The leader of Wutai of Shushan

063 Rules · Celestial Ring

After Yue Qing finished speaking, there was no sound in the hall. After a long while, Jushi Shi Xing Zhengfang said in a deep voice: "The master sat down, and Emei flourished. When one ebbs and the other rises, I have learned the Taoism in the heavenly script. If I want to defeat Emei It’s also difficult.” After a pause, he continued, “Master has the ability to know the world, practiced Taoism for nearly a thousand years, but in the end he was completely defeated in front of the three immortals and two elders. You don’t need to study this scripture!” After finishing speaking, he stood up and bowed deeply to Yue Qing, “I want to go back to Hongmian Ridge in Wuyi Mountain to cultivate, and I will never ask about the grievances and disputes between the two factions from now on, please allow Senior Brother Yue.”

Yue Qing nodded: "This is the best." Stretching out his hand to the door, "Junior brother, please!"

With a long sigh, Xing Zheng led his disciple Lang Teng out of the Seven Star Hall, turned around and kowtowed three times in the direction of Taiyi Palace, and then flew away through the air.

Yue Qing said loudly: "Who else? Those who don't want to avenge their benefactor, don't want to join Emei's three sword fights, stand up now and go out by themselves, we are still brothers, if there is any embarrassment in the future, I will not stand idly by But if I want to repent after I have learned the heavenly scriptures, I must treat them all as traitors, the crime of deceiving my master, then Zhu Hong is the best example!"

This time Iron Flute Immortal Li Kunwu also stood up and bowed to Yue Qing: "Little brother, please leave."

Yue Qing didn't feel well, these brothers from the same school on Wutai Mountain, Li Kunwu was the best with him back then, both of them were good at temperament, they once played high mountains and flowing water on the qin and flute in front of Bailong Hangbi, even the seniors such as Ji Le Daoist and Yi Yuan Patriarch Full of praise.

However, Yue Qing didn't stop him, and only said: "Junior brother, please go."

Li Kunwu also left the palace with his apprentice, the little golden boy Fan Zi, and Long Fei's apprentice, the little spirit monkey Liu Zongqian, quickly chased him out: "Uncle, I will go with you!" Long Fei left in a hurry, so he didn't have time to leave with him. Later, seeing Yue Qing's momentum soared, he became more and more frightening, he was almost in a fight, this time seeing that Li Kunwu was about to leave, he hurriedly followed behind, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he felt chilly on his back, As long as Yue Qing opened his mouth at this moment, he would probably pee his pants in fright. Fortunately, Yue Qing didn't take it out on him, and ran all the way out of the palace gate, covered in cold sweat from fright. The green fire flew into the sky and headed for Mount Lushan.

"Who else has to go?" Yue Qing asked again.

Lin Yuan originally wanted to leave, but Qian Xiao didn't move. Besides, he was also greedy for the Taoism in the heavenly scriptures. Besides, he also heard that Yue Qing had opened the Taiyi Tiangong Furnace in Beishan to refine a batch of treasures, so he was even more reluctant to leave Now, I thought to myself: Even if I have learned the heavenly scriptures, if I leave in the future, what can your surname Yue do to me?So also sit there motionless.

Yue Qing asked three times, but no one responded, he continued: "The third type of people who can't learn are those who don't follow the rules."

Zhitong originally thought that he was the first disciple of Master Tuotuo, and he worked diligently in Ciyun Temple these years, and was the number one hero of the Wutai Sect. After saying this, I was immediately anxious and angry: "Where are the rules?"

"The rules of Wutai School!" Yue Qinglang said.

Qian Xiao interrogated: "What are the rules of Wutai faction?"

Yue Qing said: "Because our Wutai faction was not strict in the past, all of them were lawless and reckless, which caused anger and resentment. In the end, our mentor came out to wipe everyone's ass. This is two fights with the Emei faction. The reason for the sword!"

Lin Yuandao: "My Wutai faction has been the leader of Tianxia Daomen for 500 years. If the Emei faction wants to flourish and go out of Sichuan, it will inevitably conflict with us. This is the key to the enmity between the two factions."

Yue Qingdao: "Those who attain the Dao will be helped more than those who have lost the Dao. 300 years ago, our sect reached its peak. Under the Three Religions, who doesn't respect our master? Even Daoist Master Changmei is very kind and polite when he sees his mentor. But 40 years ago, during the sword fight in Huangshan, how many people still cheered and cheered for our Wutai faction? At that time, the master was besieged by the three immortals and two elders, and no one was willing to come forward to persuade him except the ancestor Li Huo and Master Mao. The so-called Daosheng Of course, there is no way of life without virtue, and no life without virtue. If you want to gain morality, you must first establish rules, and only with rules can you become a square. The Emei sect with long eyebrows will ascend, and our master will fall. As far as I know, after two years In 30 years, the Three Immortals of the East China Sea will ascend one after another, and in another 50 years, even that meal will be consummated. Among us, is there such a person?"

Fa Yuan was quite touched when he heard it beside him: "Junior Brother, tell me, what is the rule?"

Yue Qingdao: "I was studying in Taiyi Palace Jingwu two days ago, and I have obtained nine precepts for heavenly immortals, one hundred and eight precepts for earthly immortals, and five precepts for loose immortals." He took out a newly bound booklet and put it on the In his hand, "It's all written down here."

Fa Yuan asked: "What is the Celestial Ring?"

Yue Qing said: "Heavenly Immortal Precepts are the precepts that must be accepted after the Nascent Soul is conceived, determined to become a Yang God, and willing to enter the Heavenly Immortal Realm. Abstain from prostitution, do not rely on spells, rob women, destroy people's chastity, etc...these nine rules are the nine precepts of the gods."

Fa Yuan thought for a while, then asked: "What about the Earth Immortal Ring and the Sanxian Ring? Why are there so many more of them than the Celestial Immortal Ring?"

Yue Qing said: "The Earth Immortal Precepts are the precepts that must be followed to achieve the status of Earth Immortals after cultivating the Golden Elixir. The Sanxian Precepts are the precepts that must be observed by disciples who have just started refining Qi and begin to condense the Golden Elixir. The Sanxian Precepts have the most, because The disciples who are just getting started, all their behaviors are mortal habits, which are not in line with the path of cultivation. Therefore, they rely on the precepts to guide and correct them, such as when to sleep, when to practice, and not to drink alcohol, not to break the body, etc. Over time, they will naturally develop The habit of the immortal family, the deeper the skill is, the more he understands the way of heaven, then he doesn't need precepts, and he can naturally conform to his nature. For example, young men who are lustful, their Taoism basically stops at Sanxian. I will no longer be obsessed with female sex, so there are the most Sanxian rings and the least Tianxian rings."

Fa Yuan said: "Brother, can you lend me your law book?" Yue Qing handed over the book, and Fa Yuan flipped through it casually, sometimes frowning, sometimes nodding slightly, and sometimes sighing long.

Fa Yuan read it and handed it to Lin Yuan. Lin Yuan read it quickly, only paying attention to a few items related to him, and then passed it to Qian Xiao. Qian Xiao snorted coldly and handed it to Xu Feiniang.Xu Feiniang also participated in the formulation of this commandment, so she didn't need to read it anymore. After her, Long Fei, Li Kunwu and Xing Zheng had left, so they directly handed it over to Tan Gan, and Tan Qian gave it to Bai Xiao after reading it. Most of the above was contrary to what I usually do, so I couldn't help secretly anxious, wiped off my cold sweat, and passed it to Hu Shi, Sun Fu, and Liu Quan. Liu Quan didn't participate in the formulation, but looked at the above I am very kind and happy to pass it on to Zhitong.

Zhitong was holding the book, his hands trembling slightly. He was really angry, and suddenly he put his palms together and smashed the book into pieces: "What are you? You are also worthy to make the discipline of our Wutai sect to restrain us." ?” He is also a lustful master. On the surface of Ciyun Temple, he is a high-ranking monk with clear rules and regulations, but secretly he shoots down the secret room and cellar, raising girls from good families who are looted from outside. The master and apprentice are almost daily. Daily adultery and adultery, this one alone can't pass the test, not to mention that he has committed more than these, but after turning through three or four pages, he has violated nearly a hundred. How can he accept such a precept?

Fa Yuan shouted loudly: "Where the precepts are, it's up to you whether you accept them or not. How did you ruin your master Yue's hard work? Hurry up and apologize to your master uncle!"

Yue Qing waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, I have refined three rhythm stones in the Tiangong furnace, and these have already been engraved on them."

Zhitong said angrily: "I thought you got the book from the sky, you called us together, and you wanted to share it with us, but now I can see that you not only made up your mind to swallow the book from the sky, but also want to take the Wutai together! You squeezed us all away by means, and in the end you are the only one who has the final say here! Hmph, we have practiced with our master for hundreds of years, why did our master ever force us to observe any precepts? The establishment of the precepts should also be attended by the very elderly uncles. How can you make the decision by a junior student? The surname is Yue, you don't need to find excuses and rhetoric. Today you just give us a happy word and bring us here Did they share the Heavenly Book? If so, take out the Heavenly Book now, and each of us will copy a copy and participate in the study separately. If not, please explain it, and let us all worry about it!"

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