The leader of Wutai of Shushan

069 Secret Demon·True Spirit Industry

Sikong Zhan saw that the enemy used the Taiyi Wuyan Luo to protect the entire area of ​​Wutai Mountain. He knew the power of this treasure, which can almost be said to be invulnerable to all evil. When the sword is used, it can defend against the enemy's invisible sword, not only will it not be completely defeated, but it may also counterattack the three immortals and the two elders, and win more with less.

He used his own method to collect it several times but failed. He guessed that it was definitely not done by Mao Laodao. This treasure was refined by his senior brother himself. Although his own Hunyuan Zhenqi is not well trained, other methods can't stop it. Since it was entrusted by the juniors of this sect, he has nothing to fear. While spraying his true energy, a large amount of heavenly needles burst out, and they were poured down like a sky. If the magic power is not enough after a long time, you can take the opportunity to collect this treasure.In addition, twelve secret demons of all sizes were released, and they escaped hundreds of places from below, bypassing Taiyi and Wuyanluo, and sneaked into the mountain.

Brothers Liu Buxuan and Liu Buxu arranged the map of the real spirit position in the mountain. The waves are shimmering and the fairy mist is gushing, forming one after another fairyland.Xu Feiniang and Liu Quan continued to collect the magic treasures that flew out of the furnace. Yue Qing had already opened all the eight trigrams hall, and the magic treasures inside flew out one after another, and Liu Quan took them away with the green mirage bottle.

But one son felt that he could join the Chunyang School and practice Lu Zu Tianshu thanks to Yue Qing's recommendation, so he was very grateful and asked Xu Feiniang: "That Sikong Zhan's spells are extraordinary, so many of us are waiting here, It's too shameful to rely on a magic weapon from Fellow Daoist Yue to resist, it's better to go out and meet him for a while, if you can drive him away, it's the best, if you can't return it, it's not too late to think of another plan."

Xu Feiniang smiled and said: "Don't be too busy, fellow Taoist, Junior Brother Yue and I have already prepared in advance. Our uncle specializes in practicing the Ten Demon Sutras, and his mana is comparable to that of the leader of the Northern Demon Cult in the past. What he relies on is, The Lie Que double hooks left by the ancient immortals have been snatched by us. The second is that the Geng Jia Yunhua Tianmang God Needle has been blocked by the Taiyi Wuyanluo. The Twelve Heavenly Secret Demons are the most mysterious and varied demons among the ten demons. Seeing that they cannot come down from above, they will definitely make the secret demons bypass Taiyi Wuyanluo and enter from hundreds of miles away. , That's why we specifically begged Brother Liu to bring the map of the true spirit position and karma. Later, the secret demon will be on the map, and there must be a sense. Brother Liu's mana is not enough to fully exert the function of this map. At that time, we need the help of fellow Taoists, and everyone will surrender together. This demon."

Everyone was surprised and delighted: "The two of you actually have a plan and played with Sikong Zhan in the applause. It seems dangerous today, but in fact, you can rest easy!"

Xu Feiniang said humbly: "Unpredictable, manpower is sometimes poor, but it's just a glimpse. That Sikong Zhan has always been headstrong and doesn't take people seriously. He will kill anyone who disobeys even the slightest bit. Today Refusing to offer treasures has become a mortal enemy, my junior brother and I will first accept his double hooks, and then ban his demon head, if we still don't know what to do, we will break some of his skylight needles and destroy his arrogance, so that we can let him go. He will be afraid of us in the future, and dare not lightly bring trouble on us."

Just as he was talking, Liu Buxu came in via sound transmission from outside: "The devil has arrived, all fellow Taoists, come and help!"

At this time, the second opening of the Tiangong Furnace is about to end, Xu Feiniang asked Liu Quan to stay to collect the Hunyuan Dan and Xuanhuang Dan that were about to fly out, and he flew out of the North Pole with eight people from the Chunyang Sect and Wudang Sect palace.

The secret demons of the heavens flew back and forth without a trace, and cultivators could only perceive a little bit by relying on the induction between heaven and man, or use special magic weapons and spells to see a little trace, but Liu Buxuan had already spread the map of the true spirit on the mountain. For a while, the demon walked on the map, and could no longer hide his whereabouts.On the hillside, in the woods, and in the stream, colorful smoke rises everywhere, and the devil is forced to show up. The Arctic Fairy Palace has been erased from the map by Liu Buxuan. These devils can't find their target, and Sikong Zhan manipulates them to fly around. , searching inch by inch.

Ke Yizi first met a three-headed and six-armed demon head, the devil was several feet tall, with brown hair and fangs, each claw was as big as a millstone, grasping Ke Yizi's flying sword hard, and whimpered out one after another magic flame.But one son cultivated to a very early age, if the seniority is the same as that of Daoist Changmei, but he was originally in a sect, and he couldn't ascend to the fairyland in the fairyland, but after years of practice, the spell became more and more refined. It was thunder and fire all over the sky, which made the devil scream strangely, and then released 36 mountain chisels and 72 wave-breaking cones, hitting thousands of golden and blue thunderbolt snakes, blasting the devil into a ball of flesh and blood, rolling in the air , attempting to restore.

Ming Yizi also met a demon head with a hundred eyes, and Dao Dao transformed into a blood demon light from his pupils. He couldn't resist, and released the measuring ruler to overturn the demon head. When he was about to retreat first, Ling Xu Zi flew over to help, and the two of them worked together to block the devil.

Shuiyunzi Su Xianxiang's magic power is even higher than that of Ke Yizi. The billions of golden sand swords turned into a yellow and white photoelectric torrent covering the sky, covering the devil's head as soon as it came up. Ren dismembered the corpse and beat it into a sticky blood mist.

At the same time, the four friends of Wudang and Xu Feiniang also attacked at the same time, the one with deep Dao Xing dealt with one alone, the two with shallow Dao Xing fought one with one, and nine people fought against six devils. , but cannot be eliminated.

The two sides stalemate for about a cup of tea, Liu Quan flew out from the Immortal Palace, Xu Feiniang immediately took out the Xuanguang ruler that Yue Qing lent her, and waved it to release five light circles, Su Xianxiang happened to smash a demon again It formed a cloud of blood mist, and the five apertures took the opportunity to cover it, enclosing it, and the devil's head took shape in the aperture, and suddenly expanded, expanding the aperture to the size of a washbasin. Xu Feiniang sprayed two mouthfuls of Hunyuan Zhen on the ruler Suddenly, the aperture shrank, compressing the demon head to the size of a thumb, and sent it to Liu Quan. Liu Quan lifted the green mirage bottle, released five-color light energy, rolled it out of thin air, and took the demon head in.

They took the demon leader away here, and Sikong Zhan lost contact with him. These twelve gods and demons were sacrificed by him when he was in the Northern Demon Sect. In harmony, even if the mana is stronger than him, it must not be taken away, but at this time the contact was cut off. When he was wondering and hesitating, several of them lost their senses one after another. Bring back the devil.

Xu Feiniang and Liu Quan put five devil heads into the green mirage bottle one after another, and when they were about to collect the sixth one, the devil suddenly turned into a streak of blood and fled to the southwest. There was a stream of colored smoke, from which appeared a golden armored god over ten feet tall, holding a giant sky-splitting axe, with a loud roar, he swung the ax down and chopped the devil in half.

The remaining two halves of the demon head separated left and right, and fled towards the west and south respectively. Xu Feiniang chased after him, first used Hunyuan End Qi to cover one piece, then used the Xuanguang ruler to collect the other piece and sent it into the Qing Dynasty. In the mirage bottle, in just such a blink of an eye, the previous Tao had already come out of the Hunyuan final air cover, and was about to escape, but was twisted into pieces by Su Xianxiang's billions of gold sand swords, and Xu Feiniang came to collect it.

Everyone rushed to the foot of the mountain to join the Liu brothers. Liu Buxuan and Liu Buxu lay cross-legged side by side on the ground, silently practicing profound arts, and commanded the six gods to suppress one demon head each. Xu Feiniang and Liu Quan used two treasures to collect them in Qing In the mirage bottle.

Sikong Zhan felt that all the demons had lost touch with him, and the first thing he thought of was not anger, but fear.Before coming this time, he had done calculations several times, every time Yue Qing released the treasures, and even the magic treasures he had refined, he had calculated accurately, and he knew all the people present at the meeting well.

He calculated that Mao Laodao had already ascended to the sky, but as far as he knew, since the second sword fight, Mao Laodao had lived in seclusion in Maoshan and no longer cared about the world. , he guessed that he might have made Mao Laodao reverse the yin and yang, disturb the secrets and be deceived, because he couldn't believe that the Liu brothers could cultivate to this level in just 40 years.

Sikong Zhan still has some fears about Mao Laodao, but he doesn't think he has the ability to take away the twelve secret demons that he has sacrificed for hundreds of years. Although he has heard of the three major treasures of the Maoshan School, he has never seen it himself. I have seen the power of the real spirit map, and I didn't expect Xu Feiniang and Liu Quan to have a demon killer like the Xuanguang ruler and a former rare treasure like the blue mirage bottle in their hands. According to his guess, there must be someone better than Mao Older and more powerful masters sit in town, those who have close contacts with the Wutai Sect, the Invisible Venerable of the Eastern Demon Sect and the Chili Old Buddha of the Western Demon Sect have all sat down, and several others, such as the Yiyuan Patriarch of the Kunlun Sect, have also ascended , counting and counting, only Li Jingxu, the originator of the Qingcheng School, has this ability, and suddenly felt guilty and terrified.It was because Li Jingxu looked down on him back then, and only kept in touch with his seniors. Sikong Zhan tried to curry favor with him several times, but was rejected all the time. His apprentice was dragged down, so he couldn't fly up. Sikong Zhan feared him from the bottom of his heart, thinking that if he was here, he would definitely not be able to get anything good today.


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