sect. Otherwise, just pull someone from the road and you can practice it. Even people from other sects, such as the Emei Sect, People from Qingcheng Sect, Xuanyin Sect, and Baigumen have all come to study the secret script of the Wutai Sect, this is too outrageous!"

"You..." Long Fei was so angry that his eyes turned livid, but he still didn't know how to refute Yue Qing's words.

The fat demon Lord Bai Xiao knew that Long Fei had refined the Nine Sons and Mother Yin Soul Sword, so he made up his mind to hug his thigh: "Even though Senior Brother Long entered the Baigumen, he is still a disciple of Master, why can't he learn from what Master left behind?" Daoist scriptures? Besides, when the master was sitting in the hall, he once passed on the refining method of the ten mountain-suppressing swords to your ten disciples, but you all failed to live up to it. Until now, only senior brother Long Fei has refined the sword. Success! According to me, Senior Brother Long Fei should be the head teacher of the Wutai Sect. In the future, he will lead us to fight against the Emei Sect for the third time, and we will surely be able to win the battle and succeed in no time!"

Yue Qing said: "The Nine Sons and Mother Yin Soul Sword is the treasure of my Wutai Sect's township sect, and the untold secret was leaked to the Baigumen by him! I haven't pursued this serious crime yet, so you take it out to support him !Could it be that he also wants to follow his example of apostasy, and it’s impossible to switch to another school!”

Tan Gan still wanted to quibble, but when he looked over, his eyes and eyesight contained infinite majesty, and he was frightened by his momentum for a while, and couldn't continue muttering.

Long Fei looked around and saw that no one spoke for him. He expected that everyone agreed with Yue Qing's commandment that "outsiders are not allowed to learn Daoist scriptures". It would be better to make a big fuss and mess up the party. It would be better if you can fish in troubled waters to grab the heavenly book.

Long Fei raised his foot and kicked the chair into pieces, and shouted: "What are you, you are worthy of talking to me like this, it's your turn to distribute our master's stuff!" There was thick black smoke, and in the smoke appeared the bone claws that were as big as grinding discs. They grabbed Yue Qing head-on, and saw that the posture seemed to want to grab him and crush him together with the table in front of him. His bone claws were Baigumen's secret spell can forcibly snatch the enemy's flying sword, and if the quality is slightly inferior, it will be immediately pinched into two pieces.

However, the most powerful thing is not the white bone claw, but dozens of emerald green flames gushing out from under the bone claw, accompanied by the sharp howls and howls of ghosts, thirteen ghost swords of nine sons and mothers are hidden inside!This sword ranks fourth among the five great magic swords of the Wutai Sect, and it is also in front of Yue Qing's Divine Infant Sword, which has repeatedly failed in sacrifices. When an enemy meets an enemy, before he is hit by the flying sword, the whistling sound of the ghost will make people fascinated Upside down, being sprayed by black air will make you dizzy even more, even if you escape your life, you will be seriously ill. If you are cut by the sword, even if you only cut a little skin, if you see blood, the only way to go is to solve it and rebuild it!

Long Fei has always been rebellious and rebellious, he disobeyed everyone in the Wutai faction except his master and elder brother, he hated Yue Qing for poking his face in public, and he had close contacts with his enemy Shui Yunzi, so he would die when he came up hand.If Yue Qing dealt with his ghost claw, he would be torn apart by the Nine Zimu Yinhun sword, if he resisted his flying sword, he would be caught by the ghost claw, and at worst he could hide in the book of heaven.

All the people in the hall saw the black smoke gushing out and the green flames soaring. For a while, everyone's faces were scorching hot, but their hearts were cold, and their hairs were standing on end. Some people who were close and poorly trained couldn't help shivering. There was a loud bang when the upper and lower teeth collided.

"Brother Yue, be careful!" Liu Buxu was the first to stand up, took out the seal of the Five Elder Immortals, the most precious treasure of his sect, and was about to type it out, but his elder brother Liu Buxu stretched out his hand and grabbed him.

At the same time, Fa Yuan, Liu Quan, Wu Li, Si Taixu, Ke Yizi, Ling Xuzi, and the four Wudang friends released flying swords one after another, intending to cut Long Fei into pieces.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Long Fei didn't expect so many people to attack him. The sword light trembled wildly. It was too late to dodge. Responding to robbery instead of himself, with a thought, the little finger of his left hand automatically took off a section, his blood surged, wrapped him up, flew up through the air, and was about to retreat to the outside of the hall, but he flew a dozen steps before bumping into him head-on. A thin haze of five colors, he was taken aback: "Taiyi Wuyan Luo!" Even after changing several directions, he couldn't get out, and he couldn't help feeling terrified.

Everyone's flying swords were also blocked by the colorful smoke, and they couldn't fall down. Everyone saw that Yue Qingshi had already wrapped Long Fei in a cloud of smoke, not only himself, but also the bone ghost claw and the thirteen ghost swords. Wrapped inside, the sword was extremely spiritual, as if it had been trapped, it flew around and stabbed randomly, but it still couldn't break through the barrier.

Everyone saw that Yue Qing had already restrained Long Fei in a flash of thought, not even a wisp of black smoke or a speck of green sparks could escape, they knew that he was confident enough to deal with the situation, Fang Qiqi heaved a sigh of relief, and took Fei away. The sword was withdrawn.

"Thank you for your help, but I don't need you to deal with this traitor. All fellow Taoists, drink tea in peace." Yue Qing shrank Taiyi and Wuyan Luo, like a huge pocket, gradually shrinking, "Long Fei, you Dare to kill me with the Nine Sons and Mothers Yinhun sword in this Seven Stars Palace, it really is 'Bai Li is now, brothers and legs can be broken', I really don't deserve to be a teacher's disciple!"

Long Fei stabbed and slashed around with the Nine Sons and Mother Yin Soul Sword, but he could only create ripples on the Taiyi Wuyan Luo, and cast other spells, but nothing helped. Seeing the surrounding space shrinking, Yue Qing's expression became fierce, Greatly intending to clean up the door, he was terrified in his heart, and said sternly: "You dare to kill me? You will never be reborn forever from the top and bottom of the Bone Gate!"

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