The leader of Wutai of Shushan

068 Double Hook·Sikong Zhan

Fang Yurou was complacent, and when she heard Sikong Zhan's warning, she still refused to believe it. Because of her greed, how could she let go of the treasure she saw and saw?He wanted to grab the treasure before leaving, but he saw that the red silk was wrapped around the newly flying sword, before he could take it back, he heard a sudden sound of silk splitting, the sword suddenly burst into light, split into two, and the gust of wind and fire penetrated from inside. He came out, tore the red silk into pieces, then crossed his swords like scissors, and twisted towards Fang Yurou.

Fang Yurou screamed again, and hurriedly released the flying sword to block it. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound above her head that would burst the eardrums, crackling, crackling, like popping beans. She looked up and saw a cloud of gray The cloud and mist hung above, tumbling and about to fall, but was stopped by a blue brilliance, and the two sides rubbed against each other, making a violent explosion.She recognized the cloud-like thing as Xu Feiniang's Hunyuan Endurance Gauntlet, and the blue brilliance as Master's Lie Que Hook, and just realized how powerful it was, and hurriedly stomped away.

Liu Quan's wind and fire swords were also blocked by a cyan brilliance. He tried his best to control the sword, and even changed seven kinds of swordsmanship, but was blocked by the hook and couldn't make an inch. Suddenly, Xu Feiniang shouted from the side: "That's the old ghost Lie Que's double hooks, junior brother, don't be greedy for merit and chase after the enemy, self-protection is the top priority!"

Fang Yurou's body and sword merged into one, turning into a firework and flying outwards. Suddenly, two black air surged from the gate of the Great Hall of the Arctic Fairy Palace. Black and white impermanence appeared inside, both of which were two or three meters high, with a pointed hat on top of their heads. , wearing a long cloak, with his long tongue sticking out, Hei Wuchang held a soul-hunting rope in his hand, and said in a sharp voice: "Fang Yurou! Your time has come, so hurry up and tie your hands and go with us to the underworld to see the judge for trial! "

Fang Yurou just thought that someone else was blinding her eyes again, so she sneered, Yujian slashed at Hei Wuchang, Hei Wuchang shook the hook, and accurately entangled her flying sword. Her sword was forged and bestowed by Sikong Zhan himself , not afraid of any evil, but now being entangled by the black lock, it immediately lost its luster and could not resist.

She was surprised, and hurriedly took out the heavens camera to take a picture. Bai Wuchang held the mourning stick in his hand, and said coldly: "Your thing can only be used against sentient beings in the world. Isn't it ridiculous to use it against us?" As soon as Fang Yurou was knocked on the head, Fang Yurou immediately felt fascinated, dazed, and let Heiwuchang put the seductive rope around her neck, and pulled her out.

Fang Yurou started relatively late and didn't know the mysteries of Maoshan Daoism, but Sikong Zhan was very familiar with it. When he saw the appearance of black and white impermanence, he secretly thought that it was not good. He wanted to take back the double hooks, but was caught by Xu Feiniang and Liu Quan. Fang Yurou was pulled by Black and White Impermanence and walked north. He let out a long cry: "Old Taoist Mao! We have always been in harmony with each other. Are you going to help a few juniors to fight against me?" He sprayed two sprays of essence Furious, the light from Lie Que's double hooks soared, and he forcibly retracted it. Xu Feiniang caught one of the seven Qinglong Naohai swords. Liu Quan's skill was not as good as hers. Seeing that the blue light was about to fly away, he hurriedly took out the blue mirage bottle and released it. The colorful light engulfed the hook desperately.

Sikong Zhan tried three times in a row, but failed to retract the hook. He was both shocked and angry. Seeing Fang Yurou being caught by the black and white impermanence, flying to the north on the cloud road, he was so anxious that he ignored the double hooks and flew over.

Although the black and white impermanence seemed to be strolling in the garden, but it was walking fast on the clouds, Sikong Zhan galloped with all his strength, and did not catch up until thousands of miles away. After rubbing his hands a few times, the sky suddenly shone brightly, as if the sun had set In the world, there are dazzling silver lights everywhere, and each ray of light turns into a foot-long silver needle, numbering more than billions, pouring down like the sun shining all over the sky, wrapping black and white impermanence inside, thousands of needles piercing the body, piercing Dispersed into two groups of smoke.

Sikong Zhan saved Xia Yurou, opened his mouth and sprayed a stream of fairy energy on her face, then reached out and patted her on the forehead, calling out: "Rou'er! Wake up!"

Fang Yurou's mind gradually cleared up, and when she saw that she was wrapped in her arms by her master, she immediately cried out of grievance: "Master, they are really hateful, you want to avenge Rou'er!"

Sikong Zhan thought that Mao Laodao had already started to retreat in the fairy palace. He knew that Mao Laodao's magic power was not inferior to his own. He began to hesitate, and suddenly remembered his pair of immortal hooks, he was distracted by his all-out efforts to deal with the impermanence of black and white just now, but when he remembered again, the pair of hooks lost their sense, he hurriedly made formulas and chanted mantras, but he didn't realize it , as if disappeared from the world.

This shock was no small matter, those double hooks were treasures left by the ancient immortals, and they had been practiced so well that they were in harmony with their souls, so they were determined not to be taken away by others, but at this moment, no matter how hard they practiced, they didn't feel the slightest bit, and they suddenly slammed into flames. He told Fang Yurou to go back to Yunmeng Mountain first, and took back the double hooks by himself, but Fang Yurou refused to do it: "I just want to watch Master kill them one by one with my own eyes!" Said, "Could it be that Master is by your side, can't you protect Rouer Zhouquan?" Sikong Zhan had no choice but to take her with him.

Back on Wutai Mountain again, Sikong Zhan shouted loudly: "Mao Laodao! Come out and answer!"

Liu Buxu stood at the gate of the Immortal Palace and said loudly: "What is the status of my master? How can I come out to see you casually? The old man said that you have no loyalty and do all kinds of evil. You only know how to bully the weak and fear the hard. If you are sensible, go back to the cloud." Go Mengshan and continue to be a bastard! If you don't know how to advance or retreat, you will make the old man angry later, and then life and death will be up to you!"

Hearing these words, Sikong Zhan almost gritted his silver teeth, and stopped talking nonsense, and directly let out the silver light that filled the sky, turning it into a rain of light, illuminating the blue sky and sea of ​​clouds together, covering all areas within a hundred miles. It was so bright that people couldn't open their eyes, covering the entire Beitai Mountain.His treasure is called Gengjia Yunhua Tianmang God Needle, which is condensed from the three kinds of light of the sun, moon and stars. The person who bears the brunt of it, as long as he sees the dazzling light, he has already been stabbed by the needle. First, his eyes will be blinded. Then thousands of needles pierced his body, his body was smashed to pieces, and then he was burned into fly ashes by the real fire contained in the needles. It was so powerful that even a mountain peak would be turned into ashes when he shot it down with such bright eyes.

Sikong Zhan was also in a hurry this time. He knew that Mao Laodao was not easy to deal with, and he couldn't be allowed to hide in the dark and plot plots. The protective formation has not been opened for many years, and the Arctic Fairy Palace is determined not to be able to defend itself with a full blow unless they all hide in the ice hole.

Hundreds of millions of light needles are scattered densely, and they are about to fall on the top of the fairy palace. Suddenly, there is a layer of multicolored mist floating below, trembling and thin. It's like being punctured, but the light needle falls more and more, it can protect it as much as possible, and the haze is getting bigger and bigger, spreading to the surroundings, crossing mountains, rivers, waterfalls, ravines... Finally, the entire Wutai Mountain is protected. host!

Sikong Zhan looked at the Taiyi Wuyanluo below, his eyes were full of greed, he tried to collect it with his own method, but failed twice in a row, he couldn't help being secretly surprised, thinking that the person who controlled the magic weapon actually had So good!Could it be that the two juniors gave this treasure to Mao Laodao, and now he is the one to do it himself?

In the Immortal Palace below, Liu Buxu yelled: "This Sikong Zhan is nothing more than that, he hasn't made any progress in the past 40 years, when I go out, use the Five Elder Immortals to imprint him, forget about running away!"

"Impossible!" Liu Buxuan stopped, "Venerable Maha's magic power is not inferior to that of our master. I don't know what kind of treasures he has practiced in Yunmeng Mountain these years. The reason why he can seize the opportunity this time is because of Senior Brother Yue and Xu Huan. Senior sister has worked so hard to calculate the results in advance, so don't be reckless, so as not to spoil Senior Brother Yue's treasure refining event."

"Then should we just nest here and let him block the door outside and beat him?"

Liu Buxuan said: "Senior brother Yue has already discussed with me. At this time, first use the Taiyi Wuyan Luo to resist for a while, so as not to destroy the scenery of the mountain by him, and then I will arrange the map of the true spirit of my school and spread it among the mountains. After three days, I will accept the Taiyi Wuyanluo, if Sikong Zhan is sensible, then if he doesn't know what to do, let him look good this time!"

"Brother, did you bring out the map of the true spirit?" Liu Buxu was surprised and delighted, and almost jumped up.There are three treasures in the Maoshan faction, and the true spirit map ranks first!It was refined by Sanmao Zhenjun in the Han Dynasty, and later generations of ancestors such as Tao Hongjing sacrificed to the younger generation. It is unmatched in power and infinitely magical. It can evolve stars and rivers in the sky and summon the illusion of gods and generals. It is comparable to Liangyi Mochen of the Emei School array!This treasure is not easy to use. It has always been enshrined in front of the statue of Sanmao Zhenjun in Maoshan, and it is not like the seal of the five old immortals. "I have only heard about the power of this treasure, and I have never seen it. Brother, quickly arrange it!"

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