The Era of Emerald

Chapter 1125 The Most Familiar Stranger

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While Vieri was chatting and laughing with Shevchenko and others, at the same time, on the other side of the player tunnel, Albertini was also talking to Maldini, Costacurta and other veterans in AC Milan. The comrades communicated: "I'm really sorry, Demi (Albertini's nickname). Carlo (Ancelotti) is too stubborn, and Billy (Costacurta) and I couldn't convince him. idea."

"I can't blame you. Last season, I felt that Carlo Ancelotti doesn't like to see me in the team." For the apology expressed by Maldini and others, Albertini is naturally Accept it frankly, "When he asked Galliani to buy Baronio from Lazio, I already knew what he was planning... However, these are nothing. If my departure can make the team's record It's better than last season, so I'm relieved."

Hearing what Albertini said, Maldini and Costacurta looked somewhat embarrassed.After all, the main reason Albertini left the team was that Baronio had shown his ability to replace him last season.Otherwise, Ancelotti would not be able to persuade Galliani to let the other party agree to send away Albertini, the team's main midfielder for the past ten years.

During this period, Berlusconi no longer had the arrogance of being willing to spend a lot of money for the team when he first took charge of AC Milan. He valued his own pocket more than the team's results. After learning that Albertini had been succeeded by someone else, Niner immediately made a decision to send the meritorious player away to reduce the financial burden on the club. In Laobei's view, he would not be so stupid that a man with an annual salary of 260 million U.S. dollars after tax high-paid substitute.

On this issue, Maldini and Costacurta were also persuaded by Ancelotti, so the two who had a certain say in team affairs did not publicly express their opposition to Albertini's transfer at that time.Albertini himself is well aware of this.He knew that if there were no nods from these two locker room bosses, even Berlusconi would not easily sell anyone, let alone the head coach Ancelotti.

But as smart as he is, naturally he won't be so stupid as to bring this kind of thing to the surface.Because once this matter is made public, it will have a considerable negative impact on AC Milan's reputation.For Albertini, who loves the Rossoneri so much, he would never do something that might cause damage to the Rossoneri.

Therefore, in order to avoid further embarrassment between the two parties, in the ensuing conversation, Albertini took the initiative to change the topic, and did not continue any form of communication with these two former teammates about his forced departure from AC Milan.

At this time, Rossetti, the on-duty referee of the game, came over and stopped the chatter between the players of both sides. At the same time, the tense atmosphere before the big battle shrouded the players again!

Soon, after a series of routine opening ceremonies, players from both sides stood up in their respective halfs, waiting for Rossetti to blow the whistle to start the game!

Because Maldini won the coin guessing before the game, AC Milan got the right to kick off first.After the start of the game, they did not take the initiative to shrink the line of defense and wait for an opportunity to counterattack. Instead, they chose to use offense instead of defense. Under the command of Rui Costa and Seedorf, they played steadily and took the initiative to attack Florence's goal!

The reason why Ancelotti adopts this style of play is because he has sufficient confidence in AC Milan's ability to control the midfield-in Ancelotti's view, Rui Costa and Seedorf are both Master-level midfielders, their grasp of the rhythm of the game and the timing of passing the ball can be said to be superb, completely comparable to the dual-core midfielder composed of Pirlo and Albertini; coupled with a strong Baronio, In this game, AC Milan's staffing in the midfield is even better than Fiorentina!

In the face of AC Milan's aggressive offensive momentum, the Fiorentina players responded calmly.Under the command of Nesta, Makelele and others, the players set up defenses within 30 meters of the goal, trying to compress the opponent's passing and movement space as much as possible, so as not to be caught by Costa and Sheff who are good at grasping fighters. The Chenkos find holes in the defense.At the same time, Di Natale and Vincent in the frontcourt also frequently retreated to participate in the defense, constantly entangled and interfered with Seedorf, Costa and Baronio, so as to prevent these three technical midfielders from playing on the field. Form a direct connection and pose a greater threat to Florence's defense!

For the Fiorentina players, the power of this midfield dual-core or even triple-core tactic is simply clear to them.It is precisely because of this that they will pay special attention to cutting off the connection of these organizational midfielders, instead of blindly shrinking the defense line like other opponents AC Milan has encountered this season, allowing the Rossoneri to control the entire midfield. field.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but it is quite difficult to practice.Because this has very high requirements for the player's sense of position and anticipation ability on the defensive end. If a certain standard is not met, it will increase the probability of being scored by the opponent.

"I didn't expect that after losing Pirlo, AC Milan would be able to tap Baronio's potential." Seeing that Baronio's every move on the court is methodical and has the style of a general, Zhuang Mingge Thinking secretly in his heart, "From this point of view, the Italian football in the previous life was not due to the lack of potential of the new generation of players, but because several top giants did not pay attention to training young players. Clubs such as Nesta and Parma are struggling with financial problems and performance pressures, and are unable to provide enough training opportunities for young players as before. A grassroots team that has no star flavor in the eyes of fans."

At this moment, the score on the field changed: Seedorf dribbled the ball from Vincent and Pirlo to force a breakthrough, and after attracting Albertini to grab the ball, he passed the ball to the other side of the field. At the foot of the unmarked Rui Costa!

As a world-renowned top midfielder, Rui Costa certainly will not miss this great opportunity created by his teammates.After getting the ball, he sent a through ball directly to the ground. The ball passed through Stam, who was about to press forward, and came to the feet of Shevchenko, who advanced in time, single-handedly!

The next thing was very simple. The Ukrainian nuclear warhead that formed a single-handed situation successfully detonated in the penalty area of ​​Florence. Although Buffon tried his best to make a save, he was powerless and could only watch the ball fly into the goal behind him.

One to zero!AC Milan, who played away, took the lead in this Serie A No.14 focus battle!

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