The leader of Wutai of Shushan

062 Traitor · 3 Conditions

After hearing Long Fei's words, Yue Qing said: "Of course we respect the Bone God Lord, but we can't allow his disciples to use their swords in this Seven Star Palace to show off! Besides, if you follow the rules, if you switch to his sect, you have to pay for it." Abolish the kung fu of our sect! I have to keep my Wutai faction's flying sword!" His voice darkened, "I once swore in front of my teacher that I would never let go of the traitor who betrayed his old man and our Wutai faction! He took out a small gourd, opened the lid, shook it, but there was no movement, he reached out and patted the bottom of the gourd, "If you don't come out to meet people, can you hide in it for a lifetime!"

A wisp of black smoke spewed out from the gourd, and Zhu Hong's soul appeared in the black smoke miserably. He recognized that he had returned to the Seven Star Hall, surrounded by senior brothers from his sect, and thought that everyone was gathering together specially. Wanting to punish him, he was so frightened that he burst into tears: "Brothers, please spare your life! Please! I made a big mistake when I was confused for a while! I beg you brothers to show mercy, I would rather die than torment me any more!" He knelt In front of the Qixing case, he kowtowed in all directions, and when the Wutai sect saw him, they all showed anger.

Fa Yuan was the first to stand up: "Zhu Hong! Do you still recognize me?"

Zhu Hong whimpered, "Senior Brother Fa Yuan! I have admitted my mistake and been punished, please forgive me."

Ever since his Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch had an accident, everyone in the Wutai faction was looking for him, wishing to eat his meat and drink his blood!I even imagined more than once that if I find him, I will use some means to concoct him severely, but now I see him like this, and I am a little bit reluctant to do it, especially Fa Yuan. Seeing that he has only a wisp of remnants left. Hun, there would only kowtow to beg for mercy, and felt that bullying him was meaningless, so he sighed and sat back down.

Only the fat devil Bai Xiao, who has always been at the bottom among the seniors, will show off his prestige this time: "Zhu Hong, you still have the face to survive between heaven and earth! Master, if it wasn't for you stealing five smokes!" Luo, how did you get hit by the invisible sword of the Three Immortals and the Two Elders? If Master was still alive, how could our Wutai Sect have ended up in this situation? Even if you died ten thousand times, you would not regret it!" He raised his hand and sent out a string of emerald green sparks. These sparks formed dozens of chains, entangled Zhu Hong's remnant soul, and moved up and down.

Zhu Hong seemed to be wrapped in thorns, with thousands of thorns, and the pain was so painful.Just howling like a pig for mercy.

Bai Xiao tortured him for a while, seeing that no one else would do anything, he just let it go, and said to Yue Qing: "Senior Brother, if I hate this person, can I ask Senior Brother to give me his remnant soul, and let me refine it into a magic weapon so that I can use it as a magic weapon? Can he never be reborn?"

Yue Qing knew that he probably wanted to torture Zhu Hong for something about the Heavenly Book, so he was happy to let him draw the attention of others, and secondly, he was tired of torturing Zhu Hong. He originally planned to send him to reincarnation if no one wanted it this time.With a pinch of his fingers, there was a "swish" in the gourd, and the black air sucked Zhu Hong into it, and then sent it across the air.

Bai Xiao took the gourd, nodded and bowed as if he had found a treasure, and said: "Thank you, senior brother! Thank you, senior brother!" He sat back on the chair with his hands in his hands, knowing that his ability was limited, and the book of heaven would never be able to compete with these wolf-like senior brothers. Those who can extract a half sentence from Zhu Hong's mouth, even if there are only one or two formulas for refining treasures and alchemy, are still profitable.

Yue Qing asked Long Fei: "Have you seen how I treat traitors?"

The Taiyi Wuyanluo shrank smaller and smaller, Long Fei could only bend over and hug his knees, and curled up inside. He already knew that Master's treasure was infinitely magical and invincible to all evil. He had just used all the spells he knew, but at most Make some ripples on it, even if you use the demon disintegration method, there is still no hope of escape. Only then did you deeply understand the power of Taiyi Wuyanluo, and Zhu Hong's tragic situation also made him terrified : "You, you, you can't treat me like this!" His face was pale, and he looked at the brothers sitting on the side for help.

Long Fei has always been arrogant and domineering, and there are not many people in the same sect who have friendship with him, and there are also complaints about him changing to the Bone God Monarch's sect, so everyone is silent, only Fa Yuan pleads: "Junior Brother Yue, Although Junior Brother Long switched to the White Bone Sect, it was a last resort, for the sake of everyone being in the same sect, let him be spared!"

Yue Qing was still reluctant at first, but this time Fa Yuan was the first to speak, and Lin Yuan, Tan Gan, etc. behind him also followed suit.

"Long Fei, since all the senior brothers are pleading for you, I will forgive you today. I will give you two ways to go. The first one is to abolish your Taoism, take away your flying sword, and then gradually If you go down the mountain, we will be regarded as passers-by in the future. Whether you join the Baigumen or the Emei Sect, it has nothing to do with us. Second, I want you to do three things as I said."

"What do you want me to do?" Long Fei chose the second option without hesitation.

"Listen well, the first thing, you have to swear to your natal gods and demons that you will never pass on the Taoism of the Wutai Sect to others, including the Bone God and his disciples, even your disciple Liu Zongqian Yes!" Yue Qing glanced at Liu Zongqian, who was standing with Mrs. Mao behind Fa Yuan, and saw that his face turned pale, and he hid behind him, "You will be a member of the Baigumen from now on, so you can only pass him the name of the Baigumen." Spell."

Long Fei nodded again and again: "I promise! I promise!"

"The second thing is that you still have to swear to the gods and demons of your destiny that no matter what the situation is in the future, you are not allowed to be an enemy of our Wutai faction, let alone hurt our Wutai faction, even if it is a person on Mount Wutai. Even a rabbit, you are not allowed to intentionally hurt it! The third thing, you have to confess to your mentor, from this step to the mountain gate, we will have nothing to do with each other from now on!"

Because of human beings, Long Fei had no choice but to accept the alliance under the city, and agreed to all three things, and first made two oaths to the gods and demons of his destiny: "Please also withdraw this Ruyi Wuyanluo, let me worship down the mountain." After finishing speaking, the colorful smoke that enveloped him dissipated invisible. He stood up straight and saw that everyone was looking at him. Under the eyes of everyone, he couldn't kneel down. Your grandfather, Yue Qinbin, hasn't been born yet!I have already lost my lord today, and I don't care about breaking my promise again, causing people to laugh at me. If I want to fight Yue Qing again with magic and the Nine Zimu Yinhun Sword, I am very afraid of that Taiyi Wuyanluo. , it was stipulated that he could not harm the people of the Wutai faction, so he did not dare to compete with the gods and demons of his own destiny.

Seeing him standing in the center of the hall with uncertain face, everyone suddenly yelled: "I'll go!" Black smoke spewed out, green fire suddenly appeared, and Long Fei had merged with Nine Zimu Yinhun Sword, turning into one. A green fire more than ten feet long shot out of the gate of the palace like a dragon, stood in the air in the courtyard, and said loudly, "Yue Qinbin, you insulted me today. If you don't avenge this revenge, I, Long Fei, swear not to be human!" After that, he saw colorful mist floating around him again, he was already a frightened bird, he was too frightened to say the words of fighting sword with Yue Qing, he sprayed three streams of energy in a hurry, the imperial sword lifted into the air, and shot to the south , disappeared into the clouds in an instant.

Yue Qing seized the righteousness and sent Zhu Hong away, drove away Long Fei, and reversed the situation in a blink of an eye, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at him, especially the juniors who were lower in the ranking, their expressions were full of awe, and they all consciously Sit upright.Long Fei was an early learner with a high level of Taoism, and he refined the Nine Sons and Mother Yinhun Sword, one of the five great magic swords. At that time, the leader of the northern demon sect swept across Mobei with 72 Yinhun swords, beating Yinshan ten times in one day. Seven sword celestial beings destroyed six caves and became famous for a while.However, today he was easily restrained by Yue Qing. Although he had the credit of Taiyi Wuyanluo, his profound knowledge and the essence of his spells are unquestionable.More importantly, when Long Fei let out his sword to kill people, there were seven or eight guests from various sects sitting across from him attacking at the same time. If it wasn't for Taiyi and Wuyanluo blocking Long Fei, he would have been beaten to pieces long ago!Therefore, even the likes of Zhitong dare not blindly mess around anymore.

Yue Qing followed the previous words and continued: "As I said just now, there are three kinds of Daoist scriptures that cannot be comprehended by the teacher. The first is those who betrayed the teacher like Long Fei. The Wutai faction contributed to the revival."

As soon as he said this, Qian Xiao changed his face first: "We are disciples of our mentor, so what's wrong with learning the legal system of our mentor?"

"If you are a teacher's disciple, you have to avenge your teacher! It's like you want to inherit your father's family business, but you don't have to bear the debts he owes. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? The teacher has been worrying about us for hundreds of years. In the end, he ended up with hatred. First of all, we can’t back down from the three sword fights he made with the Emei faction back then. Secondly, the three immortals and the two elders don’t follow the rules. It is loyalty to Wutai, and the latter is a respectful and filial teacher, without the two, you are not a son of man, and you are not worthy of practicing the Hunyuan Immortal Sutra!"

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