The leader of Wutai of Shushan

067 The Beloved Concubine Fang Yurou

Because Yue Qing had something to say in advance, everyone collected the flying thunder beads one after another. Ling Lingzi took ten Guishui Divine Thunder, and the four Chunyang faction also collected nearly a hundred pieces according to their needs. The Liu brothers didn't see anyone else. , The two collected nearly [-] pieces in total, and Liu Quan took the rest in the green mirage bottle. Xu Feiniang prepared a bottle for each of the four Kunlun friends, but Zen Master Zhifei and the others didn't want it.

After the congenital god thunder was sent out, Yue Qing opened the holes in the halls below, and first flew out many bluish-white and black-silver flying swords, which drilled out of the ice cave like a school of fish and flew all over the sky. Xu Feiniang and Liu Quan Try to collect it, and bring it in front of the guests first: "This is the 36-piece Tiangang sword and 72-piece Earth Sha sword. The quality is not bad. Fellow Taoists can take some back and distribute them to the disciples, so as to save the trouble of sacrifice."

Mr. Zhong took a Tiangang sword because his new disciple Huo Renyu didn't have a suitable flying sword yet.The others didn't reach out, Xu Feiniang and Yue Qingzao inquired about the situation of each family in advance, but a new child named Zhuang Yi went up the mountain, and the two disciples of Shui Yunzi fought with others not long ago and were destroyed. Feijian, Xu Feiniang took out three pieces and gave them to them.The rest are stored in the sword box, and will be sent to the Xiantian Pavilion in the future for the disciples who have just started to use.

After the flying sword, many elixir flew out, including the Sanyuan pill for treating internal injuries, the Baiyu pill for treating external injuries, the Yinyang pill for detoxification, the foundation-building pill for changing the body, and the foundation-building pill for strengthening vitality... ...A total of more than [-] grains flew out of the hole, and for a while, the entire top of Beitai Mountain was lingering with a refreshing fragrance.

At this point, the first opening of the furnace is over, the furnace door is slowly closed, the ground fire is rising, and the Qinggang is falling, continue to hone, and the next time it will be opened for the second time after 360 five days.

Sikong Zhan never showed up, but Yue Qing and Xu Feiniang speculated that he must come, maybe he is already lurking around to watch.As the half-head of Wudang Sect, Ling Lingzi couldn't stay here all the time, so he went back to the mountain first.The Kunlun faction is similar to the Wudang faction. After Yiyuan Patriarch ascended to the top, he did not become the leader again. The nine elders of the Kunlun faction jointly manage the educational affairs. Half of the nine elders, the old nuns, were invited to the Wudang faction, and the others were mostly useless , mainly because the four friends of Kunlun are in charge, so they can't live here permanently. The Taiyi Tiangong Furnace has been fully turned on, and it can continuously extract the aura between heaven and earth to run on its own, so they also went back to Kunlun.

The rest of the Chunyang School's Hanxu Immortal Mansion is in Taihang Mountain, very close at hand, and there are only four disciples, while the Maoshan School's three palaces and five views have formed a stable structure. Get things done, so they and the four friends of Wudang stayed.

One year after the furnace was opened for the second time, more than three hundred days passed away in a hurry. Seeing the day when the furnace was opened, a silver light suddenly flew in the sky until it fell in front of the North Pole Fairy Palace, revealing a man in white gauze palace attire. , a beautiful girl about sixteen or seventeen years old, Xu Feiniang recognized Sikong Zhan's disciple, Fang Yurou, the fairy Taoli, and also his favorite concubine. Now that she appeared, Sikong Zhan might not be far away.

Xu Feiniang stepped forward to greet her and said: "Junior Sister Fang, Junior Brother Yue and I sent a letter to Master Uncle Feijian to invite him to preside over the overall situation, but there is no news at all? Do you know about this?"

Fang Yurou's eyes were like autumn waves, and she walked into the hall delicately: "My master said, the master of the Wutai sect has already sat down, and the rest will naturally be respected by him. You disciples and grandchildren have obtained this book and the magic weapon of Zhenshan. I never personally sent the old man to come out of the mountain, but only summoned him by letter, no matter how big or small, I didn’t take him seriously at all.”

Xu Feiniang said: "Wutai faction has a lot of waste to do, we have no skills, so we couldn't go to Yunmeng Mountain to invite Master Uncle to come to Wutai. Please explain a few words for us when Junior Sister returns."

Fang Yurou walked into the Immortal Palace, looked around, found a chair and sat down by herself: "If you really want to repent, hand over the Daoist book left by your uncle, Taiyi Wuyanluo, and your present The treasure refined in the furnace, today I was ordered by my master to get the Xiantian Four Spirit Banner and the Seven Star Xuanguang Sword, I wonder if you will agree to it."

Xu Feiniang said with a smile: "Master Uncle is the only elder of our Wutai Sect. If he is willing to come out of the mountain to take charge of Wutai, we will naturally welcome him with arms raised. It's just that he doesn't want to give favors because of revenge, and he doesn't want to be with Emei. Pie is right, and he just opened his mouth to ask for our ready-made, which is too unreasonable, please forgive us for not obeying orders!"

"You dare to disobey my master's order?" Fang Yurou raised her eyebrows and shouted softly, "My master asked me to come to give you a chance to reform. If you don't know what to do, wait My master is here, don't regret it!"

While speaking, the Hunyuan Zhenqi at the entrance of the ice cave at the back surged, and a fairy sword flew out from it. The surface of the sword was covered with a dazzling light that was more than ten feet long, illuminating the hall brightly, and there were seven bowl-sized swords. The stars were flying around, and it was the Seven-Star Mysterious Light Sword that Fang Yurou had asked for just now. She was not polite, she raised her hand and flew out a piece of red silk gauze, wrapping it around the fairy sword.

"Junior sister, do it slowly!" Xu Feiniang shot out the flying sword, and with a flash of blue light, it cut off Fang Yurou's red rhinestone gauze.

Fang Yurou cursed angrily, and released her flying sword, trying to wrap the Seven-Star Xuanguang Sword, when suddenly a colorful light flew from the side, wrapped the fairy sword, and rolled it away.Fang Yurou didn't recognize Liu Quan, so she glanced at him: "Who are you?"

Xu Feiniang said: "That's our new junior brother, Baishui Master Liu Quan."

Fang Yurou stared at her apricot core eyes: "Okay, you guys are so reckless, you admit my master behind your back, you really don't take my master seriously! Don't be afraid that the old man will find out, and send down the wrath of thunder, Did you all kill them?"

Xu Feiniang lowered her face: "Junior Brother Yue and I teach apprentices on behalf of the master. It's our branch's business, so you don't have to worry about it!"

"Xu Feiniang! How dare you talk to me like that? Are you really tired of working?" Fang Yurou was furious. Sikong Zhan is the younger brother of Taiyi Hunyuan Patriarch. Hunyuan Patriarch's apprentices never dared to contradict him even if they were protected by their master. Now that Hunyuan Patriarch is gone, Yue Qing and his generation are all silent when they see him, and no one dares to give birth to a heart of resistance Come on, Master Tuotuo was able to become the head teacher back then because Sikong Zhan didn't fight with him. Once Patriarch Hunyuan died, he went to live in seclusion in Befu of Shenguang Cave in Yunmeng Mountain.

Xu Feiniang ignored Fang Yurou, and four small flags flew out from the entrance of Hunyuan Hall, each wrapped in a ball of true energy, like animals playing, chasing each other and flying out. Shooting a ray of light to capture the four small flags, they were about to collect them forcibly. Xu Feiniang released the flying sword from the side and slashed Fang Yurou's wrist. Letting out an ear-piercing scream, she didn't bother to collect the magic weapon anymore, turned into a breeze and fled away, Xu Feiniang still asked Liu Quan to take the treasure away.

Fang Yurou stood at the gate of the Immortal Palace, her face flushed with anger: "Xu Feiniang, you dare to hurt a single hair of my hair, believe it or not, my master will let you all die without a place to die!"

"Little girl, you are so arrogant!" Liu Buxu came out from the side hall, "Go and find Sikong Zhan, I'll see how he made us all die without a place to bury!"

Fang Yurou recognized Liu Buxu: "You Maoshan sect, don't meddle in your own business! Otherwise, you will make my master angry, and with a slight movement of your fingers, all your three palaces and five views will be reduced to ashes!"

Liu Buxu sneered: "If Sikong Zhan really has such a great ability, why has he been hiding in the Shenguang Cave of Yunmeng Mountain all these years and dare not stand out? You go back and let him move that finger quickly, and fish the East China Sea first. The rocks will be turned into powder first!"

"You!" Fang Yurou stomped her feet angrily, and took out the camera lens of the heavens to take a picture of Liu Buxu, "The boy wants to die!"

I saw a piece of cold mirror light shining on Liu Buxu, Liu Buxu was dazzled by the light, and his body fell limply on the ground.

Fang Yurou sneered: "Maoshan's Taoism is just like this!" At this time, another magic weapon flew out from the entrance of Hunyuan Hall, Fang Yurou raised the mirror to shine on Xu Feiniang, Xu Feiniang was caught off guard by the mirror light, and struggled for two She also slumped to the ground, Liu Quan yelled, and released the flying sword to slash downwards. She first blocked it with the flying sword, and then took a light shot, stunned and fell to the ground.

Fang Yurou released the red silk to collect the flying treasures, and suddenly Sikong Zhan's voice sounded next to his ears: "You have entered the enemy's illusion, why don't you run back quickly!"

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